Focused Fire (ATLA)

Scorpion’s First Sting

Author's notes: A semi-realized idea of what Xing's POV would be like. No idea what I was trying to achieve in terms of writing style, to be honest, so I'm just glad that it's somewhat coherent.

In hindsight, scampering through the forest at night might not have been the best idea, prime opportunity or not. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the now much smaller lights of the camp, and then fixed my gaze forwards once more to try and pick out the details of the forest the moonlight gave me.

Sighing, I pushed aside my doubts and continued onwards. This might not be the best idea, but it was not the worst one either. I might not have the closest idea of where and when I am, but I knew enough to not be stuck in the villains’ side. I’m just a scrawny kid with shit firebending, and it’d suck to be brought into a new life just to be dismissively deleted by the Avatar on his way to his adventures.

I’ll have to make my way…south. Yeah, south was where Omashu and its crazy-eyed king was. And that island of warrior women too, I think. I’m just a kid now, I could probably convince them to let me join without having to worry about being a spy or anything.

I hope.

This was a world where teens beat out hardened fighters, after all. I’ll have t-

I froze as I saw the flicker of light up ahead. Then sense returned and I crouched down to actually hide. It was just one speck at first moving across my vision, but then more flitted after it, like a procession of fireflies.


Wait, the Fire Nation soldiers said there were Earth Kingdom raiders.

They’re sort of the good guys, right? Should I try to approach them?

But…the town I was dug out from was obliterated by raiders. Would they welcome me, or just kill me on sight?

Assuming these light bearers were from the Earth Kingdom in the first place, anyway.

I should wait them out, let all of them pass by. But I crept after them anyway, because I was too curious and the risk was better than being lost in a forest by myself right now. As I got closer, I could make out the sounds of countless footsteps and the shuffling of equipment.

Thankfully, this small body, even as bruised as it was, was good at climbing, so I had my first glimpse of what an Earth Kingdom fighting force actually looked like from the safety of the treetops.

They looked nowhere near as clean as the show made them out to be. Lantern lights highlighted the mud and blood on their green armor and yellow garments beneath it. Their faces were just as unkempt at the Fire Nation soldiers I escaped from. And more noticeably, this procession gave off a sense of…ugliness that the Fire Nation counterparts did not have. It was the kind of ugliness that I’d encourage my friends - especially non-existent female ones - to steer clear from.

There was none of the discipline that the Fire Nation side had either. Even I could tell that their sentries were lazily keeping watch, and they were shambling along with a reluctance and complacency that was beyond just being tired. These men were like recently glutted cats, all confident and uncaring after they had their fill.

None of them so much as turned their head when I twisted off a twig from my branch and threw it towards another tree. I tried it a few more times, and the only time a soldier looked up was when a leaf fell onto his helmet.

Feeling confident, I climbed back down the tree (instead of, you know, doing something stupid like jumping from branch to branch) and kept to the shadows. There were a lot of soldiers passing by, and eventually what counted as their baggage train came into view. With my heart hammering and the deafening roar of blood rushing through my ears, I quickly dove in between the guards and plucked off a pouch hanging off a laden wagon.

I did not trip, there was no arm shooting out to catch me, there was no sudden jolt of pain from a spear. I actually reached the pouch and absconded with it back into the shadows without a hitch. The Earth Kingdom soldiers didn’t react at all, their heads still scanning about idly.

Giddy from my undeserving success, I peered down into the pouch and was even more elated to find it contained dried meat. I was half-expecting currency or wares to be able to trade off for when I reached a settlement, but having food meant I could shave off the desperation that I just now realized I’d be in if I didn’t find anyone to trade with for too long.

Coins don’t help much when you’re starving in the woods, after all.

I glanced back to the procession marching into the darkness. Maybe I should stick close by and try bagging a few more useful items before I continued on my travels.


It wasn’t too hard to shadow the Earth Kingdom force, I stuck to sleeping on a particularly thick tree branch nearby their camp to avoid being stepped on by a patrol or something. Looking back, it was a stupidly risky move, but at the moment, especially buoyed by my earlier success, I felt safe enough with how lax their security was.

I kept watching them from my perch as I snacked on jerky, noting how much more unruly these soldiers truly were compared to my previous… Well the Fire Nation bunch weren’t captors exactly… Just ill-suited caretakers maybe?

Eh, it didn’t matter. I have no idea just how ‘bad’ the Fire Nation was, just as how I didn’t know how ‘good’ the Earth Kingdom was, especially with the Ba Sing Se episodes. Best to not get accidentally involved in a group of baby-eating loonies and head straight for the people I know are certifiably goody goody. If I can run into the Avatar and his gang, all the better.

“To arms! To arms!”

A bunch of soldiers running back and yelling stirred up the Earth Kingdom camp from their morning daze, breaking me out of my idle thoughts.

“Enemy incoming!”

