Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 24c

"Why the Hell is he ignoring me?"



Naora had spent most of Sunday trying to get ahold of Toshi, but for some reason he didn't seem to be getting her messages. But then Monday began and it became obvious he was ignoring her. Something had happened on their date, that much was obvious. Meiko went from this quiet mouse of a girl, who admittedly could kick ass when she wanted, but she was always defensive. She never started anything. She was the very definition of passive.


Then Meiko strolls into the school like she owns the place.


No. Not like she owns the place. Like she owns TOSHI. That T-shirt she was wearing. It looked like the sort of thing you could buy from a photo booth or at a souvenir shop. Everyone was talking about how Madoka and Toshi was a thing, but it was obvious from talking to Toshi that he didn't care. But this? This wasn't just an act by someone who was desperate for attention. This wasn't what someone who was a coward did. She wore it with confidence and carried it with a cocky swagger.


The part that boggled her the most was that from her spies, it seemed like Hinako wasn't on board with this. On one hand, it was nice to see that there were cracks forming in Hinako's little gang, but on the other hand, it twisted her stomach that Meiko was so blatantly laying a claim on Toshi. Unfortunately, Naora didn't have much time to do much investigation before class started. So she focused on trying to get a hold of Toshi.


And kept trying.


Naora was angry with him. She knew that the two of them weren't officially a couple, but he was hers. She knew all this mess was because Naora couldn't commit and wouldn't take the next step, but it didn't change the fact that she felt a certain amount of possessiveness. The more she thought about being ignored, the more she thought about the plan that she and Midori had concocted. It was slimy and underhanded, but frankly, she felt justified. Sometimes you just have to take what you want. Life ain't fair and you have to make your own justice.


Although, she'd settle on Toshi just returning her texts.


Her phone was working. She could text other people. Home room was over and she was into her first class of the day, when she started thinking about having someone else text him and see if he was just ignoring her, when suddenly her phone started vibrating, and KEPT vibrating. When she opened it up, there was a wall of text as it seemed like every message from the past twenty four hours suddenly came through at once. The most disturbing part was the last ten minutes seemed to be just Toshi typing 'PLEASE' repeatedly.


She scrolled up to read the words immediately proceeding that word and her heart leapt into her throat. She glanced up and realized that her class wouldn't be over in another twenty five minutes, and there was no way she was going to wait. She raised her hand and waved it around until the older gentleman who was her math teacher teacher finally looked over.

"Yes?" He asked in that slow and monotone fashion he had that was perfect for putting students to sleep.

"I gotta take a crap." Naora said in a sarcastic tone that never failed to get all the girls in her class to snicker. She could be quite funny when she wanted to be, but not she was trying to have a plausible excuse for why she was going to vanish for a while. The teacher looked annoyed and just gestured to the door, "Take the hall pass with you."


Kagi was sitting next to Naora and looked puzzled. Naora gave a quick hand gesture to indicate she should stay put. Three extended fingers indicated it wasn't a major issue at the moment, but might get worse later. Naora walked towards the exit backwards for three steps so the teacher couldn't see her mouth the word 'Rooftop' before She turned away from Kagi and headed out.


Naora took the steps two at a time, sprinting up the stairs. It was a big roof, but she knew exactly where he'd be. She had enough presence of mind not to slam the door behind her, but she still rushed over to that spot that they both met up here, so many months ago. There he was, slumped down next to the same air conditioner she had told him about his sister and what really happened between their two families.


She realized that she never said she was sorry for what she had told him.


What she had said to him was cold, and cruel. She had said it specifically to hurt him and for no other reason. This was the first time since then she had been up here and the pain was still fresh. She made a note to herself to apologies to him later. He was sitting there, knees up to his chin, head down, tapping away on his cell phone. He didn't even seem to notice that she was there. She stood there for a few moments, panting heavily, wondering what was going on. Something was seriously off here, "Hey." She called out.


He looked up with puffy, red eyes.


In ll the time she'd been with Toshi, this was the first time she'd ever seen him cry. There were a couple of times she tried to tease him into crying. One time he accidentally caught his hand in a door and all he did was wave his hand around and curse. Most boys had learned at quite an early age to weaponize tears. Toshi never did. He occasionally would pretend to be sad, but almost always he'd grin a second later after using puppy dog eyes. It was a joke. He not only never cried, he seemed to actively loath crying, or weakness of any kind, for that matter. He was willing to forgive it in others, but not in himself. Most men found weak women to be disgusting, but not Toshi. He enjoyed being the strong one in the relationship. He wanted to be the one who supported, who you could depend on.


She would have been less shocked if lead turned into gold before he very eyes.


"Who did this to you?" Naora's fists started to tighten. Who ever did this was DEAD.


Toshi shook his head and dropped his phone. He was unable to hold onto it anymore his hands were trembling so much. Naora knelt down next to him, "It was Meiko, wasn't it? I'll Kill her. I swear I-"


Toshi's hand reached out to cover her mouth. She froze. He shook his head and seemed to be unable to speak. It took him several attempts before he finally said, "Just... hold me." Whereupon he burst into tears. Honest to goodness sobbing. 


Naora felt completely helpless. There was a problem in front of her, and she couldn't do anything to fix it. She couldn't even figure out what caused the problem. She couldn't move as this whole situation was alien to her. This isn't how she handled things. However, when he reached for her, she finally snapped out of it and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight as he seemed to consumed with sadness. He said nothing as he buried his face in her shoulder. All she could think to do was slowly stroke his hair, "What's wrong? Why are you sad?"





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