Football: Opening Reward Ronaldinho Ronaldo Ronaldo template

Chapter 124 Is This Your Defense?

Chapter 124 Is This Your Defense?

The war of words between the players, coaches, and celebrities of the two sides before the game actually cannot become the protagonist of the game.

What people pay attention to is, after all, the game itself.

As the game time draws near, the heat of this game is getting higher and higher in Dragon Kingdom.

Even many Longguo media believe that Malaga had a difficult draw against Barcelona in the last away game. If Malaga can't show a convincing performance in this game.

Ye Luo's rhetoric of winning the championship this season may really become a joke ridiculed by the Spaniards.

Ye Luo is now the face of Dragon Country football - although on this point, the Dragon Country Football Association and some media have different opinions, but for most fans, the players of the Dragon Country National Team are tied up and multiplied by one hundred times, even one of Ye Luo's toes couldn't keep up.

The popularity of Ye Luo's news in Dragon Country is unimaginable in Spain - Ye Luo is already popular in Spain, but in Dragon Country, the popularity of Spain is not on the same level as the starlight compared to the bright moon .


Two hours before the game.

Madrid, Plaza outside the Bernabeu, as Real Madrid fans drive into the stadium.

They felt the "little shock" from the Dragon Kingdom.

Because there are too many reporters from Longguo and self-media reporters!

Not just the major traditional newspapers, or online media such as Xinglang, Leshi, Tengxun, or the self-media of some small teams.

Everyone sent front reporters to the Bernabeu one after another.

Long Guo reporters are obviously the most active group of people around the Bernabéu stadium.

They'll grab some Spanish fans for interviews.

Of course.

All the questions asked were related to Ye Luo.

Ask Real Madrid fans: "How do you think Real Madrid need to defend Yello?"

Ask the Malaga fans: "What do you think of Yello's performance?"

In short.

Just to hear good things about Ye Luo.

[Aspen News] Editor-in-Chief Loritus' face is not very good-looking.

"Damn it, people from the Dragon Kingdom, people from the Dragon Kingdom, or people from the Dragon Kingdom. Why are there so many people from the Dragon Kingdom? Isn't there just one player who performed well? In La Liga, there are so many stars from all over the world. If the Chinese are like this, can Madrid still hold so many people?"

Lolitus' face was not very good-looking.

At the beginning, because he was against Pera Grini, he even attacked Ye Luo, but Ye Luo's outstanding performance was all greeted in his face.

Up to now, when people mention the credibility of [Aspen], the example of Ye Luo has completely become the best footnote to ridicule [Aspen].

However, there are so many Long Guo people in the Bernabeu now.

This only shows.

Ye Luo's performance was indeed quite explosive.

Now Lorites doesn't dare to say "they only have one Yelo, we are Real Madrid" anymore.

Because of too many faces.

So Loritus can only choose to hibernate.

Before the game, he even rarely praised Ye Luo's performance when he was previewing.

Let his reports look very objective, fair, neutral and in-depth.

But in fact, when writing those words, Loritus almost gritted his teeth.

but no way
That's what he lives on.

Moreover, [Aspen] is not like a tabloid like [The Sun] in England. It is obvious that I am vulgar, I am shameless, and that I spread rumors that are all fake. [Aspen] claims to be "Spanish authoritative media".

If the writing is too outrageous.

Where is that authority?

So Lorites had to praise Ye Luo against his will, because Ye Luo's performance was too explosive, he couldn't find fault at all, and in this match between Real Madrid and Malaga, he couldn't bypass Ye Luo.

In short.

Now Lorites is praying, praying that Ye Luo will not perform well in this game.

"Real Madrid have never lost three games in a row against the same opponent, so Malaga will lose this game!"

Lolitos thought.

That's what he thinks, and what most Real Madrid fans think.

When Ye Luo stood in the player tunnel again.

His face became much calmer.

When he first came to the Bernabeu to play, he was still curious about the stadium.

But after the first time.

There will be no special feeling the second time.

He is standing at the front.

Real Madrid's players lined up in an untidy queue, and the players were talking to each other in twos and threes, looking relaxed.

