Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 25c

The fight of the decade was about to unfold.




The angel trapped inside of Toshi had been desperately trying to figure out a way to stabilize their condition. Alas, his ability to control Toshi was iffy at best, and as such, he barely managed to convince the Nurse that Toshi needed to go home. Instead of calling Toshi's parents, the angel figured that getting Toshi's assistant to help would be more practical.


Unfortunately, Toshi's abrupt departure left everyone else in the school wondering what was going on. Rumors flourish in a vacuum and because someone saw Naora leave the same stairwell as Toshi, someone had an opportunity to start one. Toshi, who ran to the nurse's office looking like he had been crying, inadvertently set the ball rolling. People assumed that Naora was the one who made Toshi cry. Fast forward to school letting out and next thing you know Hinako was calling out Naora after school to meet behind the Gym.


Hinako had been looking for an excuse to pick a fight with Naora ever since her brother took two in the back for her. There was no logic or reason for it. It was simple, unadulterated hatred. Time and time she tried to pick a fight with Naora, and time and time again, Naora just walked away. This time was going to be different. This time Toshi wasn't at the school to defuse the situation.


Hinako had the disadvantage that she couldn't just beat the crap out of Naora. Hinako was the school hero. The one everyone looked up to. She had to follow 'the rules' because she had to protect her reputation. The fact that Naora seemed to be chilling out and no longer causing trouble was an uncomfortable truth that Hinako wanted to ignore. Frankly, Hinako just HATED Naora.


Long story short, Naora and her crew were facing off against Hinako and her crew where the teachers wouldn't interfere.


Kenko and a few of his friends were there as well. In a way, they had been the cause of this confrontation. Kenko was always the central hub of the school's rumor mill. His speculations were what caused things to spiral out of control. Ironically, he didn't start the rumor to involve Naora. He saw Toshi's reaction to Okuda earlier in the classroom and it sent a chill up his spine. He was trying to imply that Okuda was the cause of what happened. However, rumors take on a life of their own and it quickly got out of control.


Nobody thought for a moment that Okuda could have been involved and just assumed that someone misheard something. No no no, far more likely that Naora was the cause and Hinako didn't care if it was true or not. She just needed the flimsiest of excuses to confront her nemesis.


On the other side of this, Naora was finally fed up with this shit. She had been trying to do right. She was trying to be better. She wanted to figure out a way to live her life as a normal person. Toshi was the only one willing to give her a chance and she was sick and tired of Hinako constantly digging at her. If Hinako wanted a fight, she was going to get one.


But just to be safe, Naora was going to make sure Hinako started it.


"I'm right here." Naora gestured at her face, "You wanted this. Well. Here I am!"


Hinako squared off against Naora as everyone else gave the two room, "I knew that your supposed 'transformation' was bullshit. There wasn't anyway you could change."


Naora cleaned out her ear with her pinky, "Sorry. I don't speak bastard. Think you could explain what the hell your problem is?"


"I told you to stay away from my brother. I don't know why he thinks you might be worth saving, but I knew it was only a matter of time before you took advantage of him." Hinako flexed her fists.


Naora nodded, "Ah. yes. The guy saved my life so clearly I'm going to hurt him. So what am I supposed to have done this time?"


"You tell me." She hooked her thumb over her shoulder, "I got witnesses saying he ran out of a stairwell in tears to get away from you."


Naora closed her eyes and looked away while taking a deep breath, then let it out slowly, "You know what? Why the fuck aren't you just asking him what happened?" She snapped her fingers, "Oh yeah, that would involve treating Toshi like a real person and NOT like a mushroom you keep in the dark and feed bullshit."


Hinako stabbed a finger at Naora "You keep his name out of your mouth!"


Without thinking, Naora sarcastically quipped, "Oh his name isn't what I've had in my mouth." The moment she spoke the words, she regretted it. She knew instantly she had crossed a line. Even as she tried to think of a way to walk it back, Hinako was already launching herself at Naora. Naora's blood ran cold as she had a flashback to the last time they had fought. It had not gone well for Naora.


Hinako had done a fine job kicking her ass.


It was go time, except that time wasn't acting right. Maybe it was all the training, but Naora was better prepared then she thought. Hinako seemed to be moving slow. Naora just side stepped each punch. She would spin to the side, or lean back. At first she wasn't sure what was going on. She assumed that Hinako, for whatever reason, was going easy on her. Glancing around showed that Hinako wasn't the only one Naora was faster than.


