Floating Immortal Order

Chapter 231: Divine Excellency Quicksand

Chapter 231: Divine Excellency Quicksand

Chapter 231: Divine Excellency Quicksand

Red Silk Monster General narrowed his eyes and looked around the hall filled with rogue cultivator Monster Generals. He smiled and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, please don’t just stand there on ceremony. A meager feast it may be, but please do feel free to help yourself.

Mountain Traversing Monster General, the person with the blunt and straightforward voice who spoke earlier, seemed a bit unhappy. “Red Silk Monster General, why’s it all vegetarian spiritual food? This Mountain Traversing Monster General wants to eat flesh!”

“Okay,” Red Silk Monster General said, looking around the hall at the rogue cultivator Monster Generals present. “Are there any other Monster Generals that would like to eat flesh?”

Several rogue cultivator Monster Generals immediately stood up, cupping their fists to Red Silk Monster General.

After a moment of thought, Red Silk Monster General turned to the side and instructed, “Bring some fresh humans here for these Monster Generals to eat.”

“As you command, Red Silk Monster General.” One of the accompanying Monster Generals with a powerful aura immediately obeyed and withdrew. A little while later, he came back into the hall with a dozen ordinary mortals, all of them bound tightly.

These mortals were captured and brought here from Mingyang Province, which was located at the border of the Quicksand Earth Territory. They were usually kept and raised in halls without water in them. When it came time for them to be eaten, they would immediately be brought out.

“Crude bastards!” Lai Zishi sneered. He was disdainful of these Monster Generals who liked flesh. He turned to Xu Disheng and the others and said, “These spiritual fruits and herbs are hundreds of times better than flesh. Slaves to their own stomachs, utterly pitiful.”

Liu Baitong’s face was a bit stiff. He was a vicious and ruthless person, but even he could only stare blankly as he witnessed these fellow members of the human race meet such tragic fates. Inwardly, it made him feel out of sorts.

Most of the rogue cultivator Monster Generals in the hall looked down on these uncouth Monster Generals who liked flesh. As they ate from the platters in front of them, they gazed at the mortals in the hall.

Among them was a mother and child pair who had been captured not too long ago. The boy, who looked to be only a little over 10 years old, had puffy, tear-filled eyes. He was seized by a half-transformed fish monster and placed on the banquet table.

The fish monster smiled at Mountain Traversing Monster General and said, “Lord Mountain Traversing Monster General, from my years of experience, human flesh has the best mouthfeel and freshness when they are suffering.”

With that, the fish monster flipped its palm over and a sharp dagger appeared, which seemed to be for scraping bones. It glittered with a cold sheen as he casually twirled it around in his hand. “But physical suffering can’t beat emotional suffering. As the saying goes, mother and son are of one heart, and these two right here are precisely mother and son…”

When his words reached that point, the fish monster suddenly waved the dagger, carving off a piece of skin and flesh from the boy’s body.

The boy was being pressed down on the table, and there was a wad of cotton shoved in his mouth, making him unable to cry out. His body shook intensely as he endured the excruciating pain.

The woman to the side wanted to tear her eyes out as she watched. Tears flooded her eyes, but her mouth and nose had already been sealed. She was powerless against the overwhelming despair.

There was also no water present in this hall, so these mortals could be moved out of their pen without drowning.

Due to the barrier made from monster power, the water had been kept at bay outside of the hall, unable to enter.

The rogue cultivator Monster Generals all looked on broodingly. Mountain Traversing Monster General swallowed his saliva, his eyes turning red with gluttony. All he wanted was to pick that boy up and toss him into his mouth to revel in the taste.

There were several human Dao Foundation stage rogue cultivators in the hall. One of them stood up and said coldly, “If you want to eat human flesh, then just kill them right away. Why must you torture them?”

Mountain Traversing Monster General turned to look at him. He gave a deep huff, expelling a puff of monster qi from his large nostrils. “This is what I prefer. I love to watch humans suffer in misery before gobbling them up. What does that have to do with you? Could it just be that you, Zhao Jianxin, can’t stomach seeing your own race getting eaten?” Monster Traversing Monster General sneered crudely.