In an instant, the soldiers shed their laziness from the night before and their movements became sharp and decisive. There was a chaotic jumble of shouting as men hurriedly donned their armor and grabbed their weapons. In just a few minutes what looked like a whole tent city was emptied out and the soldiers assembled to the barking orders of their superiors.

Just like that, what looked like a bunch of hooligans turned into formation of professional soldiers, who began moving in formation like they were a single organism.

It looked and sounded far more impressive than in the movies, that’s for sure.

As they headed off, I climbed down my treetop perch and headed for their now abandoned camp. Well, not exactly abandoned, as I almost fatally discovered by stopping just short of running into a grumbling sentry. The man didn’t notice me and seemed to be annoyed at being left behind. Thankfully, he was too busy complaining of being stuck at guard duty to notice me, so I slipped in to do some quick looting.

From the first tent I entered I picked up a knife that looked like a short sword in my small hands. From the others I found coin pouches and personal rations. Considering my body’s limits, I took the smallest of the latter and carefully sifted through the latter for just enough provisions that I could carry. No waterskins or anything like that yet, unfortunately. Maybe it’ll be in the big tent where they serve their food, or I’ll have to rely on finding rivers and such.

Huh, now that I think about it, how safe is the water in this world? I’m not shitting myself to death from the Fire Nation’s servings, so I guess it shouldn’t be too bad…

I was sneaking into a slightly bigger tent when I heard the muffled sounds of rumbling and fire roaring. The fighting was getting closer, or it was just getting started. I dove into the tent and held my breath as I listened to the clamor for a better idea. It was the latter, I realized after several seconds of straining my ears. The noise wasn’t getting closer, though it spiked loudly on occasion with explosions.

I imagined the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation soldiers facing off against one another, and imagined how much bloodier actual, live combat would be compared to the cartoon. It’d be one hell of a mess, for sure. Then the smiling faces of those Fire Nation soldiers that fussed over me flashed through my mind, especially that old man’s.

No. Best not get too involved. I’ve got to get out of here quickly. Ignoring the contents of this tent, I snuck out and made my way out of the camp. The wind carried the stench of smoke to my nostrils, and I couldn’t help myself from turning to see the wisps of smoke snaking up from the treeline.

Again, I pictured those smiling faces.

I shouldn’t be too worried. The Fire Nation was the big bad of the show, so until the Avatar appeared they’ll likely be winning this fight and trampling over their Earth Kingdom opponents…right?

Maybe I could sneak up and see how the fighting was going. At least I’ll have an idea of where to run once the fighting was concluded.

This time, I stuck to the treetops, the added weight of my loot barely adding to how anxious I felt as I leapt from branch to branch and surprised myself by not crashing onto the ground each time. For a young kid, this body was very responsive and sure of itself.

I came to the edges of the fighting in no time, and a coldness took me as I saw actual warfare for the first time in all its gory glory.

There were armored forms crushed between boulders, spilling out bright pink meat from their mouths. Some people were running about with horrific wails as their bodies were lit aflame. My mind imagined the slow gurgle soldiers made as their opponents slowly drove blades and spears into their guts. Adding to the sights and sounds, the smell was horrific. Shit and blood and burning tainted my sense of smell and made the air barely breathable.

The same nausea I felt from when I saw those execution videos in my past life almost overtook me here, but this time I did not swoon because a big part of me reminded the rest of myself that I was in a particularly dangerous environment. Puking now would give me away.

I was about to turn and leave, but then I caught sight of a particular group of Fire Nation soldiers. That old man was fighting, throwing fire to send several spearmen screaming as they burnt to death. Those soldiers protecting him were also doing a bloody job of hacking and burning away at the opposition. Yet, it was clear that they were outnumbered, and would soon be overrun.

Come to think of it, I glanced about the battlefield and looked beyond the gore and horror. Contrary to my expectations, the Earth Kingdom was actually outnumbering the Fire Nation here, and it was becoming clear that the latter was going to lose. The red-armored troops were fighting in tight groups, but every now and then one of their number would fall to massed spears or get pasted by a flying rock.

My head turned back to the old man who fought with a vigor and ferocity of someone more than half his age. Even from afar I could make out the grim determination on his wrinkled features, a determination that was shared by his soldiers fighting for their lives. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from the sight. He barked out orders as he enveloped an earthbender with a blast of fire, and I felt goosebumps again at the familiar voice.

This is another world, I forcefully reminded myself, though my body still wouldn’t move.

This is another world, these are different people.

That colonel is not gramps. Gramps was dead long ago.

They don’t have the same wrinkles, don’t even have the same demeanor.

But then I remembered his warm smile, remembered how I almost mistook him for my grandfather the first time we met. The colonel was more soft spoken and reserved, but his eyes held the same kindness, same gentleness of my late old man. They were practically alike in spirit…

Shame fell on me like a heavy cloak as I realized I was about to watch my grandfather’s doppelganger get killed.

