Fool The World To Work For Me

Chapter 797

Chapter 798: Calm Shangguanling

In the headquarters of the Imperial Capital Company, Shangguan Ling is having lunch with Shangguan Yue in the office.

But Lin Shijie has been alert for a long time, even as early as the expansion of the ar network, Lin Shijie had already imagined such a scenario.

“Oh, I thought you would be very excited.” Shangguan Ling said with a smile.

In addition, the beautiful country is pressing there. As long as there is enough time, maybe these industries can be successfully migrated to the past, and at the same time, it can also give Goryeo and Neon a better opportunity to expand, which will greatly ease domestic conflicts. .

In addition, the company Yan was almost supported by herself a while ago, and she also suffered from the scorching world.

As for those companies, he doesn’t care much, or he really cares about the situation in Southeast Asia.

But for these companies, there is nothing to worry about. It is naturally a good thing for the local people to relocate low-end industries. After all, there are not many industries in those backward places. Naturally, these companies need to join in, that is, to improve gdp, It can also lead to employment.

“Part of it, but most of it is learned from personal experience in society.” Shangguanling said lightly, “Okay, let’s eat quickly, I’ll be busy in a while.”

Although for the country, it is impossible to make a move, and it cannot make a move.

“How come, I’m not a child anymore,” Shangguan Yue pouted, “and the cause of this incident is our cultural exhibition after all.”

“Ah? Getting into trouble?” Shangguan Yue said in surprise.

And she Shangguanling, I believe she will soon become a veritable business woman.

Due to environmental and geographical factors, people in Southeast Asia are almost insulated from adjectives such as industrious, kind, and hard-working.

“Understood, are you ready?” Shangguan Yue nodded.

“Yes, why?” Shangguan Yue didn’t understand. Shangguanling said lightly, “In order to have better results, in order to be justifiable, and in order to protect yourself from getting into trouble!”

Shangguanling shook her head, “What the public sees is of course the whole thing, but under the guidance of people with a heart, under the instigation of people with a heart and deliberately re-editing and compiling, it will cause the effect of obstructing the purpose of the whole thing.”

“Oh?” Qin Hanshuang was taken aback, “I wanted to remind you, but I didn’t expect you to see so far.”

“We are ready to set things right, and we can be ready to follow the call of the relevant departments to carry out positive publicity at any time, but we can’t just go straight to action.”

Because Yan Company is a technical service company, it is more inclined to entertainment, so after Shangguanling asked Gu Yanran for instructions, he simply set the headquarters in the imperial capital, which is more suitable for development, rather than the magic capital.

After all, the application of AR technology in entertainment has great value, because it can create a better stage, a more novel environment, and it can also spawn more unique performance forms, better entertainment programs, and even better movie production. mode and viewing experience,

It is a good idea to gradually assimilate Southeast Asia with the people of Goryeo and Neon.

“Oh, how can you not be in a hurry, now because of the relationship between our ar Huaxia Cultural Exhibition, the cultural confidence of the people is unprecedentedly high, but it has just caught up with those foreign-funded enterprises doing things, what if there is a conflict?”.

Therefore, from looking at people’s complexion from a low level to flying to the branches, and then being knocked down to the dust, Shangguan Ling, who was already smart and shrewd, has already undergone a huge transformation, and has faintly had a bit of a strong woman’s momentum.

Of course, it is hard to say if there is any other meaning here.

Therefore, in the future entertainment industry, Yan Company is destined to occupy an important position.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about the domestic situation, but he needs his help abroad. It is not so easy to move the industrial chain to Southeast Asia smoothly.

“Of course,” Qin Hanshuang said with a smile, “I take the liberty to ask, are you going to fight back against Gao Li and Neon’s actions?”

“Of course it’s to appease the masses,” Shangguanyue said quickly, “At least it can’t happen that kind of large-scale conflict, even marches and demonstrations are very troublesome.”

Now that these companies have begun to move, it means that they are ready to evacuate, and it also means that in Southeast Asia, they have also begun to act.

Looking at Shangguanyue’s youthful appearance, Shangguanling couldn’t help but smile, “Why are you so anxious?”

Although Goryeo and Neon absorbed these fine qualities because they were influenced by China, it is definitely not something that can be accomplished in a short time to change those people, and it must take a long time to assimilate.

At this moment, Shangguan Ling has long lost the appearance of the third-rate actor before. Since she had something to do with Lin Shijie, regardless of her status or vision, her contact circle has risen a few levels.

“What’s more, I have always regarded the most powerful and beautiful country as an opponent!”

“Yeah, it’s a problem, and it’s not a small problem,” Shangguanling said seriously, “but, this is not our problem, but the problem of the relevant departments.”

“Yes, is that so?” Shangguan Yue said ignorantly.

Lin Shijie smiled, “It’s really a counterattack, but we have to add the beautiful country, and our battlefield is not here but in Southeast Asia!”

“What we do is to enhance the national pride, cultural self-confidence, and broad-mindedness of the world, which is a matter of infinite merit.”

“Oh, you’re wrong,” Shangguanling said seriously, “the cause of the matter is those greedy foreign investors who provoked troubles, not us. You have to recognize this.”

Coupled with the nature of the company, Shangguanling has also become a guest of major entertainment companies, and it is already an equal existence.

“Sister, what should we do now?” Shangguan Yue asked worriedly.

“Yeah, isn’t that the problem?” Shangguan Yue nodded immediately.

So Lin Shijie, who was still in the warship laboratory, smiled apologetically to Qin Hanshuang, “General Qin, I’ll take a break and have a small meeting!”

“You, just entering the society, you can’t see the essence of many things is normal,” Shangguan Ling said with a smile, “I am also constantly learning.”

“This time the matter is not so simple, there may be a lot of inside information hidden in it. If we rashly speak out, it is very likely that we will be coerced by public opinion,” Shangguanling thought seriously, “It is even very possible that some of them are in the dark. Wait for us to speak up.”

Shangguanling shook her head helplessly, “So, what do you want to do?”

Lin Shijie naturally knew the news, and he was very relieved about Shangguanling. It was not difficult for her to deal with these problems.

“Oh, did you learn from President Lin?” Shangguan Yue said with a smile.

Lin Shijie’s mouth curled slightly, “Don’t they say that shopping malls are like battlefields? If you don’t look farther, how can you take advantage of the opportunity?”

“But that’s not what the people see at all?” Shangguan Yue said in surprise, “They only saw our leading side, the tragic side, that’s why they have such a big reaction.”

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