Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 28b

Toshi and Ruri sat on a bench behind the school.



During their free period, Ruri and Toshi decided to head outside for a conversation. Both of them were tense and apprehensive. Ruri was a bundle of nerves. Toshi wasn't looking too good either. As they sat down, a heavy silence hung in the air, neither of them uttering a word. After a while, Toshi extended his hand, gently placing it on Ruri's shoulder. She leaned into him, seeking comfort in his presence.


"Of course, it'd be you who could see through this." Ruri commented with a certain tone of annoyance.


Toshi raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"


Ruri rested her head on his shoulder, "You are so weird that it's obvious you'd be the only one to notice I had turned invisible."


Toshi took a deep breath to protest, paused, then seemed to change his mind about what he was about to say, "Yeah. That's fair."


Ruri nodded slightly, "At first I was afraid I was dead. But when I left my house to scream in the streets, people told me to shut up or they'd call the cops. It's like only people I know can't see me... unless I'm humble. I lost my temper and started yelling in the kitchen. Nobody noticed. I finally broke down into tears and cried myself out and that's when Mom saw me. But after she was done making me feel better, I vanished again." She looked up at Toshi, "What do you think is happening?"


Toshi took a deep breath, "Not... sure."


"I'm starting to think god is behind it." She closed her eyes as she leaned into Toshi a little bit harder, "Like, he's teaching me a lesson, or something."


"Nah." Toshi shook his head, "God's out of town. If it's a lesson, someone else is behind it."


Ruri abruptly burst into laughter, before sobbing and grabbing his shirt tightly, balling up the fabric as she made a fist, "I'm scared." She mumbled as she fought to keep from crying, "Please stop making jokes about this."


"I'm not joking." Toshi bit his lower lip in thought.


Ruri sat up to pull away and look at Toshi, "Come again?"


Toshi furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "I have to assume that somehow, this is related to me. But how?" He absentmindedly scratched his chin, his gaze fixed in the distance. "What happened? Did... I rub off on you somehow? No... that doesn't make sense."


Ruri grabbed Toshi by the collar and shook him violently, "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?"


Toshi looked at Ruri with a surprised expression. He paused, pulled her hands off him, then stood up, "C'mon. I'll show you." He offered her a hand.


She gazed up at him and weakly took his hand as if all her energy was spent. He led her over to a nearby drinking fountain, explaining, "It seems to work easier with water. Not sure why. Maybe it's because I find it so relaxing." Moving up behind her, he positioned her in front of the fountain, instructing her, "Hold down the button and watch the water."


Ruri glanced back at him, "Okay..." She turned back as she pressed the button. The water shot up in a gurgling arc, "What am I looking for?"


Toshi put his hands on her shoulders as he leaned in. He focused on the water while he whispered into her ear.






"This might feel a little weird."



Harou waited in Toshi's room.





Harou was positioned by Toshi's door, holding the game he had secretly hidden in his friend's room during their previous game session. It surprised him that game rentals were still a thing in this world, so he wasn't about to let such a perfect cover story go to waste. He had gone so far as to rent a game that needed to be returned today, and he had left the receipt inside the case, just in case he needed to provide proof. All that was left was for Hinako to accompany him upstairs.


Why wasn't she following him upstairs?


In his mind, Harou was growing increasingly anxious. He realized that his plan had taken an unexpected turn with Hinako's absence. He had calculated everything meticulously, including timing and positioning. His internal dialogue raced, ~Oh, come on. There's a stranger in your house! This is not how I planned this out! I even did sprint tests. I'll have a minimum of eight seconds if you're next to the bathroom door, but I NEED you at that exact spot. Or in your bedroom, at least!~


His anxiety surged, ~Maybe I should abort?~ He closed his eyes and lightly tapped the side of his head against the door, berating himself, ~I'm so weak. Why am I so weak? Why am I doing this? Just to pretend I have a connection to...~ He hit his head one more time before he resolved to give up, ~This was never going to work.~


With a sigh, he opened the door and started to head downstairs. However, just as he had just stepped onto the stairs, Hinako came out of the living room and was finally ascending, ~...Or not.~ He thought to himself as he tried to rapidly restructure his plan.


Harou held up the video game with a cheerful smile, "Found it!" Then glanced down the hall, "Uhh... could I use your bathroom?" He pointed in its direction while he watched the approaching Hinako with a hopeful expression.


She shrugged and finished walking up, "Sure. Go ahead."



Harou turned to hurry to the bathroom, hoping to give the impression he was in distress and would be a while. As he closed the door, he put his ear to it and held his breath, ~Eight seconds.~ He pulled out his phone and flicked the screen to take it out of sleep mode. The app he needed was waiting for him All I need is for her to go to her room and...~ Just as he heard her open her bedroom door, he stabbed his phone with a finger.


A loud knocking could be heard downstairs.


Harou winced, ~I think I have the volume too loud.~


There was a moment of silence, then he heard Harou walking away. He cracked the door to peek. He saw her step around the corner. Harou slipped out, counting in his head, ~One... two... three...~ He reached her dresser. He pulled open the top drawer and there it was. Harou's holy grail. He snatched a pair off the top, briefly touched it to his nose, then turned to leave with a whole three seconds to spare, ~All I have to do is get back in the bathroom-~


That was going to be difficult.


What with Hinako standing in the bedroom doorway, Harou's knock box in hand.


Hinako grinned in a rather sinister way as she spoke quite casually.









"So if I said you had a beautiful cock, would you hold it against me?"

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