Football: The butcher in the midfield at the start, the magic bird stunned

Chapter 12 New Coach!Legendary midfielder!

Chapter 12 New Coach!Legendary midfielder!

At Belester Wayne International Airport, Chen Xiaoliang got off the plane, picked up his luggage, and went to the pick-up gate.

João told him that Rangers staff would be waiting for him there with a sign.

There were not many people on the flight, and there were a few people standing here and there at the pick-up gate.

Sure enough, a man with a peaked cap, short beard, wide-brimmed sunglasses, and casual formal attire was manipulating a mobile phone with one hand, and holding a piece of A4 paper with Chen Xiaoliang's English written on it. spell.

He didn't see Chen Xiaoliang coming out, and his attention was on the phone screen.

Chen Xiaoliang stepped forward, greeted the man politely, and bowed.

If you are a newcomer and unfamiliar with the place, you can avoid detours by lowering your posture.

Hearing the voice, the man looked up at Chen Xiaoliang who was about the same height as him, smiled politely at a very fast speed, and then said: "Go, get in the car."

However, it was this raising of the head that almost made Chen Xiaoliang scream.

He put down the luggage trolley, rubbed his eyes, and asked in an unsure tone, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Steven Gerrard?"

The man nodded, as if he was a little surprised. In his impression, the Red Country and football were basically inseparable.

He waved his hand to Chen Xiaoliang, indicating that he should not mention his name, which was regarded as acquiescing.

How could Chen Xiaoliang not know this England and Liverpool superstar!

It's just that he never expected that the so-called club staff who came to pick him up from the airport turned out to be the head coach himself!

There is a kind of feeling that your mother finds you a blind date. You think it is an older young woman introduced by your three aunts and six wives, but when you are dating, it turns out to be Liu Yifei!

Excited, Chen Xiaoliang hurriedly picked up his luggage, and followed Gerrard forward.

Gerrard folded the A4 paper a few times and stuffed it in his trouser pocket, and grabbed the luggage bag in Chen Xiaoliang's left hand.

Just as Chen Xiaoliang wanted to be polite, Gerald said, "Try to speak as little as possible before getting in the car, it will be very troublesome to be recognized."

Oh oh oh, Chen Xiaoliang nodded quickly, thinking that Gerrard was right, if a big star like him was recognized, there would definitely be people flocking to ask for autographs and group photos.

The two walked to the parking lot, and after placing their luggage, Chen Xiaoliang sat in the co-pilot.

The car drove to the toll gate of the parking lot, Gerrard paid the fee, and was about to step on the gas pedal to leave, when a loud roar came from the side, startling Chen Xiaoliang.

"Go away, you wanderer! Go back to the second division!"

Chen Xiaoliang turned his head and saw a bloated fat man in a jeep next to him was waving his hands and making various graceful gestures to Gerrard, and he was also full of cordial greetings.

The fat man was wearing a vest with a green four-leaf clover printed on it and four numbers written on it: 1888.

Gerald ignored the chattering fat man, shrugged his shoulders and said to Chen Xiaoliang: "This is the reason why you should talk less."

Fuck... are the fans here so...personal?
On the plane, he read the materials prepared by Joao in detail, and knew that Glasgow, as the fourth largest city in the UK, besides a developed economy, also had the oldest rivals in the same city derby in the UK-the Celtics and Rangers.

The former team was established in 1888, and the latter was established earlier in 1872. They are all well-established century-old clubs.

In the 120-year history of the Scottish top league, the two teams have monopolized the championship for more than 100 years.

The confrontation between the fans of the two sides has long gone beyond the scope of football, and has risen to the realm of family background, religious belief, social class, and even ideology.

When the famous Sir Alex Ferguson played for Rangers when he was young, because he married his wife who was a Catholic, and Catholicism belonged to the Celtic camp, he was eventually released by the Rangers Club with a Puritan stand. There is no chance to play on the bench.

Although this reason seems absurd, it is enough to confirm the relationship between the two clubs.

In the eyes of their respective fans, no matter whether you are a superstar or a government official, as long as you support the opposing club, you are an absolute mortal enemy.

In 2012, the Rangers Club was directly voted down to the lowest league due to bankruptcy, and did not return to the Scottish Premier League until the 16-17 season.

During this period of time, the Celtics almost won the Soviet Super League championship every year, which also made the Rangers fans in this city unable to raise their heads for a long time and have enough qualifications to despise their mortal enemies.

After Gerrard retired, he has been in the mainstream for two years, leading the team to two consecutive runner-ups in the Soviet Super League, and both entered the Europa League main match.

This year is his third year as head coach, and it is also a crucial year for him to break the monopoly of the Celtics.

After the car got on the highway and closed the windows, Gerald asked Chen Xiaoliang many questions.

"The first day Jose contacted me, he sent me an email with your video attached.

I looked it up and thought it was alright, so I called him back and asked if he could not just send you the clips of the steals, but the full video of the game.

As a result, Jose told me that you played a total of two training games at Tottenham, and what he gave me was all your complete game videos.

To be honest, I was shocked at the time, I even thought I had received a scam call.

Then I watched the video several times, especially the moment when you scored with your header and the scenes of fighting with Bale, I had to believe that Jose was serious.

In the end, Jose assured me over and over again on the phone that you are the key person who can help me overthrow the Celtics.

Well, I've owed him a debt over the years, so I just trust him. "

When Chen Xiaoliang heard that Mourinho praised him so much behind his back, he couldn't help being grateful again.

"Favour?" he asked Gerald curiously.

"Jose tried to sign me twice at Chelsea and promised me the highest salary in the Premier League, then he went to Inter Milan, Real Madrid and tried to sign me from Liverpool.

There was a time when we were close to working together, but in the end I decided to stay at Liverpool. "

"Well... Sir, have you ever regretted it?" Chen Xiaoliang asked in a low voice.

Gerald glanced over at him over his shoulder.

"Your questions are like those nasty paparazzi. I certainly don't regret it, just like the people in this city, no matter how many titles Celtic win, Rangers fans will not change themselves Loyalty to a favorite club.

I am from Liverpool. I have watched Liverpool games since I was a child. I entered the Liverpool youth academy when I was nine years old.Maybe I would have achieved more when I went to Real Madrid, but no one can change the position of Liverpool in my heart.

And you?Are you a Spurs fan? "

Chen Xiaoliang shook his head slightly, he was a little worried that answering this question honestly after Gerrard's long speech would leave a bad impression on the other party.

So he quickly added: "But I'm definitely not an Everton fan!"

Gerald laughed.

Liverpool and Everton, both in Merseyside, are famous rivals in the Premier League.

He praised Chen Xiaoliang: "In addition to loyalty, humor and honesty are also very good qualities. It seems that Jose has read the right person this time."

"Sir, are we going to the club now?"

"No sir, sir, you should call me coach, or like everyone else, call me boss."

"Good sir...boss!"

"You're under 17, you can't rent a room, the club doesn't have a dormitory, and the salary Tottenham pays you isn't enough for you to stay in a hotel, so you're temporarily staying at my house, and we'll see if there is any other solution after a while."

"Wang Defa?! I want to live with such a man?! I'm still a child!"

(End of this chapter)

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