Football: Just joined Chelsea and was targeted by Real Madrid

Chapter 113 If you don't accept it, just do it

Seeing Vardy's bewildered appearance, the reporters also tacitly asked Zhang Ming:

"Zhang, is the conflict between you and Vardy really what Vardy said just now? Or is there another reason?"

"The general meaning is that. I didn't come to the Premier League last year. And the big brothers in the Premier League didn't have the same knowledge as him, so he took the limelight. So much so that he forgot who he is. People are like this, easy to get carried away. Because I came this year, and you have seen my performance. Whether it is the suppressing force on the court or the control over the game, he is unmatched. And I am also firmly ranked first in the scorer list, so he I became angry from embarrassment."

Look at what Zhang Ming said, only you, Vardy, were offended, and no one else was offended.

Hearing what Zhang Ming said, Vardy couldn't sit still, and he wanted to compete with Zhang Ming.

"Zhang, what do you think about today's game? Do you think Vardy can suppress you?"

The reporter continued to ask questions.

"I haven't played against him yet, so I don't have a specific understanding of his ability. But I watched their game video, and I think his arrogance and domineering is unfounded. If nothing else, just say our new Chelsea team There are many opponents who can suppress him in these few games of the season. Like Manchester United's Rooney, Arsenal's Sanchez and Ozil. There are more Dortmunds, so I won't go into details one by one. "

Hearing Zhang Ming's words, Vardy couldn't bear it anymore.He stood up directly and walked towards Zhang Ming.

The reporter saw Vardy who was running away saying:

Don't be impulsive, be calm, you are all professional players, you must have a professional spirit......

But this is just talk, no one came to pull Vardy.I can't wait for you to beat your head and bleed.

Ma De, the reporter just wants you to fight.It's such eye-catching stuff.As long as you can fight together, then your bonus will be guaranteed.

Seeing the furious Vardy getting closer, Zhang Ming was still very worried.Fighting is punishable, especially in front of so many reporters.

That time in the bar, Balotelli was the main attacker and took the lead, while Zhang Ming just played wild on the sidelines.Because of this, Vardy thought that Zhang Ming would not fight at all.It's just pretending to be powerful and following Balotelli to pick up cheap.This also fueled Vardy's arrogance. Otherwise, Vardy would not dare to take the initiative to trouble Zhang Ming.

"Zhang, Vardy is not only the main player of Leicester City, but also the main player of England. The World Cup will be played next year, and the British national team cannot do without Vardy. The British Football Association will definitely not take care of this. It’s a big thing, and it must be a big thing, and a small thing. Otherwise, it will affect Vardy’s World Cup next year. Do you understand what I mean?”

Seeing that Zhang Ming was timid, Mourinho whispered to Zhang Ming.

Mourinho has long been displeased with this Vardy. Last season, Vardy was often embarrassed in front of him.There is no need to worry about Zhang Ming's skills. Even Balotelli has been dealt with submissively. Isn't Zhang Ming easy to deal with Vardy?

Hearing Mourinho's words, Zhang Ming was immediately relieved.Ma De, the uncle is quite bad, and we like his temper.

For fighting, Zhang Ming really didn't pay attention to Vardy.You can't even take care of Balotelli, so where did you get the confidence to play against yourself.

With so many reporters on the scene, even if the British Football Association suppressed this matter, there must be gossip leaked out.At that time, Longguo netizens will definitely receive the news.

Zhang Ming knows Longguo netizens too well. When he sees a fight, it's like fighting chicken blood.

A few years ago, a group of boy scouts from China came to the UK for training, and they clashed with a local team in the UK.Zhang Ming watched that video, and no matter how he looked at it, it was the Boy Scouts of Longguo who suffered a loss.Ma De, this time, we will calculate the old and new accounts together, so as to give the people of Long Kingdom a good face.

This time, we must take good care of this kid, and we must not lose the people of Longguo netizens.

Vardy rushed over, pointing at Zhang Ming and cursing.Zhang Ming also cursed back.

Zhang Ming thought it over, he must not do it first, so many reporters have turned on the cameras, but they can't fake it.If it's a fight, whoever strikes first will be right or wrong.

Vardy also understands this truth, just yelling and scolding, not doing anything at all.

The reporter looked at Zhang Ming and Vardy pointing at each other and yelling at each other, but they didn't do it, and they were anxious.Two big men are really annoying.

Zhang Ming is also in a hurry, why the fuck don't you do anything.

"Did you come all the way to me just to let me scold you? Look at you, I'm standing here, what can you do? You're wasting air with a pot on your head and a sack on your waist. , It’s a waste of land to die. It’s a joke for you to live. Why didn’t your dad shoot you on the wall to bask in the sun.”

Seeing that Vardy didn't make a move first, Zhang Ming said aggressively.

Sure enough, upon hearing Zhang Ming's words, Vardy couldn't help it.

Directly greeted Zhang Ming with a left uppercut on his right face.

Zhang Ming fell to the ground when Vardy's fist was only one centimeter away from his face.

Mourinho was stunned watching this scene. The reporter saw that the fight was far away. Out of trust in Zhang Ming's skill, Mourinho did not dodge far away. Ming is not far away.You clearly saw that Vardy's fist hadn't hit yet, why did you fall down.

"This kid is too good at pretending."

Mourinho suppressed a smile and thought.

Zhang Ming got up from the ground and you are welcome, you are the one who knocked me down first.What are you worried about.

Zhang Ming got up and faced Vardy's crazy output, with left and right uppercuts one after another.

Vardy was beaten and forced, why don't you talk about martial arts.In single fights, don't you punch me and I punch you again to see who falls first? What does it mean that you keep punching?

Zhang Ming didn't care about this, he just beat him up violently, and in the end, he couldn't stop it, like Balotelli driving a motorcycle and taking a serpentine route that his relatives didn't recognize.

In the end, Mourinho couldn't stand it anymore, so don't be beaten to death if you continue to fight.Although the British Football Association is suppressing this matter, if you beat someone to death, that's another matter.

"Zhang, we are professional players, how can we fight, this is not good, stop quickly."

Hearing Mourinho's words, Zhang Ming kicked Vardy out, and then stopped.

Vardy, who fell to the ground, was still shaking his head from side to side.

After Zhang Ming stopped, he directly did another set of radio gymnastics done by the 90s elementary school students in Longguo:

"One two three four, two two three four, three two three four, four two three four..."

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