After falling back several steps. Naora stopped retreating and began deflecting blows. She was increasingly confused at how easy it was to simply push the punches to the side. She felt this great upwelling of joy as she realized that she could beat the every living shit out of Hinako. It was time for some payback! It was time for Revenge! It was...


Toshi's sister.


As much as she hated Hinako, this was still Toshi's family and she couldn't just beat her ass. This fight had to end without significant blood shed. As another punch came for her head, she spun into it so her back was up against Hinako. She deflected the fist with one arm and drove her elbow into Hinako's ribs with the other. The blow sent Hinako staggering backwards as the unexpected injury forced all the air from her lungs.


This caused the fight to come to a pause while Hinako recovered. Everyone's jaw dropped open at what appeared to be the most effortless responce ever on Naora's part. They expected Naora to take advantage of the stunned Hinako and continue the fight, but all Naora did was turn around and hold up her hands in a gesture of surrender.


If everyone's jaws were hanging open from that, what happened next caused every chin to hit the floor.


"I'm SORRY!"


Hinako winced as she held her ribs. The statement from Hinako took her completely off guard, "What?"


Naora smacked her forehead, "LOOK! Your Brother is... nice. He's great! For many reasons, I value him. I can't even begin to tell you how important it is to me that he's happy, alright?" She gestured off to the side, "I'd never do anything to hurt him. EVER. I don't know why he was crying. I don't know why he left the school. I don't know! I wish I did. I wish I could fix whatever it was because-"


~Because I love him.~


Naora thought it, and almost said it, but she knew she couldn't. There would be tio much damage to Toshi's reputation, to her reputation, and Hinako would most likely just straight up try to kill her. Just standing there, watching Hinako, it was clear she was completely enraged. Hinako's hatred had her completely unhinged and...


It was eye opening.


Naora thought back to when she used to be like that. How much more happy she had become since she started letting go of her rage. In that moment, she no longer hated Hinako. Naora had nothing but a great upswelling of pity.


Hinako, on the other hand, had not let things go.


"Because? Because of what? Why would-" She noticed the look on Naora's face and suddenly thought of a way to hurt her, "Oh my god." Hinako started to laugh, "No. No it couldn't be. Seriously?" She started to stalk around Naora. She was clearly trying to draw in the crowd. Naora might have learned some fancy new moves, but Hinako knew how distracting getting mocked by a crowd could be.


Naora, noticing something had changed, but not sure what, took a step away from Hinako, "Huh?"


Hinako stopped in front of Kenko and looked at him while she pointed at Naora, "She's in love with him!"


Kenko, knowing a cue when he sees one, immediately burst out laughing, "Wait wait wait, What?" He pointed a finger at Naora, "HER?"


Naora froze. She didn't want to admit it, but she didn't want to deny it either. Her hesitation was all the opening Kenko needed, "Oh my god!" He looked right at Naora, "Do you have any idea what he says about you?" The rest of the boys behind Kenko started to nod and bob their heads while folding their arms. Kenko let out a soft laugh, "I will admit, he does feel a great deal of pity for you, but considering how well it's going with Madoka, I don't see how you could even IMAGINE that you have a chance with him!"


Naora narrowed her eyes and clenched her jaw, ~That's a lie. He'd never...~ However, there was now the taint of doubt in the back of her mind. The words stabbed at the heart of her deepest fears.


Hinako stepped closer, "I can see how you might day dream about it. I mean, you are a terrible person who nobody could possibly love." She paused then added, "I believe that includes your dead father, yes?"


From everyone else's perspective, there was just this blur of dark wispy smoke and the next thing everyone saw was, somehow, Naora had closed the fifteen feet between them and punched Hinako dead center in the chest.


Hinako flew backwards another ten feet to land flat on her back at Kenko's feet.




Hinako didn't move.


Naora was shaking all over as the adrenaline flowed through her. She was ready to fight. She was pissed. She stepped closer and yelled again, "I SAID-" Hinako wasn't moving, "Hinako, Stop Fucking around and..."

A deep, icy cold gripped Naora's heart as she realized she wasn't sure Hinako was breathing.







And that was when Meiko came leaping out of the crowd and tried to kick Naora's head off.

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