Focused Fire (ATLA)

Chapter 108

There was no mistaking the tense air as court was held in the royal palace. The easy confidence many of the traditionalists had felt when they voiced their suggestions and support of the Fire Lord’s ‘restructuring’ was now gone after news spread of Crown Princess Azula’s unabated defiance the day before.

High General Bujing almost scoffed at the shattered delusions of the schemers. They glossed over the dangers of drawing her ire, simply assuming that the princess shared their cowardice and selfishness to dare remain defiant. Instead, it was made very clear yesterday of the young heir’s wrath. 

Her newly assigned handmaidens were thrown out of the palace wing and removed from their prestigious posts in all but name. The palace guards that were supposed to serve as a reminder of the Fire Lord’s authority were cowed into subservience, and it was truly pitiful what the first batch of firebending masters had endured. Princess Azula had sparred against them - all six of them at the same time - and if not for what the guards reported was intervention from her childhood friend Ty Lee, the palace would be busy processing six corpses right about now.

The princess was angry, and to make matters worse, none of it was directed at her brother, as some had ‘planned’ for. No, from what Bujing heard, Prince Zuko treaded carefully around his sister, but otherwise their interactions were cordial. The foolish plan of instigating sibling rivalry had utterly failed.

As it should, Bujing thought to himself with some satisfaction.

Allowing the Fire Lord to pay heed to the appeals of certain simpering nobles had been a mistake. They had played on his understandable concern about the boy Xing possibly aiming to exploit the princess, and in doing so inflamed a concern into an almost real threat, to the point that the question of Xing’s loyalty became far from hypothetical. 

General Shinu and a few others had spoken out against the madness when the suggestion of ‘reassessing’ the princess’ power to temporarily sever Xing’s dependency on her. For that, Shinu was reassigned to the front, while the nobles that voiced the same thoughts no longer had the privileges to attend court. 

To Bujing’s eternal shame, he had not dared speak in support of his colleague. Unlike Shinu who recently rose from hard service, Bujing had to admit that he had grown to be as much a politician as a military strategist. Unlike Shinu, Bujing had far more to lose if his position in the Fire Lord’s inner circle was in the slightest bit of danger.

So the high general had to simply watch as events unfold, and offer what carefully worded advice he could as a poor counterbalance to the mania that was sweeping the royal court. Princess Azula’s own supporters had kept their silence - wisely at first, to preserve their presence in court - but only a paltry few courtiers were left after the Fire Lord sprang the surprise decree that discounted any colonist’s eligibility in the capital city.

With that, and the return of Prince Zuko, the palace moved on with its plans to return Princess Azula back to a more appropriate and proper upbringing.

Of course, that many courtiers would soon have their relatives assigned to prominent positions in the colonies, to leech off the established streams of wealth and influence, was a convenient bonus. It was tantamount to sending a hard-fighting soldier immediately back to the healers just to claim credit for the glorious kill he’d made. It was a disgraceful act, but one that was unfortunately common in court politics, and more importantly it had the Fire Lord’s support.

Bujing hoped that the new colonial administrators would have enough sense to leave alone the complex machine the crown princess had left behind, and simply be content in plucking whatever bounties that the colonies generated. Otherwise, if they decided to try being smarter than they were, the colonies might very well regress back to a time before Princess Azula took over.

Speaking of, said princess was currently presenting herself before the Fire Lord, kneeling with barely repressed resentment. “Father.” The word was forced out and tainted with contempt. There wasn’t even a glimmer of a sign that she interpreted the message the palace had concocted as how the traditionalists had expected her to. 

Watching from just a few paces from the curtain of fire obscuring the throne, Prince Zuko looked resigned. Most of the court wore confused or (if they had more sense like Bujing) worried expressions. Even the last of the princess’ supporters were concerned for her.

The Fire Lord’s reply was almost monotonous, carrying with it a slight edge of warning. “Azula. Daughter. It heartens me to see you back so quickly.”

“I’ve returned with all due haste, as a loyal daughter and servant to the Fire Nation should.”

