Floating Immortal Order

Chapter 159: Immortal Technique, Purple Tribulation Spirit Shatter

Chapter 159: Immortal Technique, Purple Tribulation Spirit Shatter

Chapter 159: Immortal Technique, Purple Tribulation Spirit Shatter

As the Soul Suppressing Vestment cracked and shattered, a massive amount of pure black Soul Force erupted out of it, forming into a tide of black Soul Force that slowly rotated and wrapped around Xu Disheng. No one was able to see what was taking place within.

The two Evil Spirits paused in their tracks, their expressions changing slightly. Seeing the sudden rush of resplendent black Soul Force, they hesitated for a moment.

“What are you two doing?” The Realm Master of the Zhao Territory, Zhao Jingyuan reprimanded, his tone turning cold. When he saw the black tide, he only thought of it as Xu Disheng putting up his last efforts to resist, so when he saw the two Evil Spirit stage ghosts cowering, he was extremely displeased.

“This…” one of the Evil Spirits started hesitantly. Then, it clenched its teeth and channeled Ghost Force, then charged into the tide of Soul Force.

The other Evil Spirit had suffered at the hands of the blood light of the Extinguishing Soul Mantra, and its already limited Ghost Force had been used up quite a bit. After glancing around furtively, it deliberately tried to delay for a bit before following after the first Evil Spirit.

The Soul Suppressing Vestment shattered completely, transforming into fading motes of black and gold light. A true spirit with an extremely ancient, timeworn aura flew out from the core of the robe and flew right into the Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda above Xu Disheng’s head.

Meanwhile, the tide of black Soul Force surrounding Xu Disheng was gradually being absorbed by the malevolent soul-suppressing Evil Spirit skull. Its eyes were opening wider and wider, emanating a vicious, blood-colored light from within.


The Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda began to tremble. All of the beings in the surrounding space felt a shock to their minds, as if they were witnessing some indescribable awakening.

Countless rays of profound yellow light shot out, illuminating the entire space and banishing all of the darkness. This place was actually the summit of a mountain peak, and the Realm-Crossing Wooden Boat was above Xu Disheng, parked above a massive platform.

As it turned out, Xu Disheng had been caught in an illusion from the moment he entered the Zhao Territory. What purple-clothed girl? What ancestral city of the Zhao Clan? All of it was fake!

“What is that?!” Zhao Jingyuan shouted, his expression changing drastically. Within that fiercely blazing profound yellow light, he felt an extremely strange, unfamiliar aura. And this aura was extremely terrifying!

“How could this be? This isn’t a Psychic Magic Treasure. Its aura definitely surpasses that of a Psychic Magic Treasure!” Zhao Yan said, squinting his eyes at the location where Xu Disheng stood. His expression was extremely ugly as he perceived the dangerous aura within.

The Evil Spirit who charged towards the tide of Soul Force first didn’t have time to dodge. The light spilling forth from the Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda transformed into a massive hand, which grabbed the Evil Spirit and ruthlessly clamped down on it!

The Evil Spirit couldn’t even make a sound as it screamed silently, its expression became even more distorted and malevolent. The large hand made of profound yellow light directly squeezed it to death!

“Run away, quickly!”

The expressions of Zhao Yan and Zhao Jingyuan became even more unsightly. They didn’t know what had happened to Xu Disheng, but after seeing that Evil Spirit stage ghost being easily squeezed to death, they knew that even they wouldn’t be able to block three moves from him as he was now.

The other Evil Spirit had already been on guard against Xu Disheng’s final counterattack, but he had no idea that this brat’s ‘counterattack’ would be so terrifying! After giving a shrill shriek, it transformed into a cloud of black gas and attempted to flee.

“Master, I managed to use a hint of the true might of the Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda, but I will fall into a deep slumber in three breaths. There are still two breaths of time remaining!” Little Sky said, his deep, calm voice containing a hint of urgency for the first time. In his voice, Xu Disheng could also hear a hint of weakness and faint dread.

However, there was no time left for Little Sky to say what the source of that dread was. A glint of bloodthirst reflected in Xu Disheng’s gaze as he borrowed the power of Little Sky’s true spirit to forcefully activate a bit of the Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda’s might to launch an attack!

Several streaks of profound yellow light swept horizontally, seeming to separate heaven and earth. The Evil Spirit that had by now fled several dozens of meters away was wrapped up in the light. Its consciousness was completely erased as it was dragged into the pagoda.

A seemingly inexhaustible amount of Ghost Force appeared around Realm Master Zhao Jingyuan, welling forth intensely like waves of the ocean. He formed several barriers in front of him, but he still didn’t feel safe. He took out several Magic Treasures that had been transformed into Ghost Armaments and poured all of his strength into them to form a meticulous defense before him.

