Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 22c


When Yori took out Toshi's phone and looked at it, that was what was on the front of the phone. No icons. No indication the phone was operating in a normal fashion. Just the white text glowing on the black screen. Yori eyed the phone as he held it out for all three to look at. He turned his attention to Toshi and was about ask something when the phone vibrated and the text changed.


Yori eyed the phone then silently handed it to Toshi.

The Text changed: You Have To Get Out Of There. You Are In Danger.

Toshi stared at the phone and muttered, "What the-?"

Abruptly the Text changed: There is no time to explain. You have to leave the building at once.

Toshi narrowed his eyes then said, "This shouldn't be possible. I'm not going to trust you until I know who I am talking to and why I need to leave." The screen went black. Nothing happened for several seconds.

The screen changed: This is your ToughTop. If we knew that your meeting Yumi was going to blow out the wards, we never would have let you two get together. You are attracting very dangerous attention. You need to get out of there. I will direct you to someone who will transport you to safety.

Yori looked over Toshi's shoulder at the phone, reading along. He looked up at Toshi, "How is that phone working right now?" Toshi squinted a bit, "You're my Tough-" His eyes widened with sudden realization, "You've been in my laptop this whole time?" He slapped a hand over his mouth and took a second to compose his thoughts, "Wait." He glanced up, "What'll happen to these two?"
The phone changed: Don't worry about that.
"Oh I am fuckin' worrying about THAT!" He started to stab a finger at the phone, "If I'm in danger, they're in danger so they're coming with me!"
Yumi looked from Toshi and back to Yori a few times before asking, "What's going on?"
Toshi winced, "You wouldn't believe me. Let's just say it's my guardian angel."
The text scrolled: That is exactly what I am. Toshi, you need to-
Toshi cut the text off, "Nope. We all go, or we all stay."
The phone went dark. a few seconds later there was a single word: AGREED. Then it went black.
The door suddenly opened up. It was a young woman, one of the orderlies from before. She came rushing over with the keys to start unlocking Yumi's restraints, "I will lead all of you out to transportation and get you all to safety."
After unlocking Yumi's last handcuff, she jumped up and started to back off, "I don't know what the HELL is going-"
In a blur the orderly was upon Yumi, holding her off the ground by the throat, displaying absolutely inhuman levels of strength. The orderly spoke with a voice that was strangely calm, "Allow me to explain. Toshi is what is important. He states he will not leave without you, then you are going with him." The orderly narrowed her eyes, "One way or another."
Yori rushed the orderly and punched her in the back of the head. He then staggered back cradling his hand, "Ahhh... fuck!" He looked like he had just punched a brick wall.
The orderly glanced over her shoulder at Yori, "You cannot stop me, but you can injure the person I am possessing. If you do not want her death on your conscious, I suggest you stop."
Toshi stood there in shock, "You're an angel, aren't you?"
The orderly nodded and returned her attention to Yumi, "Are you going to behave, or am I knocking you out and dragging your unconscious form out of this facility?" Yumi, who was struggling with the iron like grip around her throat, croaked out the word, "yes!"
The orderly immediately dropped Yumi, "Follow me." Then headed out into the hallway to check to see if it was clear. The second orderly was there, but lying on the floor, out cold. The angel possessed body froze up for a second, then the power in the building flickered, "I have fixed the security system. This way." Then spun on her heel and started off down the hallway.
Yori went to his sister to help her stand. She was rubbing her throat and looking at Toshi, "What the fuck are you?" Toshi snapped back, "I'm as human as you!" He went to the exit, looked both ways, then motioned for them to follow. He hurried to catch up with his Guardian Angel, "Hold up! They are lagging behind."
The angel didn't even look back, "If they fall behind, they get left behind. My orders are your preservation at all costs, even my own existence." She got to a locked gate. She didn't bother to unlock it or anything, instead she grabbed it and pushed it open, causing the locking mechanism to shatter in the process.
Yori and Yumi hurried to catch up, joining Toshi and the angel as she turned to enter a stairwell. Someone in a guard's uniform stepped around the corner from further down the hallway. He raised a hand and said, "Hey! What-"
The angel waved in his direction. The guard's eyes rolled up into his head and he slumped to the floor, "He's just sleeping. Don't worry about the collateral damage. We have someone coming by to clean things up and make everything go back to normal."
As the four hurried down the stairs, Yori spoke up, "Wait. Explain this to me, you... are an angel?"
Reaching the bottom of the stairwell, the angel shoulder the emergency exit, practically taking it off it's hinges, "I will not wait. There is no time to explain. Yes." The four found themselves outside in a courtyard that had a barbed wire topped fence around it. In case of a fire, people could get outside easily, but once outside, there was no easy way to go any further. Well, no easy way for a human.
The angel walked straight towards the parking lot. The chain link fence just seemed to melt away as the angel walked through it, leaving a human sized hole for the others to follow. The angel walked up to the nearest car, a four door sedan. It was in the designated parking spot of the facility director. The angel gestured and all four doors opened at once, "Get in." Before Toshi could do anything, she grabbed him and practically threw him in the passenger seat, slamming the door on him. The angel didn't bother to check on the other two, just moving around the car to get in the driver's seat. 
Yori and Yumi both jumped in the back seat just in time for the angel to floor it and take off towards the main exit.
The security guard at the main gate, seemingly on his own, lifted the swing arms that blocked the entrance. As the four people shot past the pillbox, the guard smiled with a glazed over look in his eyes and tipped his hat.
"Have a nice day!"

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