Zhao Jianxin was disinclined to argue with him. He directly tossed out a furtive stream of profound light, which landed on the bodies of the mother and son pair.

Mountain Traversing Monster General looked over at the mother. Seeing that she was limp and lifeless, he slammed the table and flew into a rage. “Zhao Jianxin, you’re courting death!”

Zhao Jianxin wasn’t scared of him in the slightest. Profound light began to revolve around him, as if he was planning to unleash an attack at him in the next moment.

“For now, please calm down, the two of you,” Red Silk Monster General interrupted. He lightly flicked his sleeves, sending an invisible ripple through the hall. “It’s not worth making a big fuss over a bit of flesh.”

Countless astonished gazes turned towards Red Silk Monster General. With that flick of his sleeve, Red Silk Monster General had calmly suppressed both the monster qi of Mountain Traversing Monster General and the profound qi belonging to Zhao Jianxin!

Clearly, he was already on the very brink of the Monster Core stage.

Mountain Traversing Monster General opened up his gaping maw and casually tossed the mother and son pair into his mouth. “If it weren’t for the fact that I need to save face for Red Silk Monster General, I would definitely have expunged you from these waters today, Zhao Jianxin!” he said, his words sounding muffled due to his mouth being full as he chewed.

Zhao Jianxin gave a cold snort, ignoring him.

Just now, he attacked and killed the mother and son pair because he really couldn’t bear to see the fish monster deliberately torturing them like that. He wanted to reduce their suffering as much as possible.

This matter was only a minor disturbance in the banquet. After that, even more precious delicacies and rare, exotic fruits were served up. They had even opened a few dozen jars of spirit wine, which the attendees could help themselves to.

The banquet went on, the guests and hosts all thoroughly enjoyed the occasion.

After a long while, Red Silk Monster General put down the wine cup in his hands and cleared his throat with a smile. “Perhaps you all may have previously heard of the matter, that Divine Excellency Quicksand wished to thoroughly unify the Quicksand Earth Territory?”

When the Monster Generals present in the hall heard what he said, their expressions flickered and they began to whisper among themselves.

Not long ago, news came from the Quicksand Paradise saying that Divine Excellency Quicksand, the Rank 6 deity of this body of water, wished to fully consolidate the immense Quicksand Earth Territory to make an advancement in the Divine Path and thereby step into the almighty Divine Sea stage.

Divine Sea stage beings could become Rank 5 Heavenly Generals in the Heavenly Court!

If a Rank 6 deity could advance in the Divine Path, it was not only possible to break through to the Divine Sea stage, but it was also possible to receive the title of Heavenly General in advance. This would allow them to break away from the Human Realm immediately, so they wouldn’t have to wait for the conferral of titles that only happened for the Divine Sea stage beings once every few tens of thousands of years. They would be able to have their name recorded in the Heavenly Record of the House of the Earth God right away!

Although this matter was often mentioned, no one knew if it was true or false.

After all, Divine Excellency Quicksand had already existed for well over 10,000 years, but had never shown any desire to control any of the demon or monster paradises in the Quicksand Earth Territory. But was what Red Silk Monster General said really the truth?

Seeing the bewilderment on the faces of all the guests in the hall, he gave a satisfied smile. “Naturally, we don’t need to worry about such lofty, distant matters. But I am on the verge of breaking through to the Monster Core stage, and when that happens, I will be promoted to a Great Monster General of Quicksand Paradise. I would need to leave this monster mansion and become truly independent, possessing a cave abode of my own.”

Actually, this place didn’t belong to Red Silk Monster General. The monster mansion belonged to Black Sea Monster King, but he often went into secluded meditation for dozens to hundreds of years at a time and was too busy to take care of the monster mansion. Thus, he handed off this authority to Red Silk Monster General, who was the most excellent of his descendents.

But with Red Silk Monster General being on the verge of breaking through to the Monster Core stage and becoming a genuine Great Monster General, it would be somewhat inappropriate for him to continue residing in this monster mansion.

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