Fool The World To Work For Me

Chapter 739

Chapter 740 The Sheep Entering The Tiger’S Mouth

“Okay, you all spread out,” Lin Shijie said lightly.

Immediately after, Lin Shijie said with a smile, “Okay, I really didn’t intend to find you, at least not so soon, but since you’ve come, I’ll be welcome.”

When Park Zhongsheng finished speaking, his face drooped down. He really didn’t think about it and said it, at least he wouldn’t say it so bluntly. Didn’t he see that Lin Shijie’s eyes were not so normal now when he looked at him.

Pu Buzhen has bowed her head again, “I’m sorry Mr. Lin, our positions are different, it’s only natural for a big brother to think like this.”

“Well, I think so too.” Lin Shijie said with a smile, “Let’s start with the first question, what mission did you come to China with?”

After speaking, Pu Buzhen’s heart was also shocked. Is this hypnosis? I didn’t even notice the slightest clue, and I didn’t even feel the slightest warning.

“Yes, after all, I’m dealing with the specific things. Park Buzhen is just judging, she doesn’t know the details.” Park Zhongsheng said quickly.

Pu Buzhen said immediately, “This time, it is mainly to cooperate with the isolation policy of the beautiful country, to withdraw all production lines and industries from China and transfer them to Southeast Asia, Tianzhu or Africa. My hunch on this trip is mixed, but the benefits are more. But I need to come by myself.”

“Is that so,” Lin Shijie nodded slightly, “then can you feel whether what happened next is good or bad for you?”

“Mr. Lin, our plan is naturally to withdraw a little bit, so that we can manage the Chinese government’s interests, preferably land or assets, and then sell it at a high price to earn him a lot of money when we leave.”

“Forget it,” Lin Shijie smiled slightly, “by the way, this is Park Zhongsheng, I wonder why you came?”

“That’s right. After all, although Pu Buzhen has some abilities, I’m afraid she doesn’t know many things. You, the person in charge, will probably know more.” Lin Shijie said with a smile.

“What about you?” Lin Shijie looked at Pu Buzhen, “What are you doing here? And I’m curious, what do you mean by foreknowledge? Foretell good and bad luck?”

“Inspect your truth, and then wait for the opportunity, but everything is up to my sister.” Park Zhongsheng said directly.

After finishing speaking, Park Zhongsheng reacted and looked at Lin Shijie with a little astonishment, “You, when did I get recruited?”

Park Zhongsheng immediately had a bad premonition in his heart, but as soon as he wanted to move, he found that he couldn’t move at all, and immediately looked at Lin Shijie in horror.

Lin Shijie couldn’t help rolling his eyes, saying that still hurts a bit.

“Hypnosis? It’s okay to say that.” Lin Shijie nodded slightly, “Anyway, you are also a spiritual person, so you can probably understand the difference.”

Lin Shijie frowned. He was not interested in Park Buzhen’s premonition, but he was more concerned about the isolation policy. He quickly asked, “Are you all withdrawn, Park Jongsheng, what about the specifics?”

“Very vague, unable to judge.” Park Buzhen felt it, and then said blankly. “Well, if it’s really that smart, I’m really curious,” Lin Shijie said disappointedly. “If it’s just that, it’s better than nothing.”

Pu Buzhen nodded slightly, “I don’t know if Lin always started?”

“Tell me about you, no, it should be why you came to China and what are you going to do?” Lin Shijie said with a smile, “and why did you come to me?”


“During the period, you can also borrow public opinion to throw the problem on the local government or the quality of the personnel, or directly slander them. This way, there are legitimate reasons for the transfer, and it can also cause suspicion and confusion between them. It’s killing two birds with one stone. .”

Park Zhongsheng frowned immediately, raised his head and said, “Lin Shijie, we came here in an open and honest way.”

Park Zhongsheng immediately swallowed and spit, the fear in his heart couldn’t be restrained, and he lowered his head quickly, “Mr. Lin, feel free to ask any questions, we naturally come with sincerity.”

Pu Buzhen smiled slightly, “It is said that Mr. Lin can hypnotize others silently. The little girl is really curious.”

Pu Buzhen said softly, “First make amends, then make amends. Compensation can be that your company enters Korea, Mr. Lin. We can guarantee sufficient income, and the woman I brought, but it is not needed now.”

“So, just stay honest, you can go back to China after I ask, understand?”

“Well, I understand.” Lin Shijie nodded, “But since I have an unfavorable idea, it is my enemy, and I will never be polite to the enemy.”

Lin Shijie glanced at Park Zhongsheng lightly, “You are my enemy now, if you don’t need to ask questions, you are useless.”

But soon, Park Zhongsheng found that neither his sister nor Lin Shijie had any surprised expressions about what he said.

“It will definitely be worse for the time being, but anyway, the global economy is not so good now, and it will take time to recover, so I just took the opportunity to adjust it.” Park Zhongsheng said quickly.

Lin Shijie glanced at Park Zhongsheng indifferently, “Is it really a lady and a torii, and transfer all the industries to Southeast Asia, can they take over the house?”

“Park Buzhen said first, let me see what your general direction is?”

“All,” Park Jong-sang continued, “I thought I was going to deceive you to Goryeo and take the opportunity to take it down, but Park Bu-jeong didn’t think so, she thought it was a beautiful country, and she also asked me to It makes me a little puzzled to restrain all thoughts that are unfavorable to you, thinking that it is a missed opportunity for our family to improve.”

“So what?” Lin Shijie said indifferently, “You also want to be open and aboveboard and jump down in front of everyone’s eyes?”

She has completely lost the desire to resist, because she has already realized how huge Lin Shijie’s mental power is, and the feeling that completely envelopes the whole world makes her perception completely useless.

And Pu Buzhen also signaled the two behind him to leave as well, and then looked at Lin Shijie with a smile, “Mr. Lin, what do you want to hear?”

Park Buzhen went on to say, “As for my premonition, it’s just a vague perception that can roughly judge whether something is good or bad for us, just like I clearly felt just now that if the big brother maintains the previous hostile thoughts, we will be very angry. Dangerous.”

“Then why is there a trace of unwillingness in your eyes?” Lin Shijie asked curiously, “What’s the reason for this? To me or to your sister?”

“And it’s not just us, the Neon Kingdom is the same, and they have even begun to act.”

The surrounding Duanmu and others immediately left enough distance, only to ensure that their eyes could see Lin Shijie.

“As for Pu Buzhen, because she has a vague premonition, we all have to listen to her little girl, and we are naturally a little unwilling.”

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