“Hm. Indeed.” The silhouette of the Fire Lord rose up from the throne to stare down at the princess. “I understand that you must be feeling…confused at the changes that has occurred in your absence. Be assured, Azula, that all of it has been done with only the good of the Fire Nation in mind. You are not being cast aside, nor your achievements ignored. I have simply been reminded that I might not have equipped you adequately for ruling, and I wish to amend that shortcoming.”

The girl’s reaction barely changed. “As you say, father.”

Prince Zuko shuffled uncomfortably as his father then briefly directed his gaze at him. “In the same vein, I am aware that I have been…unfair in my treatment of my son. As such, both my children will remain in the royal palace to complete their education.”

What was left unsaid was for how long, and more importantly if the Fire Lord would change his choice of heir. The latter was no doubt a ploy to have the siblings see each other at least as rivals, to create a more favorable balance in palace politics, especially now that the princess had lost her powerbase. For the immediate future, she’d be forced to treat with traditionalists who would no doubt be jumping for joy at the chance to earn her favor.

Prince Zuko responded by kneeling down in acknowledgement of the order, but otherwise said nothing.

“If I may ask, father,” the princess ventured with some caution, “Have my results in the colonies not been proof enough that I am beyond mere palace tutors?”

“In the realms of administration, perhaps,” her father answered with a hint of arrogance. “However, it has come to my attention that you have been lacking in other fields, notably in royal etiquette and cultural studies. If you are to represent the Fire Nation in the colonies, you must carry yourself as a daughter of my blood should, to inspire and influence your lessers in that backwater towards more modern and civilized times.”

Royal disdain then colored his following admonishment. “You should not leave yourself vulnerable to the opposite taking place instead.”

Princess Azula absolutely rankled at the words, but she managed to keep her voice level. “As you say, father.”

Perhaps too coldly level. 

The Fire Lord’s silhouette gave a curt nod. “I do. Now, as-”

Surprisingly, a messenger ran into the throne room, breaching the highest protocols and any care for his life. Bujing frowned as the brave man had enough presence of mind to kneel behind the princess. Then the general noticed the scroll the messenger carried, stamped in black wax.

It was a message of great import. Was Omashu making a move?

“Fire Lord! An urgent message for you!” The courier presented the scroll for a servant to hurriedly pick it up and bring to the monarch without tampering with the scroll. A black-sealed message, unlike a black ribbon one, meant that the contents were for the Fire Lord’s eyes only, and having the seal broken or tampered in the slightest risked death for everyone responsible in handling the message.

Heavy silence fell on the throne room as the shadow of the Fire Lord played on the fire curtain, projecting him unfurling the scroll to slowly read its contents. When it stretched on beyond a couple of seconds, Bujing knew it had nothing to do with Omashu. The Fire Lord was clearly re-reading the scroll to be sure of its contents.

The courtiers were beginning to shuffle with unease when the Fire Lord finally rose up, throwing the scroll off to one side for Bujing to catch. “It seems that our faith in the newly-appointed Prince Xing has been misplaced.” 

Puzzled murmurs rose throughout the hall, and even the prince and princess betrayed their confusion. 

Bujing read the message, and then read it again to be sure that his eyes were not fooling him.

“High General Bujing, kindly read to us what has been reported.” Despite the attempt at putting on a grave air, there was unmistakable delight in his voice.

The general managed to nod despite his shock. “Y-Yes, your highness. The message reads as follows: Prince Xing and Prince Iroh has betrayed the Fire Nation. The first has welcomed the Avatar into his palace. The second is training the Fire Nation’s greatest enemy. As witnessed by Bao-Zha.”

“What?!” Prince Zuko exclaimed first, with his sister following just a fraction of a second behind him. Only then did the rest of the court erupt into confusion and consternation.

“Father, who is Bao-Zha?” the prince asked even as the princess rose up to her feet with indignation.

“Who dares accuse m- Xing and our uncle of such madness?!”

