Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 5a

Toshi had a very bad feeling.


He had gone to the temple he usually contacted god at, but god didn’t respond. Tosh wasn’t expecting a reply. After all, God did say he was going to be busy for quite some time. It was worth a shot, because Toshi needed to get definitive answers. So he came home to try and figure things out on his own.


Toshi had come to a scary conclusion.


He was reviewing FictionTropes. Specifically, the romance tropes section. As he read, his scary conclusion came into sharper focus, and increasingly more terrifying. “The star-crossed lovers” He muttered to himself as he jotted down Naora’s name. He went to the next tab, “Love at first punch.” and jotted down Madoka’s name. He turned to the next tab, “Crash into Hello.” He continued muttering to himself, “A sub-trope of meet cute. If you crash into a member of the opposite sex in an utterly implausible fashion and wind up entangled after dropping everything in a hilarious way, congratulations, you just fell in love.” He bit his lower lip as he jotted that down along with Meiko’s name.


He leaned back in his chair and then jotted down ‘Abi’ with a question mark. He sighed, “Oh god. Am I trapped in an otome game?” He slowly rotated in his chair as he pondered this, ~I thought serendipity was intended to even out the worlds and keep them mirrored.~ He leaned back and looked at the ceiling, “But if that’s not the case… then should I have different expectations?”


Toshi’s dad, Hirofumi poked his head in, “What expectations are those?”


Toshi sat up, “Oh. Sorry. Just thinking out loud.” His father came over to sit on the corner of the bed, “I imagine you have a lot on your mind. Your sister says you almost died today. The school said it was an accident. She’s not sure. You want to tell me what’s going on?”


Toshi snorted, ~Yeah. But you would never believe me.~ He smiled, “What’s going on is my sister is trying to set me up with a girlfriend before she graduates and I am… worried about what is expected of me.” His father nodded, “And that has ‘what exactly’ to do with falling down a stairwell?”


Toshi’s smile faded, “One of those girls she set me up with is the one who caught me.”


His father straightened up, “Oh?” He frowned, “OH.” He scratched his chin, “So you feel an obligation on this date.” Toshi nodded, “I feel obligated to treat her.” His father’s eyes widened, “You do NOT have to treat her!” Toshi pulled back a little, “Uh? Why can’t I pay for the date?”


Hirofumi froze, “Pay for the-?” He let out a short breath, “Whew! Oh! Sorry. I Misunderstood. I thought-” He waved his hand, “Never mind. Sure. You can pay for the date. That’s okay.” Toshi was annoyed. He gave his father a flat look then spoke in a casual tone, “And I figure while I'm at it I should fuck her brains out.”


Hirofumi’s eyes became dinner plates as his jaw dropped open, “WHATWHATWHAT?” Toshi tried to hide his smirk, but wound up laughing. His father glared and his expression turned very angry in short order, “THIS… Is NOT funny!” Toshi continued giggling, “Then why am I laughing?” His father started to stand up and come closer. Toshi held up his hands in surrender, “Alright! Alright! Look! I’m just messing with you because you think the worst of me.”


He pointed at himself, “I’m capable of going on a date without getting tricked or seduced, or molested. I can take care of myself.” His father sat back down, but leaned in closer, “I worry, okay? And… saving someone’s life is… a powerful thing.” He looked up and out the door to the hallway, “Part of the reason I fell in love with your mother.” He smiled wistfully, “I think it’s a weakness that might run in the men of our family.” He looked back at Toshi, “I’m worried you might get confused and… not think clearly.”


Toshi just stared at his father, “Wait… did Mom save your life so you jumped her bones?” Hirofumi sputtered and looked about nervously, “Why I- How could- What- Why would you-” He sputtered a bit more, then finally said, “Nothing quite so dramatic… but basically, yes.” He hung his head, “You have no idea how hot your mother was when she was young. I mean, damn she was HOT.” He paused before adding, “She still is, just… more like fine wine.” He looked at Toshi, “You really have no idea.” He thought for a moment, “Or… maybe you do. How do you feel about this…?” He rolled his hand in the air.


“Meiko.” Toshi supplied, “Her name is Meiko and…” He paused, looked around, then walked over to close the door. He walked back to sit down, “Okay. Truthfully, there is a part of me which thinks this is a bad idea. The logical rational part of my mind.” He paused then rubbed his eyebrows, “And then this part of me which wants to-” he struggled for a bit, “I don’t know. It feels unnatural. Like-” His father nodded, “Like there is a feeling imprinted on your heart.” He smiled, “Same here. You have how you felt and your own sense of self, then this overwhelming feeling that you want to be close to her and let her protect you and just…” He got a far off look, “Let her have her way with you.”


Toshi quirked an eyebrow, ~More like I want to jump her bones and make her call me daddy, but let’s go with what you said.~ Toshi put on a phony grin of steel and nodded, “Yeah. Exactly like that.” His father’s wistful look into the distant past faded, “Well, bit of advice. Cool your jets. Figure out if you really like her as a person first. It worked out between me and your mother, but it was a rocky start. Took a lot of work on my part. In the end, it was for the best, but I don’t want you thinking that it always works out. This feeling you got, it’ll mess with you. Try not to just… jump into bed with her.”


Toshi looked surprised at his fathers bluntness. He nodded, “Okay. I promise I will hold off sex with her until marriage.” His father smiled and looked hopeful, “Really? Glad to hear that.” He stood up to pat Toshi on the shoulder, “I am glad you’ll wait until marriage. It’s a smart idea.” Toshi’s smile twitched for a second, “Of course…” He paused to add, “That’s a smart idea.” A twinge of guilt washed over him as he thought of Naora, ~I did specifically say, 'with HER'.~


His father started to leave, “Glad we could talk. Try to be more careful around stairs, okay? Your life is entirely too exciting.” Toshi nodded as he glanced at the scribbles on his notepad.

“We’re in agreement on that.”

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