Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 7c

Toshi walked out the school's front doors.


He'd have to make some excuses as to why he was getting home late, but his sister had been letting up on his leash ever since he agreed to go on the blind dates. There shouldn't be too harsh of an interrogation when he got back. Not that he had to make up much of an excuse. It wasn't like he was doing anything that wrong... besides, you know, visiting someone from another planet as well as flirting with hentai artists.


Okay, maybe he'd have to come up with a good excuse.


This is what he was dwelling on when a figure stepped out of the shadow of a building and started to close in. Toshi didn't notice until they slid up next to him and started talking, "Visiting your girlfriend?" Toshi jumped and did a double take when he noticed it was Abi, Hinako's friend and final candidate for the trifecta of blind dates. She wasn't that tall, but she was thick. Not fat, mind you... thicc. She had a large chest but that was because she had muscles to spare. She was a well known, blond-haired, yankee brawler who loved a good scrap. She rarely was seen without a lollipop of some sort, and seen even less without a couple of bandaids or bandages from various cuts, scrapes, or bruises. If she hadn't bumped into Hinako first, she just might have wound up working for Naora. Abi just liked to fight and was never that fussy about who or why.


Toshi blinked at her, "What the heck you doing here?"


Abi sucked on her lollipop then pulled it out, "Following you. So. Now that I answered your question, you answer mine." Toshi furrowed his eyebrows, glanced back at the school, then at Abi, "No." He started walking away. Abi rolled her eyes and turned to walk after him. In a few moments she caught up and started keeping pace, "Kinda far from home. So why are you here?" Toshi let out a long breath through his nose and eyed her, "It's none of your business, but if you must know, there was a particularly good artist in that school who came highly recommended." Abi responded quickly, "And?"


Toshi stopped, "So I thought I might need some work done... for a logo." He stared at her intently, ~Not entirely a lie. In fact, I could use a few designed for the shell companies and for the team. Damn. Did we even come up with a name yet? Crap. We need to work on marketing.~ Abi turned to face him, waving her lollipop around in a vaguely threatening manner, "Uh-huh. A logo." She snorted, "For your... uh... computer buddies, right?" She stepped into his personal space, "I can't help but notice you seem to hang out with a certain type of girl. A type of girl that would keep her mouth shut if a good looking boy asked anything of her."


Toshi's face went flat, "Are you bad mouthing Ruri?" His tone carried with it just a hint of implied threat. She shook her head, "Nope. I'm bad mouthing YOU." She pointed her lollipop at Toshi, "You might have your sister fooled, you might have my friends fooled, but I'm starting to think you're pulling some sort of scam." Toshi backed up a step to eye her up and down, "And what scam is that?" Internally he mentally shrugged, ~Because you are right, but there are so many so-called scams I'm trying to pull off that I don't know which one you are talking about!~


She sucked on the lollipop for a few moments before she continued, "Not sure. You are acting very shady. Madoka is usually the type to not give a crap about boys. She's so popular she could take'm or leave'm." She rolled the lollipop in the air, "Now she's talking about you non-stop. She can't shut up about you." She pointed into the distance, "And Meiko? I ain't seen her this rattled in a LONG time. You got under her skin... somehow." She narrowed her eyes, "We used to be real close and now there's nothing but tension and it's because of YOU."


Toshi looked rather surprised at the implications, "My fault?" He pointed into the distance, "I'm the one who told my sister this was a bad idea. She's the one worried about me when she graduates and wants me-" He held up his hands and made finger quotes as he spoke sarcastically, "pRoTeCtEd!" He dropped his hands and looked annoyed, "I blew you guys off for months in hopes you'd date someone else and I wouldn't have to worry about this crap!"


Abi put a hand on her hip, "Really." Toshi nodded energetically, "Yeah! Really. I was hoping to have a simple lunch date or something with Madoka, but because I almost killed her I feel so goddamn guilty that I HAVE to go on a date to make it up to her." He then pointed into the distance, "And Meiko saved my goddamn life! I can't just blow that off! I owe her a date. Least I can do." Abi nodded, but seemed unconvinced, "Uh-huh. Why is your sister so obsessed with making sure none of us try anything?" Toshi blinked, "Huh?" Abi jogged her head to the side, "Your sister. She's obsessed with making sure we know to NOT try to have sex with you." She raised her hands up protectively, "Ooo. AM I allowed to say that? Did I violate your sensitive ears with the topic?" Toshi squinted at her, "What are you getting at?"


Abi rolled her eyes, "There are two reasons. Either you are so fragile, so easily broken, so sensitive that she is worried just talking to us will break you, or..." She glanced off towards the school Toshi just exited, "Well. I looked into what you were like before you came here. Like... how many girls you dated." She looked back at Toshi, "AT THE SAME TIME." Toshi took a step back and a deep breath at the same time. He let it out slow while looking away, "Riiiiiight. Okay. I get it now."


Abi nodded, "Yeah. You get it now. It also makes sense why your sister was so harsh with anyone flirting with you." Toshi looked back, "Wait... you implying I'm a slut?" Abi raised her hands is a gesture of surrender and stepped back, "Hey! You said it, not me." Toshi looked off into the distance, then back at Abi, "If I trusted you more, I'd explain it." He paused and looked at the ground, "Not that I'm ashamed of it, but my sister is." He looked up at Abi, "You keep pushing this, you'll wind up hurting her, not me." She looked confused, "Huh?" Toshi shrugged, "Exactly what I said. Go talk to her. Ask her about IT if you want. Let her know I said it's okay to talk about IT. There is only one IT. And I promise you, she'll push it right back on me. She'll tell you it's up to me to tell you, and I don't trust you to not hurt my sister."


Abi looked confused, "I... what the hell is this IT?" Toshi started walking away, "Ask her or learn to live with disappointment, but don't say I didn't warn you." Abi stood there, as Toshi walked away, thinking, then hurried to catch up again, "Hold it. I... Fine. I'll drop IT." She got directly in front of him to block his path, bringing both to a halt, "But I'm putting you on notice. I've got my eye on you." Toshi gave her a flat, emotionless expression, "Great. I got another stalker. Must be Tuesday." She scowled, "I don't even like you! You're not my type! I'm only taking you out of a date because your sister asked me!" Toshi spread his hands out wide to the side with a shrug, "Don't on my account! You're not my type either!" He gestured as if dismissing her, "Feel free to skip it. Tell my sister I turned you down, if you want. I'll take the fall." She got nose to nose with Toshi, "Oh We're going on that date! I made a promise and I keep my goddamn word!" Toshi narrowed his eyes and looked pissed, "Fine. I have Madoka the day after tomorrow, Meiko next Saturday, we can go out the weekend after that!" Abi practically started shouting at Toshi, "Fine!" She stabbed her lollipop in Toshi's face, "We're going to have a WONDERFUL TIME!"


Impulsively Toshi opened his mouth and put his lips around her lollipop. He pulled back as he bit down with a loud crunch. Out of the side of his mouth he spit out the word, "FINE!!!" Then stepped around her to continue on his way, "LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!"


Abi stood there, staring at her empty hand, then up at the back of Toshi's head. She sputtered for several seconds before she called out after him, "GOOD!" Another several seconds passed before she followed up with, "And-and-and I HOPE YOU LIKED THE SUCKER!" She snarled at Toshi with gritted teeth before she stomped off in any direction that was away from Toshi.

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