It was a valid question, admittedly. Bujing turned to the Fire Lord, and the rest of the royal court quickly quieted down to do the same. That young Xing was being decried was one thing, but to have venerable Prince Iroh lumped together? It made the accusation actually inconceivable, and far harder for even the most greed-blinded nobles to accept.

The monarch behind the curtain of fire did not help matters with how his satisfaction exuded from his voice. “It is a most…far-fetched accusation, perhaps. But be assured that Bao-Zha is a most loyal servant of the throne, and his words are not to be doubted lightly.”

“But- Who is the sender that he should be so trusted?” Princess Azula demanded fiercely.

“A man who has the full confidence of the Fire Lord,” was her father’s reply, cold and hard with warning.

Prince Zuko stepped out to stand beside his sister, to even her surprise, and bowed formally. “Father, Xing has won many great victories for the Fire Nation, and has never once wavered in his service. Our uncle, your brother, is also not one to lightly throw away the bonds of family. Surely one man’s words against the two of them cannot be simply believed?”

There was a short pause as the Fire Lord processed the question and gave a slow nod. “That is…true.” Bujing could taste the disappointment in his voice. This was perhaps the best weapon to use to topple Xing, that is true, but why would the Fire Lord be so happy of his own brother being accused of high treason?

“But the Scorpion has aptly lived up to his name. High General Bujing, High General Wulong, War Minister Gong-Zun.”

Bujing joined his colleagues in presenting themselves before the flame-obscured throne and saluting sharply. “Your will, Fire Lord.”

“Assemble a suitable force to…investigate this matter. Ba Sing Se is a massive city, so take what can be spared from the armies in the colonies. Let none hinder or mislead you from uncovering the truth. Bring both princes back for formal questioning.”

Bujing gulped as he bowed to acknowledge the order. The second half of that was sensible enough, but to draw on the northern, eastern and southern armies? 

The Fire Lord was practically ordering an invasion. 


With what an ‘investigation’ to seek out evidence, from an oversized army at that, it would be more of a sacking.

Of course, Princess Azula was having none of it. “Sending an army will give everyone the wrong message, and soldiers are not fit for a magistrate’s work…father.”

“Perhaps,” the Fire Lord answered lightly, his mind no doubt already made up. “But such an accusation cannot be taken lightly.” His attention returned to the generals and minister. “If they resist…it will be a sign of their guilt. You then have my permission to enact the punishment for betraying the Fire Nation.”

The princess all but snapped at that, standing straight to glare through the flames. “You are really expecting Xing to turncoat? Of Uncle Iroh to rebel?”

“Father, please reconsider,” Prince Zuko added, more formally than his sister but no less desperate nor earnest.

Their father audibly scoffed. “Perhaps it is your youth that has made you so naive. Nevertheless, my orders have been given. Xi- Prince Xing and Prince Iroh will answer for the accusation levied against them.”

“That is nonsense!” the princess defiantly declared. “There is not justice in this! You are already working on the assumption that they are guilty!”

The hall froze as she all but called out her father. The Fire Lord clearly stewed in his mind for a moment before managing to weave a curt response. “Am I?” A second’s pause, and then the next words made Bujing almost stumble in surprise. “Or perhaps you are defending them so vehemently because you’re part of that conspiracy, Azula?”


The curtain of fire rose higher as the Fire Lord’s wrath was unchained. “Perhaps the treachery that my advisers have been warning me about has been inaccurate. After all, none have considered my own brother to betray me.”

Eyes went wide with shock as the royal court took in the Fire Lord’s brazen accusation. 

“Perhaps then, it is not so much that my daughter is in danger of being influenced by the insidious Scorpion, but that he has already envenomed her, and has turned her against me?”


He snapped to his son. “And perhaps my son has been similarly affected as well? After all that I’ve done for him?”

“You’ve done nothing for him!” the princess exclaimed with an accusatory finger. “You left Zuko to rot for years just because he dared stand up against you and your imbecilic plans!”