However, the attention of most Real Madrid players is on the No. 10 of Malaga.

before they walk out of the tunnel.

Mourinho kept emphasizing that Ye Luo's defense in this game!

"Ye yeh. yeh. yeh."

Now Cristiano Ronaldo feels like his head is going to explode.

Mourinho has said so much, but in fact he didn't remember many of them, he just remembered the words "Ye Ye Ye Ye."


I admit this guy is great.

But you don't need to spend 10 minutes to emphasize this point, do you?

I am also very good!
In this game, it depends on who scores more goals!

But Cristiano Ronaldo changed his mind.

If his teammates can strictly follow the head coach's deployment, they will impose maximum restrictions on Ye Luo.

The possibility of winning this head-to-head match is even greater.

Line up, shake hands, pick sides
After this series of ceremonies are completed.

The focus of this La Liga battle is about to start.

Yello and Van Nistelrooy stood in the center circle ready to kick off.

Van Nistelrooy stepped on the football and looked around: "It's not easy to play here."

Ye Luo looked at Van Nistelrooy, not knowing whether he was talking about this game or his three and a half years in Real Madrid.

So he didn't say anything.

Maybe the old guy is remembering his period of Real Madrid that was not successful, in fact, it was not a failure.

Wouldn't it be too abrupt to interrupt yourself at this time?
Van Nistelrooy found that Ye Luo didn't talk to him, and turned his head to look, but saw Ye Luo staring at Real Madrid's goal.

"What are you thinking about? Ye?"

Fanny asked.

"Ah?" Ye Luo came back to his senses, smiled and said after the book: "I was thinking about how I should celebrate after scoring a goal, kneeling? It seems that I use too much, it's a bit monotonous, and I feel that my skate Kneeling skills have not been very good, it is really nerve-wracking."

Fanny's face darkened: "The game hasn't started yet, why do you want to go so far?"

"What is this, do you know? I'm currently studying how to hold the championship trophy to be handsome enough."

Fanny rolled his eyes.

This guy.

The league has only reached the eighth round.

I started thinking about holding a cup.

Is there something unusual in the minds of geniuses?

But after such a gag.

The little apprehension of returning to the Bernabeu has dissipated.

Fanny looked at Ye Luo.

"If I were a scientist, I would have to dissect this guy and see what type of alien creature it is."

Fanny muttered something under his breath.

"Old Fan, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing, the game is about to start!"

beep! !

A whistle sounded.

Sure enough, the referee blew the whistle to start the game at this time.

Van Nistelrooy kicked the ball to Ye Luo.

With this whistle.

The narrators also began to fully enter the working state.

"Viewers and friends, welcome to watch the focus of the ninth round of La Liga at 2 o'clock in the evening local time and [-] o'clock in the morning BJ time. This game is also the top scorer Real Madrid and It’s a head-to-head confrontation between No.[-] Malaga in the standings. If Malaga can beat Real Madrid, they will overtake Real Madrid and take the top spot in the standings! With the referee’s whistle, the game officially begins!”

Duan Xuan's voice came, very clear.

But unfortunately, because it was not a live commentary, his voice could not blend well with the warm atmosphere of the scene.

But Dragon Country fans don't care about this.

All the Dragon Kingdom fans waiting in front of the TV were shocked, looking at the TV screen,

"Both teams are doing their best. For Real Madrid, starting goalkeeper Iker Casillas, central defender Ramos and Pepe, left back Marcelo, right back Arbeloa, double midfielder Xavi Alonso and Khedira, the starting midfielder for this game is Kaka, Cristiano Ronaldo on the left, Di Maria on the right, and center Benzema!"

"On Malaga's side, the main players are also the main players. Goalkeeper Caballero, central defender Demichelis and Matheson, left back Monterey, right back Sanchez, three midfielders Tulalang, Joaquin and Cazorla. , On the forward line, Ye Luo's initial position was on the left, Isco kicked to the right, and Ruud van Nistelrooy was in the middle."

Following the commentator Duan Xuan's voice came.

On the TV screen, the game has already started.

