Flip The Script

Book 2 – Chapter 8a

Naora stood in the Terauchi family estate's main hall.


The estate was quite large, especially given the urban sprawl that surrounded it. It had walls surrounding the land. The main building was more akin to a small castle than a house. It had been in the family for centuries. Everything else grew up around it, but it remained as it was, in much the same shape and appearance for longer than anyone could remember. In the main building was a large space. A room where the family met to discuss matters as it always had. The security in the place had been improved over the years, especially with anti-eavesdropping electronics. The main hall was far away from the outer walls and had no windows. What ever happened here was as disconnected from the outside world as possible.


The way the stone floor sloped towards the drains beneath where Naora stood never sat well with her.


The last time Naora was here when she was told that the trial had been decided. She why she was here then, but was uncertain as to why she was here now. By her calculations, she had at least another year to figure out how to get out of this insane situation. She knew this wasn't a social call, so it had to be about something else.




The raised dais had a long bench with multiple chairs to sit in. It's location and lighting made it impossible to make out the faces of those who sat behind it in any detail. This was on purpose. Like a star chamber or an inquisition, the room was to make those brought before it seem as small and insignificant as possible. This is how Naora felt as she stood in front of the family elders. Next to her, about twenty feet to the left, stood Gen. They were both here and that meant something had gone seriously wrong. Naora didn't have her bodyguards, weapons, or even her phone. Whatever happened, she'd have to talk her way out, or handle with her fists. Of the two choices, she'd prefer her fists, but knew that would more than likely result in... well...


Let's just say the drains would have to be hosed out quite thoroughly and leave it at that.


Gen seemed to be in the same situation, but her body language and posture indicated to Naora that whatever was happening wasn't unexpected. This didn't help to quell Naora's fears. Eventually a door opened in the back. Light poured out for a moment, then just as quickly closed. There was the sound of slow, light foot steps proceeding the moment Terauchi Shizuya took her place in the middle of those gathered to pass judgement. She leaned into the light causing shadows to drip down her face as she gazed down at the two young women before her, "A year ago we began this competition to give the two of you a chance to prove which one of you would be the superior choice for being the future head of our family." The next sentence filled Naora with terror.


"It is time to decide the victor."


Naora gasped, "What? No no no... the rules were we have until we graduate! We still have a few months until my junior year is over, much less graduating from-" A male voice cut her off, "Did you seriously believe that getting held back a year would extend the deadline?" Naora was uncertain who it was, but he was likely the head of the faction that favored Gen as the next successor. Naora was about to argue when Shizuya spoke with a tone that would not tolerate disagreement, "Enough."


Naora went silent, the last of her color draining from her face. She couldn't help but notice Gen out of the corner of her eye. She was smirking with the arrogance that comes from someone who had managed to pull of a well laid plan. Naora looked around, trying to figure out her chances of making a run for it. She couldn't help but notice the many guards lurking in the shadows of the room. Escape was unlikely. She looked to her grandmother, hoping that she had not entirely abandoned her.


Shizuya spoke softly, "Gen has asked for a conclusion of the contest and immediate judgement and the majority agreed. The evidence is clear as to who the victor is and it is unlikely the loser will catch up, even if we gave you another ten years to figure something out." Naora knew that she was the loser. She had done very little to actually make any money. If anything, she spent so much money her 'so called' operation could be considered a net loss. Naora knew her grandmother was on her side, but the way she was acting indicated that she had decided it was time to cut her losses.


Gen spoke up, "I look forward to-" Shizuya spoke with a sharp tone, cutting her off in mid-sentence, "What made you think I was finished?" Gen paused with her mouth open. She was clearly annoyed, but didn't say anything. This close to victory, yet Shizuya had to get in one last dig, ~Ah well, she can play her petty games.~ Gen just gave an apologetic bow. If it was possible to be sarcastic while bowing, she managed to pull it off. Shizuya steepled her fingers, "Gen, we have been monitoring the total amount of funds you have managed to accumulate. I believe you put it at about twenty eight million yen, is that correct?" Gen smirked and nodded. She looked at Naora out of the side of her eyes with murderous glee. Shizuya continued, "Is that all YOUR money?"


Gen blinked and refocused on the old woman, "What do you mean?" This question was out of the ordinary. Not because it was strange, but because it was so obvious what the answer would be. Shizuya picked up several sheets of paper and flipped through them, "It would appear that you didn't do all the work yourself. Instead you had subordinates handle much of the heavy lifting, correct? Quite a bit of this money you are claiming is actually in their bank accounts."


Gen looked annoyed. The rest of those sitting up on the long bench shifted in their seats while Gen considered her reply, ~Most likely some last ditch attempt to figure out a way to minimize my victory. As if getting any of my funds disqualified would make a difference.~ She paused to glance at Naora, ~Unless she's got something up her sleeve.~ She refocused on Shizuya, ~I cannot allow Shizuya to disqualify a single yen.~ Gen answered with a smile that could hardly hide her sneering contempt, "Of course it is my wealth! It's silly to think about one could run this family alone. One must have trusted subordinates, but in the end, they are MINE. I hired them. They work for me. The money they made is MINE."  She tapped her chest to emphasize the word.


Shizuya nodded, "Ah." She looked to her left and right at those sitting next to her, "I think we can all agree with that. Any money a subordinate makes AFTER entering into service should count towards the one they follow's goals." She starred at Gen specifically, "Assuming they made the money and it wasn't just handed to them." Gen looked offended, "I have all the paperwork there before you to prove that they made the money! Do not accuse me of trickery!"  Shizuya returned Gen's outrage with a soft smile, not unlike a loving grandmother looking down upon a favored grandchild, "Oh. I would not dream of claiming your success was by any other means. You even went so far as to properly register your assassination attempt on Naora." She leaned back into the shadows, "You failed, but you followed the rules."


The shadowy man spoke up, "I think we are all in agreement that the totals are correct." Shizuya eyes flicked in his direction, "I believe they are as well so we shall accept her total as twenty eight million. Uncontested." She reached under the bench and pressed a button. A door far from the bench opened. From behind Gen and Naora, in the doorway a light silhouetted a short man wearing a very expensive suit. He walked in with briefcase in hand, heading straight for the center of the room. He stood between Gen and Naora as he adjusted his thick glasses and looked up at the shadowy tribunal, "Shall I give the results of my audit?"




Naora felt a flicker of hope when she saw that it was the exact same lawyer she asked to help Toshi set up his shell companies.

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