The profound yellow light swept towards Zhao Jingyuan, shattering all of the barriers he had placed in front of him. In the end, his face showed a look of despair and regret as he was thrown into the pagoda, his mind erased.

Three breaths of time!

The intense, all-illuminating yellow radiance of the Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda gradually dimmed down. Little Sky was on the verge of falling into a deep slumber. Xu Disheng looked off into the distance at Zhao Yan, the Vice Peak Master of Ghost Controlling Peak, and his eyebrows furrowed deeply.

If Xu Disheng let Zhao Yan escape here, he would reveal the fact that Xu Disheng had such an unparalleled treasure and cause him endless trouble in the future!

“Little Sky, can I rely on you for another breath of time?!” Xu Disheng asked. This was the first time he was asking something of Little Sky.

After a moment of silence, Little Sky spoke, but his voice sounded normal, without any hint of the weakness and dread from earlier. “Yes, Master.”

The Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda began to exude an all-encompassing golden yellow radiance once more. Once Zhao Yan perceived the power radiating from behind him, he didn’t even dare to turn his head to look. He hurriedly used several secret techniques and summoned a vast amount of the power of heaven and earth to protect himself as he desperately fled.

“Master, this Immortal Technique was one that I had just reawakened from my memories. It was a technique that Master taught me during our leisure time together in the long distant past. Now, I will be teaching it back to you, Master,” Little Sky said, his voice containing a hint of fluctuating emotion for the first time. “Master won’t be able to use this technique until after reaching the Dao Foundation stage. But once you do, you can use the Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda to demonstrate a fraction of its might. Immortal Technique, Purple Tribulation Spirit Shatter.”

The moment Little Sky finished speaking, it looked like the entire sky of the Zhao Territory dimmed down. A shock of purple lightning, emitting an ancient, dignified aura, ripped apart the blue dome of the heavens. It swept across the sky of the Zhao Territory, unleashing a deafening, ear-splitting clap of thunder.

All of the beings living in the Zhao Territory bowed their heads and prayed to the heavens. They had no idea what caused such a phenomenon to occur, or if they had somehow incurred the wrath of the heavens.

After a while, the skies began to brighten once more. The bolt of purple lightning that had swept across the skies of the Zhao Territory had already disappeared, when Zhao Yan began to fall from the sky in the distance. His body plummeted down into the mountain forest.

Several tribulations ago, this Immortal Technique, Purple Tribulation Spirit Shatter, was used by the people of the Immortal Court to punish the beings of the lower realms. Among the Immortal Race, it was considered the most basic Immortal Technique to grasp.

This Immortal Technique didn’t harm the corporeal body nor the soul. It would directly obliterate the true spirit and plunge it into a complete, eternal death, making it impossible for the being to reincarnate ever again.

In his hands, Xu Disheng held the Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda, which had returned to the rank of a Psychic Magic Treasure. He could sense that Little Sky’s true spirit was dead silent and on the brink of dissipating.

Little Sky hadn’t told him that when he was straining himself to activate the Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda for three breaths of time, he was already violating the restrictions and rules set by Soul Song. The only way he could recover was through an extremely long, drawn out slumber.

To chase down Zhao Yan and kill him, Little Sky had once again used the indistinct connection between his true spirit and the Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda to force out a hint of the might of the Immortal Treasure and cast an Immortal Technique. This caused an even bigger backlash to his true spirit, making his condition far worse.

And to use the Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda to cast this Immortal Technique, Little Sky had to use a strand of genuine immortal qi hidden deep in the depths of his true spirit. This kind of backlash wasn’t something that Little Sky’s overstrained spirit could sustain.

As a result of this series of self-incurred backlashes, Little Sky’s true spirit had thoroughly faded away, transforming into a pure strand of ancient, dignified aura, which was sucked into the Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda.

Xu Disheng had this feeling that even if he nurtured another Soul Vessel, Little Sky wouldn’t ever appear again.

Xu Disheng also had an extremely terrifying conjecture that Little Sky wasn’t the true artifact spirit of the Black Sky Yellow Earth Pagoda, and that he was just an avatar split off from the true artifact spirit, which had existed for ages untold.

Most likely, the genuine artifact spirit of the Black Sky Yellow Earth was still slumbering deep in that mysterious, terrifying Immortal Treasure. And every time Xu Disheng refined a Soul Vessel, the genuine artifact spirit would fraction out an avatar from itself to inherit a portion of Xu Disheng’s memories and serve as the artifact spirit of the Soul Vessel.

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