Worse, I just realized that I had leapt off the tree and was landing onto a gaggle of Earth Kingdom soldiers. My hand went for the knife before my panicking mind remembered about it, and its tip sank into the neck of a soldier as I landed among them.

“Xing!” I heard a familiar woman’s voice called out worriedly, but pushed it aside as I stared up at a group of angry, scowling faces.

Fuck, I lost my knife.

A spear lunged, and I immediately leapt back, and I did my best to redirect my energy into figuring out my next steps instead of simply shitting myself in terror. My chest bubbled with barely contained terror at the stupidity of my actions.

I ducked a spear shaft swatting at me, and then strained myself as I twisted to avoid several thrusts.

Some of the green-armored men roared, and I yelled back at them. And then I had to close my eyes as white fire blasted out of my mouth. The blinding light was over in a second as surprise took over me, and when I opened my eyes again there was a gap in the formation of men. I blinked as I looked to the stumps of legs that were all that was left of my enemies, and then looked to the remaining surprised soldiers.

So maybe it wasn’t just terror then.

“Get the boy!”

This time, I quickly ran towards my attackers instead of trying to avoid them, and I frantically called up that bubbling in my chest again. It took way too long for my liking, and I barely avoided being skewered a couple of times before I felt that familiar tingling. I willed that churning sensation through my arms as I finally dove for one man’s feet, and this time there was an incredible rush of something moving through me as white fire burst out of my palms and removed the man’s thighs. His screams were cut short as he tumbled down into my flames.

An angry roar sent me leaping aside with no time to appreciate the burning ache in my arms. I kept dodging and staying alive somehow, and at some point, I stopped thinking too much. Everything was simplified to simple directives:

I wielded fire, and these men burned. Stay alive and burn the green people.

I slid between two green-armored soldiers, igniting my flames as my palms grazed their sides. They fell as I rose up. Then I ran and leapt towards a man who had just lifted his spear out of a Fire Nation soldier.

Could I redirect the energy through my legs?

My puny foot kicked out the charred remains of his shin.

Yes I can. Aches just as badly as my arms though.

Then I shot a knee up to meet his falling chin, and then his face became a blackened crust.

It ached a bit more, but I didn’t have to release the fire at the ends of my limbs. Useful.

My hands shot out to burn away a rock as big as I was. I opened my eyes too quickly, there was still smoke and debris obscuring my view.

Wait, I shouldn’t wait to get a clear picture. There’s still fighting all around. Stupid.

I dove through the smoke and found the earthbender staring blankly at me.

I had initiative, so seize it. I lunged to place a palm on his chest, and then moved again. No point in watching him fall, he’ll be dead with a hole in his chest.

My arms and legs began to hurt as I kept moving and burning. My chest didn’t hurt as bad, but making my lungs move was taking more effort.

Was I sweating? No, it’s blood. Someone else’s, because I can’t be bleeding that much and still be moving.

A Fire Nation soldier stopped an Earth Kingdom one from pouncing on me as I checked myself for wounds. That was stupid of me, I need to keep moving. I repaid the gesture by screaming fire into a group of Earth Kingdom soldiers, because my arms and legs were feeling sore.

It was a mistake, now my throat’s aching badly, and my lungs are actually feeling some pain. Another stupid mistake. But I can’t stop yet.

Stay alive and burn the green people.

I tried to pick up a fallen sword, but it was too heavy. So I settled instead for a broken speartip. A bit unwieldy, but enough for me to avoid my next attacker and bury the metal into his groin.

Gotta remember, the weak points are their joints. Aim for the joints with metal.

And I did find more metal. I used four daggers, and the strain to push them into meat was far better than the ache of using fire.

I still had to burn though, even if my arms shook for some reason. Even if I was breathing out smoke. No, not smoke, cold mist. It was hard to find daggers.

Why was I breathing out cold air?

Because I’m getting cold. My chest was hurting more. My body was shaking.

Why, though?

I didn’t know, but there were still green people.

Stay alive and burn the green people.

I moved to reach for one of them that was looking at me with hands raised. This time, someone stopped me. I turned to shrug off a heavy hand on my shoulder, and saw his eyes boring into me.

“That’s enough, Xing.”

My name’s not Xing. But gramps still had that same warm, deep smile, the smile from when he still remembered who I was.

“They’ve surrendered, Xing, you can stop now.”

Surrendered? I turned to the remaining green Earth Kingdom men, and yes, they were on their knees. No weapons on them. No need to burn anymore.

“I’m glad you came back,” gramps said, just as devoid of anger or disappointment as the first time I tried to run away. Just relief, just glad that I stood before him again. “We thought you had run off.”

I gave him the same answer I did the first time. “I didn’t have anywhere to go.” Like before, gramps gave the same, warm smile, the kind that made it worth my parents’ scolding and punishments.

Then the cold caught up with me, and I couldn’t burn it away. Someone caught me as I fell, and I felt ashamed as I saw gramps becoming worried right before the darkness took me.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.