Flip The Script

Ch 044

Toshi couldn't take it seriously.


On one level, he knew he was in trouble. It was three on one, they were bigger than him, but in the back of his head, they were still girls and he was just having hard time accepting that he was in any danger. On the other hand, he kinda figured he'd have to deal with his two ex-girlfriends at some point. He just didn't expect to have to do it in a disused bathroom in the basement of a nearly abandoned building.


On impulse he took a deep breath like he was going to speak, then blew a puff of air in Takana's eye. This made her jerk back and reflexively cover her eye.  Toshi's expression was flat and unemotional, "Dude, back off." The two girls both had the same jacket as Takara. One of them had black hair, the other dark red. It was hard to tell what they were a part of, but they all seemed to be on the same team. The red head squinted, "Dude?" Toshi face-palmed, "I mean dudette. Sorry. I keep reversing things."


Takana looked a little confused at Toshi's attitude, "You seem awfully calm for someone who's so in debt." She leaned in a bit closer, but Toshi turned his face palming hand around, held out a single finger and bopped her lightly on the nose, "Bad." Takara just blinked. Toshi tapped three more times pushing her back slightly each time, "No. No. NO." Takara went from confused to pissed, grabbed Toshi's hand and pinned it to the wall, "I don't think you understand your situation!" She hissed at Toshi through clenched teeth,


Toshi sighed, "Let me take a guess. Let me know how close I am."  He glanced briefly from his restrained hand on one side, to the 'wall slam' hand on the other side of his head, "Sometime before I had my coma and forgot all about you, we worked out some sort of deal. I suspect I smiled a lot and borrowed a significant amount of money." He refocused his attention on Takara, "Then I vanished leaving you holding the bag. I'm not just a cheating asshole, but I shafted you out of a great deal of cash." The black haired girl in back narrowed her eyes, "For me it's more about how bad you tortured my brother."


Toshi's neutral expression completely fell away, "Wait." He completely ignored Takara and focused on the girl with black hair, "I was a bully?" He tried to push Takara out of the way to focus on the girl. The way Toshi's face became suddenly filled with worry completely took the girl off guard, "What did I-" Takara was not allowing Toshi to push her aside and shoved Toshi back into the corner, "Focus On ME!" Toshi looked at Takara, "I just owe you money. I got that. I'll pay it." Toshi hooked a thumb at the girl with his free hand, "This is serious."


Takara's expression started to ripple as she could feel herself losing control. Any other boy in this situation would be having a panic attack, or screaming for help, or begging, or something. Toshi didn't seem to give a shit and that lack of reaction was driving her blood pressure ever higher. She sneered and got right in his face, "This is about ME and what you promised!" Toshi briefly held up a finger to the black haired girl, "Let's put a pin in that." He refocused on Takara, "When I came out of my coma I got a huge insurance settlement. You got proof I owe you money? I'll pay it." Toshi lowered his eyes, "It's the least I owe you."


Takara blinked and pulled back a bit, "Toshi, are you still going with that amnesia bullshit? Really?" Toshi looked up at Takara and looked annoyed, then forced himself to relax, "Let me guess, I used to lie a lot. I made up a whole lot of stories and now you don't trust me." The dark red haired girl nodded, "We're wise to your games!" Toshi nodded, "Then for what wrongs I committed I am sorry. I wish I could remember them, and I actually would like to hear them sometime." He looked at Takara, "But I really did die. I really was in a coma for three days. I really don't remember any of this BUT..." He took a deep breath, "I have no intention of walking away from my past mistakes. I will make restitution."


Takara gaped at Toshi then abruptly grabbed his face, squeezing his cheeks together, "You goddamn..." Takara got eye to eye with Toshi, "My MOTHER was the one who got your concert dates! My mom OWNS a quarter of the music venues in Japan, Honey Whitefox!" Toshi's eyes bugged out as Takara continued to speak so angrily in Toshi's face, spittle occasionally flew from her lips, "I knew you were only dating me so I could get you concerts for your stupid singing career! I even knew you were cheating on me with that muscle head, Cho!" She started pressing Toshi harder against the wall, less out of holding him in place and more out of rage, "I put up with all your shit because you said as soon as your concert tour was over, you'd let me have your first time!" Toshi was a combination of annoyed and curious up until this point, but upon hearing 'what was owed', all color drained from his face, "WHAT?"


