Floating Color

Chapter 5 - The First Day in Starry Cosmo

Chapter 5: The First Day in Starry Cosmo

Translator: Claire.KK

The next day, Mi Chen took Meow’s advice that she couldn’t quit her job in the photographic studio before she made sure that she was really admitted to Starry Cosmo. Mi Chen went to her boss and asked for a leave, saying that her father had been sent into hospital and was going to die. It was easy for Mi Chen to tell such a simple lie.

According to her mother, her father had affairs with other woman when her mother was pregnant. So they got divorced with each other soon. Several years ago, her father died of cerebral hemorrhage and Mi Chen just thought that he might be bored with his rich life.

Mi Chen even couldn’t remember her father’s face. She just followed her mother and left a white rose in his funeral.

The boss of the photographic studio grumbled about this, but he still approved her request. He was clear that if he refused it in this kind of situation, he would be abused for coldness severely.

Mi Chen found out her formal suit and was dressed like a graduate who had just left university and went to take part in an interview.

“Meow, how do I look?”

Meow was busy brushing her eyelashes. She even didn’t raise her head a bit answering, “Great! You really look like a vulnerable newbie!”

“Come on!” Mi Chen got a bit mad at her words.

However, Meow just turned around her head begging, “My dear, come to help me brush my eyelashes. I also want to enjoy the same treatment with Bai Yihan, king of the silver screen!”

Mi Chen really wanted to hit her badly. But she cooled down as soon as she saw the terrible work that Meow had made on her eyelashes.

Their appointed time was ten o’clock and Mi Chen came half an hour earlier. It was nine thirty when she arrived at the building of Starry Cosmo.

The guard did his duty and stopped her, warning, “No admittance except on business. Only staff and invited media could come in.”

Mi Chen quickly took out the card the Ann Yan gave her. The guard then asked the workers of the reception to make sure if there was a new comer today. After a while, Mi Chen eventually came in.

She took a deep breath and her palms had already got wet with sweats. As the door of the elevator opened, she walked in with several workers who was talking something happily.

It was until this moment that Mi Chen found almost all workers wore casually except the receptionists. They just wore their own clothes, casually or fashionably. Some of them also wore suits but they were not so formal as hers.

She was the only person who wore a simple solid white Shirt and a standard skirt.

“Hey, are you the new administration staff?” asked a young man in the elevator. He wore a silver blazer as well as a pair of jeans.

“Hum, no… I’m a cosmetician…”

“Cosmetician?” A tall girl who had a lot of makeup on and wore a pair of harem pants burst into laughter as soon as she heard the response. “Your dress only makes me think that you come here to make coffee and deliver documents. Are you sure you can do your work in this set of clothes?”

Mi Chen lowered her head. Meow was right. She was just like a newbie now.

They laughed and whispered to each other in a low voice.

“Maybe she just graduates from university and applies for a temporary cosmetician.”

“She would like to be a life assistant of an infamous star.”

The elevator suddenly stopped when it reached the tenth floor. As they saw the man who was standing in front of the elevator, the two young women quickly changed their face and greeted respectfully.

“President Li.”

Mi Chen didn’t know Li Rui at all. But she had received a strong sense of pressure as she saw the man in a dark suit. His eyebrows were knitted and his nose bone made him look cold too.

“Hum.” Li Rui walked into the elevator.

Mi Chen subconsciously moved to the corner to protect herself from being noticed.

Someone then followed Li Rui and came in, after which the two young women instantly changed their voice.

“Wow! Bai Yihan, the best actor!”

“It’s really him!”

Bai Yihan? Mi Chen raised her head as soon as she heard the name.

Bai Yihan happened to turn around and look into Mi Chen’s eyes. He got a bit surprised for a while, an attractive smile curving his thin lips.

“How could you be here?”

The space was not so big but Bai Yihan still walked up to Mi Chen and leaned against the wall shoulder to shoulder with her, saying, “Do you remember we had an assignment that day? I invited you to have a late supper with me. And I had been waiting you for a long time.”

The two young women couldn’t help opening their mouths so wide that an egg could even be put in it. Even Li Rui turned around and averted his eyes to the girl who was wearing an ugly suit and was not easy to be noticed.

All people in the entertainment circle knew the news of Bai Yihan’s love affair that year. But now people paid more attention to his achievement.

However, what Bai Yihan just said made people think something special as he just mentioned that he had been waiting her for a long time. Had Bai Yihan changed his taste and loved this kind of insensible style now? If their thoughts were right, it would be the first big news after Bai Yihan returned.

“I finished my work at two o’clock. I just thought you couldn’t wait for so long…”

It never occurred to Mi Chen that Bai Yihan was serious when he sent the invitation to her and even waited for her.

“Well, I didn’t wait for so long indeed. Do you come here to be a cosmetician now?”

Mi Chen nodded her head slightly.

“The job suits you well.”

As the door of the elevator opened again, Bai Yihan and Li Rui walked out together.

The two young women began talking again.

“What’s your relationship with Bai Yihan?”

“Why did he invite you for meals?”

