Fool The World To Work For Me

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Further Confirmation

Gu Changkong was excited to see the effect in front of him, but still asked in a deep voice.

“To what extent can the fruit be effective? How does it compare to this?”

Gu Yanran thought for a while and said, “Maybe it can achieve this level, but I’m afraid that only in the fruit research and development center, using their supercomputing can achieve the same effect.”

“This?” The old man was stunned, but still hesitantly said.

“Although I don’t understand this very well, but Lin Shijie is only one person who can develop something stronger than fruit?”

Gu Changkong narrowed his eyes slightly. They knew a lot about finance, but they really didn’t know much about high technology, especially these specific scientific and technological achievements.

But as the old man said, they understand people!

It is already very difficult to catch up in an environment where technology is backward.

But now not only has he caught up, but he can also overtake by a large margin, which is somewhat unbelievable anyway.

Gu Yanran naturally understood this, but Lin Shijie had an adventure, so she still spoke confidently.

“But now that’s the truth!”

“I believe that the fruit will soon release a demonstration video, and correspondingly, we can naturally estimate what their real state-of-the-art technology looks like.”

Gu Changkong nodded, “I’ll go to the imperial capital in the afternoon, Yanran, you go with me.”

“On the one hand, it is to make sure again, after all, there are more professional people there.”

“On the other hand, look at the meaning above.”

However, although Gu Changkong reconfirmed with his mouth, no matter his eyes or his behavior, he has already shown the intention to win.

Taking off his eyes, Gu Changkong’s eyes narrowed, “This is a rare opportunity, and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

“With the help of the torrent of the times, our Gu family will take the stage of the world.”

Hearing the words of the patriarch, the core members of the Gu family were all shocked. It seemed that the patriarch was ready to really stretch out the tentacles that had been ready to go.

It is foreseeable that it will be a fierce battle. After all, it is a gathering place for old-fashioned capital, and it is a gathering place for the world’s wealth.

But, that’s more attractive, isn’t it!

And don’t forget that in human history, the center of the world can be directly on this land for most of the time.

It is also time to show the world again what it means to be a kingdom of heaven.

Gu Yanran was also excited, and at the same time, she could think that this matter has been discussed for a long time, but there has been a lack of an opportunity.

Now, myself and Lin Shijie have become this rare breakthrough point.

Gu Yanran could have imagined that there would be an extremely fierce discussion and competition in the imperial capital.

But she was very calm and confident.

Because this is just the beginning!

And Lin Shijie, the source of the matter, is currently watching the technology news on the Internet while debugging the AR assistance system for the laboratory.

Regarding Gu Yanran’s side, although he was also very worried, he could only wait.

The development of the system is naturally not difficult for Lin Shijie, but the difficulty is the collection of various experimental data and the simulation of corresponding property changes.

He can only get information from some scientific papers and public experiments.

But those things were too abstract for him to understand at all.

He couldn’t understand it, and naturally he couldn’t enter the auxiliary system, let alone add a technology tree, so he could only make a basic framework for the auxiliary system.

Lin Shijie looked at the system in his mind, and it was still messy and unorganized.

After all, it is a blank system, even if you want to automatically classify it, you can’t do it.

You can only do it a little by yourself.

Of course, Lin Shijie also thought about adding a system framework to the blank system to help manage it. But what’s the difference between that and doing it yourself?

At least there are not many things now, and when I can see all of them in an instant, there is no difference.

Unless you can have an intelligent housekeeper, like Jarvis, to help you manage the system, it will be better if you can independently develop technology based on the technology tree.

However, developing a set of artificial intelligence is not within his ability.

It seems that I have time to learn the development of artificial intelligence, at least to establish the database first.

After the system is fully rolled out, with a huge amount of data to learn, the growth of artificial intelligence will also be very rapid.

Well, just do it!

Thinking of this, Lin Shijie downloaded artificial intelligence learning materials directly from the Internet and began to learn by himself slowly.

After all, with the gradual increase in mental power, he found that his learning ability and comprehension had a good increase.

It seems that the system said that this is a god-level technology, and it even makes sense to control the heavens.

After all, just a framework is so magical, isn’t it.

Lin Shijie immediately started multitasking, learning the development of artificial intelligence while verifying the AR assistance system.

At the same time, he was still thinking about Gu Yanran and the school.

Time passed quickly, and at this moment, the phone suddenly rang.

When Lin Shijie saw that it was Chen Hao, he immediately thought of Fan Lao and the graphene material.

“Chen Hao, are there not enough materials? Just come and get them.”

Chen Hao was happy, “I really want to ask about the materials, and I have good news to tell you.”

“Oh? Good news?” Lin Shijie was also taken aback for a moment, and then he asked with some joy, “Could it be that you have developed something?”

The opposite Chen Hao couldn’t help laughing, and Lin Shijie heard the laughter over the phone.

It seems to have achieved really good results.

Sure enough, Chen Hao said with a smile.

“It was researched with my mentor, some experiments on carbon nanotubes, but due to the problem of materials, several repeated tests and confirmations have to be done.”

“That’s great, I’ll send it directly to you as much as you want.” Lin Shijie said hurriedly.

Originally, he was like thanking Mr. Fan in person, and this time he had an opportunity that he couldn’t miss.

And he also wanted to take the opportunity to ask Chen Hao and Fan Lao about the different forms, properties and experimental data of various forms of graphene, so as to improve the ar laboratory auxiliary system.

So after Lin Shijie finished speaking, he directly recycled all the things that should not be in the house, especially the two large computers in the basement.

But after thinking about the three hair thieves before, Lin Shijie simply sealed the door and window directly from the inside.

As for the yard, there is nothing there anyway, and there are surveillance cameras on the walls of the yard.

I don’t think anyone would turn it over so blatantly.

However, looking at the empty yard, I thought about it, I might run to school often, and it seems that I need to buy a car.

Of course, with his character, the appearance is not important, but the inside is important.

When I come back in the evening, I will study it carefully. It would be best if I can find a chance to see the presidential car.

Thinking happily, Lin Shijie took a taxi directly to the school.

And not long after he left, facing the sunset, a few seemingly inconspicuous people seemed to have inadvertently come out of the yard.

“There are no security measures other than monitoring.”

“No one else is around.”

“Okay, act!”

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