“Guards, escort my daughter away,” the Fire Lord ordered over his daughter’s ranting. “Secure her-” 

“You happily exiled your own son with the flimsiest of excuses!”

“-so that we may question her thoroughly later.”

“And you’ll happily disgrace and imprison your own daughter who’s worked in your name for years for daring to call out your ostrich horseshit!”


Surprisingly, the princess did not back down as all the braziers in the room flared up along with the flame before the throne. “No! If all it takes is one faceless nobody to damn my fiance and my uncle, then it’ll take less to clear their names!”


“Fire Lord Ozai, I challenge you to an Agni Kai, on behalf of the honor of Prince Iroh and Prince Xing!”

Once more a stillness smothered in the throne room, though it now carried a far tenser, far deadlier undercurrent. Bujing knew then that a clarity fell on the nobles and generals, an understanding that things might have just escalated to a tipping point. And then…


And it all tipped over, and the general knew they were descending into madness.

“Coward,” she hissed.

“You are merely unworthy of my time. Guards, take my daughter away. She is either corrupted or hysterical.”

With everyone witnessing in shock, the princess shrugged off the palace guards trying to gently calm her down.

“Why is she still here?” the Fire Lord demanded, and the guards reluctantly used more force. The princess fought them off expertly, sending most of them sprawling on the floor or stumbling into the stunned courtiers.

To Bujing’s horror, Fire Lord Ozai decided to escalate things further. “Azula, if you continue resisting, I will take it as a sign of your guilt.”

Prince Zuko tried to reach out to his sister. “Azula, please…”

His sister shrugged his hand away, standing boldly among the groaning palace guards as she stared at her father’s silhouette. “No, Zuzu. I’ve had quite enough of our father. He holds Mai hostage to keep you in line. He forces me back here and undoes all I’ve done because he’s insecure about what I’ve achieved in the colonies.”

This time, the flames both in and outside of the throne room roared loudly as the Fire Lord’s wrath was fully evoked from the accusations. He actually stepped through the flames to meet his daughter’s unyielding glare. “Azula,” he declared through a snarl, “Your status as heir and princess are hereby revoked. As a suspect of a conspiracy against the Fire Nation, you will be held in the dungeons, to share the fate of the other traitors to the throne.”

“Father, no! Azula, please, stop this-”

“Is that meant to cow me?”

Father and daughter exchanged hateful gazes, and the flames in the room grew brighter from the clash of wills. 

“Guards,” the Fire Lord spoke with dangerous softness. “Seize this treasonous girl for defying the crown, and detain any who are associated with her to ascertain their guilt.”

This time, the guards came with blades drawn and flames ready. Prince Zuko was pulled aside by a guard, for all the protesting he managed, while the courtiers hurried out of the throne room. High General Bujing watched with those that dared remain as the madness continued to unfold.

The princess seemed ready to defend herself again, but a hand on her shoulders caused her stance to slacken. The look of betrayal on her face was obvious as her own bodyguards surrounded her.

“Princess,” one of them said softly. “Please…”

And then he surprised her by pushing her behind him, and all six men formed a protective wall between her and everyone else.


And then they charged into their fellows, and the throne room was lit up by a blinding display of flames.

By the time the six men were put down, the princess was gone, as was most of her entourage. For all the surprising preparation from the Fire Lord’s personal house guard, they were unable to stop Princess Azula from escaping on a ship.

A declaration was immediately sent out throughout the Fire Nation home islands and colonies.

The former crown princess has rebelled. Ba Sing Se too, and all those in it, have rebelled with her. The allegiance of the colonies she had once administered were now deemed suspect, and would be determined. Crown Prince Zuko was now heir to the throne, and would be kept in safety of the palace for his own wellbeing.

High General Bujing could only hate himself privately for his shameful cowardice for doing nothing but meekly accepting the Fire Lord’s new orders. Orders to head out along with loyal commanders and loyal men to ascertain and ensure the loyalties of the armies in the field. 

Orders to prepare the Fire Nation for a civil war.

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