Mi Chen quickly waved her hands explaining, “No, I have no relation with him! His cosmetician was called away so I helped him put on makeup in the music ceremony!”

“Oh, that’s the reason!”

“It’s the same with what I just thought! Bai Yihan have experienced a lot in the circle. He will not behave as those young people who just got a bit famous. He will control his temper well and respect all staff behind the stage.”

“But do you see Bai Yihan clearly? Oh my, he is so handsome and attractive! Those new idols are good-looking but they are not capable of comparing with him at all!”

With a click, the door of the elevator opened and Mi Chen quickly walked out. She then came to the HR department and found director Kang.

Director Kang seemed to be about forty years old and smiled slightly to Mi Chen when he saw her. He then led her to a small room and explained every clause of the contract for her.

“Starry Cosmo is not a vampire. It will help you enrich you daily life and let you get what you deserve!”

Mi Chen looked it over and couldn’t deny that the treatment of Starry Cosmo was really good. If a star made complains to his or her cosmetician, a standard process was going to be passed no matter how famous the star was.

Mi Chen signed her name and then asked, “So, where is my place for work?”

Director Kang couldn’t help laughing and then replied, “You are a cosmetician. How could a cosmetician have a fixed place? Generally speaking, you will have assigned work soon. You just need to take your cosmetic box to the designated sites or follow an assigned actor. But you are not so experienced, so I think you will get your work schedule soon. When you know an actor well or an actor recognizes you and asks you to be his or her cosmetician, you will have your day!”

Mi Chen nodded, replying, “So it is…”

“You should first report for duty to Lin Ruyi, the leader of cosmetic group and let her arrange work for you. But Li Mojun will be shooting on location today so she went there with him. She wouldn’t be back soon. I will dial her and ask for you to make sure whether you just need to stay here to know more about your work environment or you can start your work.”

“Thanks so much, Director Kang!”

The director was always good at communicating with people. Director Kang didn’t care Mi Chen so much at first. So many cosmeticians were admitted to their company every year but only a few people could get the chance to sign a long-time contract with their company. Mi Chen was such a young girl. If she was just an ordinary cosmetician, her life would be much more peaceful. However, if she was talented, Li Ruyi would definitely make trouble for her. It was Ann Yan who introduced her to their company. As the head of the PR department, Ann Yan was not responsible for the matters about hiring cosmeticians. But she was the most important assistant of Li Rui so she was also powerful enough and couldn’t be underestimated.

People always said that you should make sure who its master was when you were going to bully a dog. Director Kang didn’t want Mi Chen to be bullied by Lin Ruyi as soon as she got into Starry Cosmo.

“Hello, Miss. Lin, I’m Kang Mao of the HR department. The new-coming cosmetician has signed the contract. Do you have any arrangement for her?”

The voice of Lin Ruyi sounded a bit cold. “Well, hasn’t she told you? Bai Yihan has signed a three-year contract with our company and he said to President Li that he wanted the girl called Mi Chen to be his cosmetician! Why does she behave like she know nothing about it? Just go to look for her Mr. Bai.”

The phone was hung up then and Kang Mao turned his sight to Mi Chen with something special in his eyes.

Was it really true that the young girl was more excellent than the former ones. She just pretended to be simple but she already got a powerful background.

When Li Rui was going to sign the contract with Bai Yihan, all people simply thought that Lin Ruyi, the chief cosmetician of Starry Cosmo would definitely be sent to work for Bai Yihan. After all, Bai Yihan had such an outstanding appearance and was good at acting. More importantly, he was really generous, which made all cosmeticians of Starry Cosmo want to work for him. They would never imagine that such a young girl could get the position.

No wonder Lin Ruyi’s voice sounded so cold. Did she feel that her position was threatened?

Eventually, she was going to be punished for what she did to those new comers.

As the director of HR department, Kang Mao didn’t have a close connection with Lin Ruyi. But she was too arrogant in work. Kang Mao was glad to see if someone could suppress her.

“Well… Mi Chen, you are assigned to work for Bai Yihan now! Congratulations! Take the chance and try your best to do your work well!”

Mi Chen stood there still. She couldn’t believe what she just heard.

“What? Bai Yihan… Has he signed contract with Starry Cosmo?”

“Yes, he just decided it this morning. He was really the king of the screen. Ordinary actors were supposed to sign a five-year contract at least. But Bai Yihan was powerful enough and only these kind of people can ask for a three-year contract with President Li.”

“But… Bai Yihan should have his own cosmetician, right?”

“Maybe. But now that he has decided to sign with Starry Cosmo, it’s our duty to arrange a cosmetician for him. Do you know Bai Yihan or his agent, Fang Chengye?”

“Well…” Mi Chen smiled shyly and said, “I just helped him with his makeup in the music ceremony several days ago…”

“Well, I got the point!” Kang Mao was so smart that he figured out what had happened in a sudden.

Bai Yihan was amazing in the music ceremony and so many people were attracted by him. Mi Chen was his cosmetician that day and Ann Yan invited her to come to their company herself. It seemed that Lin Ruyi really had a powerful rival now!

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