The football passed to Cazorla's feet. Cazorla looked at the frontcourt and directly passed a diagonal pass to Ye Luo.

Ye Luo stuck to the sideline and stopped the ball with a chest stop.

And at this moment, Di Maria and Alberoa double-teamed one after the other, and at the same time, an unexpected character appeared—Khedira!

Ye Luo didn't expect Khedira to appear on the right.

With the help of Di Maria and Arbeloa, Khedira stabbed the ball to Kaka. Kaka directly led the ball and turned around, crossing to find Ronaldo!
Cristiano Ronaldo dribbled the ball from the side, then cut in and shot directly!

"Cristiano!!!!" The commentators exclaimed.

Ronaldo's shot shot was very fast. When the ball was shot, many Malaga fans exclaimed.


The ball was hit too squarely, it hit Caballero's chest, fell to the ground, and he threw himself under him.

Ronaldo jumped up regretfully, waved his arms, and kicked the turf vigorously with his feet.

Kaka and the others also put their heads in their hands.

If the ball goes in.

Then Real Madrid made a fantastic start!
"C Ronaldo completed a shot, but the angle was not open, and he failed to score, but the source of this shot was that Ye Luo was intercepted. Let's see, oh, Khedira's range of motion is really big!!"

The TV was playing back the scene of Ye Luo being intercepted. After the ball was stopped by Ye Luo's chest, he was double-teamed by Di Maria and Arbeloa. Hedi pulled out his foot and stabbed the ball away.

Mourinho on the sidelines also leaned back, and then applauded vigorously, praising the team's offense this time.

at the same time.

On the other side, Pellegrini was taken aback, and his assistant Maloska asked, "Could it be Dui Zi?"

Pellegrini shook his head, "It's not easy to say."

But the next game made Pellegrini completely frown.

"Close-to-man marking and zone defense." Pellegrini exhaled and said to Malloska.

"Khedira is in charge of the defense. In any area, Ye Luo will encounter more than three players' defense. This kind of defense is really rare. If Ye Luo can pass the ball to the open space, maybe we have a chance." Ma Ma Loska said.

"Not necessarily!" Pellegrini pointed his finger at the field, "Their defense in the middle is also very dense. This guy Mourinho really deserves to be a defensive master."

While Pellegrini was speaking.

Ye Luo took the ball near the middle circle, and Khedira followed him to the middle circle like a dog's skin plaster.

But when Ye Luo returned to his own half with the ball, Khedira did not follow.

Do you have to defend yourself after halftime?
Ye Luo was thoughtful, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Khedira remembered Mourinho's arrangement for him.

As long as Ye Luo passed the half-court, he would not leave one meter away from him.

And the defensive players in the area should immediately surround Ye Luo, regardless of whether he has the ball at his feet!

This kind of defense is done at the expense of the number of players who press up to participate in the offense.

At least so far.

Neither of Real Madrid's full-backs went up to participate in the attack.


Malaga did not seem to launch any threatening attacks in this situation.

They had control of the ball for more than a minute, and they hadn't developed the ball into Real Madrid's penalty area. Judging from this round, Real Madrid's defensive strategy worked very well, so they completed a quick attack, and Malaga's attack was just as good. It seems very procrastinated.

Because they are always looking for Ye Luo, but Ye Luo is now the most important player to mark.

Seeing the smile on the corner of Ye Luo's mouth, Khedira frowned.

What is this guy laughing at?

What else can you laugh at?

Mourinho and Real Madrid's players thought they had a secret weapon, but for Yello.
In the virtual arena, he has never encountered any situation.

Can this level of defense stop him?

the answer is negative.

Isco, Cazorla and others are still thinking about how to crack Real Madrid's defensive system.

Ye Luo had already waved towards them.

"Come closer to me, pass the ball faster, and pass the ball forward as much as possible, play my speed!"

Ye Luo explained quickly.

Cazorla and Isco nodded again and again.

Seeing Ye Luo's leaving back, Cazorla sighed: "This guy must be an excellent coach in the future. It's only been a while before he thought of a solution!" '

"I'm looking forward to the expressions of the Real Madrid players."

Isco laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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