Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 21c

They had been forced to get off at the next stop and brought to the satellite station for the metro police force. There was a small area just off the main platform where the police force had offices and the three were brought in. Toshi wasn't under arrest, but he came along anyways. Both Ichikawa and Kingo were in handcuffs. Toshi was torn as to what course of action to take. He definitely wanted to get a hold of his mother, but he also wanted to get a hold of Sato Toshi. However, he didn't want the two to show up at the same location. They might meet and there would be questions.


They almost arrested Toshi as well, but he responded with, "Do you really want to arrest the assault victim?" With that, he got to keep his hands free and use his phone. A quick text to his mother read as follows: 'My friends have been arrested. I'm going to the station with them. It's the metro police. I'll call in a bit, when I know which location we're going to.' He immediately followed up with a call to Sato.


The phone rang several times before he picked up, "Hey, Boss. What's going on?"


Toshi kept his voice low, "What are you in the middle of?"


Sato was quiet for a moment while the sound of typing could be heard in the background, "The London Commodities Exchange. Ruri's breakdown of the rare earth market points to a possible glut and I'm trying to arrange for a short sale."


Toshi smacked his forehead, "Fiddlesticks. I completely forgot that was coming up." He scratched his head, "Okay. Stay on that. We're going to be running out of big market adjustments so we need to capitalize on this one. It's a sure deal. Use half of my personal reserves." The second officer was taking up the rear behind Ichikawa as they walked along. He gave Toshi a puzzled look over his shoulder as he overheard snippets of the conversation.


Sato sounded puzzled, "Running out?"


Toshi sighed, "I told you, my models only work so far into the future then-" He sighed again, "Never mind. Soon as you can, I need you to get a hold of our lawyer, or if you can't reach him, any criminal lawyer. Send him down to..." He was walking into the satellite station and could see the name of the place on the glass doors, "Sixth street police station. But don't send the lawyer for me. Send him for Sado Kingo and instruct him to inquire and help Ichikawa as well if possible. Don't worry about the money, just get someone here ASAP."


Sato sounded concerned, "Are you in trouble?"


Toshi glared at the cop who was looking back at him, "No, but my friends are. I got to call my mom." He covered the phone and turned away to make sure the cop didn't overhear this part, "Make sure the lawyer pretends not to know me."


Sato sighed, "This is another one of those things I shouldn't ask questions about?"


Toshi dropped his hand, "Yup." He paused, "And in case I forget to say it, Thank you for all the hard work you do." He tapped the end call button before Sato could respond.


On the other end, Sato stared at the phone and got a soft smile. He glanced over at his son who was sleeping on the couch and immediately felt a great upwelling of gratitude. He turned back to his computer and began doing searches while sending out emails. He'd get this problem solved in no time.


Meanwhile the three were hauled into the back room that was a wide open area with several desks. Toshi was asked to sit on a bench on the far side of the room. Ichikawa and Kingo were brought to desks on opposite sides from each other. Their handcuffs were undone from behind their back, but then each had one hand cuffed to their chair by a long chain. They had some freedom of movement, but standing up was no longer an option. Ichikawa was ignored. The first officer went off to talk to someone while the second one took to handling processing Kingo.


Toshi frowned as he tried to make a phone call and realized he couldn't get any bars. He called up messenger and found a reply text from his mom that basically amounted to, "Are you okay? What's going on? Call me immediately!" He settled on texting her back, "I can't get a signal in here. Sixth street satellite station. Kingo punched someone." Toshi paused then deleted that last line. He retyped it, "Kingo had an episode and is being changed with assault. Any chance you can come down here and help him out?" He sent the text and waited.


Slipping the phone in his pocket, he held up a finger towards the nearest police officer and wiggled it until he got her attention. The officer looked up at Toshi, "Yes?" Toshi gave her his most winning smile, "Hi. I'm Kimoto Toshi. I wanted to try and call my mom, but there is no reception here. Could I use your phone for three minutes?"


The officer was about to answer when Kingo shouted, "He Had It Coming!" Toshi's heart sank into the sewer beneath the subway as he heard Kingo continue, "Yeah! I decked him! I was protecting that woman! He slapped her, backhanded her, then slapped her again! I was protecting her from ASSAULT!" His chain jangled as he hooked his thumb into his chest, "Is a husband just allowed to start BEATING his wife because they were running late?" The officer interrogating Kingo stabbed a finger at him, "Keep your voice down!"


The officer that Toshi was talking to noticed he was paying attention to the argument unfolding across the room. She turned to Toshi and motioned for him to lean closer, "You might want to get your friend a lawyer. Officer Nagai is a real bitch."


Kingo rolled up his sleeves and folded his arms to give Office Nagai a look of utter contempt. Now, in the normal world, this would simply be a gesture of silent intimidation. It's the sort of thing a police officer would just blow off and ignore as the posturing of a teen-age boy. However, in mirror world, it had a different connotation entirely.


The officer next to Toshi sounded rather surprised as she stared at the unfolding drama. She muttered to herself, "Is your friend actually offering to have sex with her to drop the charges?" She turned to Toshi with a surprised look, "A bold move."


Toshi blinked and looked at her, "What???"


Officer Nagai slammed her pen down on her desk as hard as she could and stood up so fast she almost knocked her chair over, "Who do you think-?" She stormed around behind Kingo, yanked him to his feet, Cuffed his hands behind his back, then frog marched him off to the interrogation room. The officer next to Toshi just raised her eyebrows then got up, "Well! I guess it's time for my break." Then started walking off.


Toshi called after her, "Wait! Now?"


The officer looked back as she walked off to the break room, "You know the old saying. Hear no evil, see no evil, and you won't have to testify about evil." She gave Toshi a wave with a wiggle of her fingers as she stepped out of the room.




Toshi held up his phone and started to wave it about in the desperate hope of picking up a few bars.

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