Takara nodded, "Yeah! I don't care that you canceled all the concerts! I don't care that you quit your career! I kept my part of the bargain!" She smirked, "Now pay up."


There was a few moments as Toshi needed time to process what he had been told. He reached up, gently grabbed Takara's hand holding his face and slowly pulled it away. It took a few seconds, but she relented in allowing him to do so. Toshi looked her right in the eye, "Are you telling me I whored myself out to you so I could use you to get concert dates at various music halls to sell goddamn tickets for my shitty music?" Takara for some reason was completely taken off guard by this, "Shitty music?"


Toshi looked even more surprised at that reaction than anything else, "DUDE!" He started sing in a sarcastic tone while looking cross-eyed, "Who rules the world? Boys! who rules the world? Boys! Who rules the world? Boys!" He made a funny face while pretending to have a seizure, then refocused on Takara, "The song is the same five words repeated twenty four times! It isn't just that song! My music is the same chords over and over.  This sound familiar? E, A, E, E, A, E-E, E, A, E, D, C!" He held up his hand as if tossing away something over his shoulder, "Complete and utter shit! I can't believe I actually recorded it and allowed my name to be anywhere near it!" He paused, "I guess I didn't actually since it's under the name Honey Whitefox, which by the way is fuckin' CRINGE in and of itself!"


Takara stared at Toshi like his head had fallen off for no apparent reason.


Toshi narrowed his eyes, "Wait, did you actually like that crap?" All three looked increasingly confused. Toshi's eyes jumped from one to the other and finally focused on Takara, "Please... PLEASE tell me you were just pretending to like my music to get in my PANTS!" Nobody said a word for quite a while. The one with black hair broke the silence first, "I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, I think he actually lost his memory." The red head nodded, "Uh, Tan. Look, I'm all for teaching this bastard a lesson but... You know how obsessed Toshi was with his singing career." Takara glared over her shoulder at the other, "It's just another one of his stupid games!"


Up until this point, Toshi couldn't quite take this seriously. However, looking at Takara's reaction, how emotional she was getting, it suddenly became all too real, ~I really did a number on you.~ His heart tightened as he could tell just how much this girl was hurting at this moment. Toshi felt so overwhelmingly guilty he had to swallow hard to try and keep from letting his feelings overwhelm him. Toshi reached up to cup her cheek and pull her back to look at him, "What did I do to you?" Takara just blinked, "What?" Her hold on his hand relaxed.


Toshi cupped her face with both hands, "How much must I have fucked with you to screw you up this bad?" Takara just took a step back letting his hands fall away as she stared at him. He covered his eyes with one hand as he rubbed his forehead, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I lied and I hurt you and I played with your heart. I don't remember doing it. I don't know what I did, but it's obvious I was horrible to you." He made a fist and hit his forehead several times, "I don't have a clue how to even begin to make this right." He lowered his hand, "I do want to try."


Takara looked at Toshi for a single breath then said, "So let's fuck."


Toshi blinked once, looked her up and down and thought, ~Well... I wouldn't kick her out of bed, but...~ He made a fist, "Look. There's a few things you need to know." Takara grabbed Toshi and started to push him further into the bathroom. Toshi held his ground and started to push back, "Hey! Look. I know I'm in the wrong here-" Takara just sneered, "Shut up." The black haired girl put a hand on Takara's shoulder, "Hold it. I didn't sign up for this. You need to think this-" Takara shrugged away the girl's hand, "Fuck Off! He's got this coming!" She turned around used her body to hold Toshi against the wall and growled, "I bought you!"


Toshi's eyes went wide as she grabbed him by the crotch. Takara breathlessly hissed into his ear, "I own this!" She licked his ear, "You have any idea how much money I spent on you!" Toshi actually started to feel a sense of panic, "Takara! Are you insane? This is r-" Toshi paused as his brain shorted out. Intellectually he knew what this was, but he couldn't say it. The red head held up her hands, "Whoa! Tan! What the fuck?" Takara replied to them as she grabbed Toshi by the neck, "Don't worry. I fully intend to marry him. Besides..." She leaned in and got ready to kiss him, "You can't rape a whore." She was interrupted by the sound of someone yelping, followed by the sound of a sharp crack and someone screaming in pain.


Takara turned around just in time to see Naora's right cross immediately before impact.

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