Football: The butcher in the midfield at the start, the magic bird stunned

Chapter 135 The common goal of the two legendary midfielders!

Chapter 135 The common goal of the two legendary midfielders!
De Rossi's training is basically based on judgment and awareness, sharing his experience in the team's backcourt defense.

As a member of the European Cup coaching staff of the Italian national team, he first talked to Chen Xiaoliang about the evolution and core of defensive tactics.

In Mourinho's new three-back defensive system, the two defensive midfielders need to retreat to the penalty area under high-pressure defense. However, defending outside the penalty area and defending in the penalty area are not exactly the same thing.

As a super backcourt sweeper, Chen Xiaoliang's interception and destructive abilities are naturally impeccable, and his judgment of the ball path and the fight for the top of the high-altitude ball are also second-to-none.

But once you defend intensively in the penalty area, it involves a very important subject-zone marking.

With modern football emphasizing more and more offensive running and changing positions, there will no longer be situations where offensive players stand still in one position.

The center often retreats outside the penalty area to catch the ball, or pulls to the side to involve defense;
The winger is no longer clinging to the wing, and cutting inside and forward to grab points is a common practice;
The initiator of the wide cross gradually shifted from the winger to the full-back;

Even in the case of midfielders frequently attacking forward, for some teams that pay attention to possession, the central defender has become the source of offensive organization.

In an old saying, it is called the impermanence of soldiers and the impermanence of water.

In the man-to-man tactics in the past, it was believed that "people" were dangerous. This defensive idea is still widely used today, especially when defending set kicks, the team's high point will be specially sent to defend the opponent's high point.

But obviously, in a conventional defense, it is impossible for the central defender who defends the center forward to follow the opponent's center forward to the outside of the penalty area or to the wing because of man-to-man marking.

In this case, the thinking of defensive marking has also changed, and the tactics of zone marking have appeared.

Area marking thinks that there are several "areas" that are dangerous. As long as people are sent to guard the area and prevent the opponent from attacking, the goal of defense can be achieved.

The most typical one is the front of the penalty area that Chen Xiaoliang is responsible for protecting. As long as the front of the penalty area is not infiltrated, the opponent cannot easily initiate a through pass and penetrate the central defender;

As long as there is no chance to shoot in the air within 20-30 meters of the front of the penalty area, the opponent will not be able to kick a threatening long shot.

The zone marking system requires the whole team to act together to close the connection of dangerous areas on the pitch, either squeezing the opponent's ball control area or cutting off the opponent's passing area.

The first transition from man-to-man to zonal-to-man was the birth of the chain defense in Italy, an innovation culminated in the 1960s by Helenio Herrera's Inter Milan, winning two Champions Leagues and three league titles , won the Intercontinental Cup twice, and Italy, which is dominated by Inter Milan players, also won the first European Cup in 1968.

But this change did not last long. The Netherlands' Total Defense and AC Milan led by Sacchi pushed the area marking to the peak again, and put forward the concept of "high pressing", which changed the defensive area from the back to the front. The field has expanded to the front field, which is very close to the concept of modern football.

In Sacchi's team, players have 4 points of reference - the ball, the space, the opponent and your teammates.

It is necessary to use the offside line to prevent the opponent from launching an attack, and to use an oppressive high press to regain the ball.

The implementation of Sacchi's philosophy completely changed the form of the game later on. This is also one of the reasons why many teams from the former Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia fell instantly, at least it was far from the era of Jinyuan football.

In addition to the factors of the international environment, football concepts have not been updated in time, which led to the UEFA Champions League champions such as Steaua Bucharest and Red Star Belgrade in the late 1980s and early 1990s being completely thrown off by the European giants, and they could no longer catch up.

Zone marking requires all players not only to know where the ball is and where the opponent is, but also to know where their teammates are at all times. Only by controlling the connection between the zone and the zone together with teammates can it be called real zone marking.

Under such an evolution, even the "doorkeeper" represented by Neuer was born. In addition to the goal line and the small penalty area, the goalkeeper also has an area that needs to destroy the offensive organization.

But 11 against 11 on the football field, there is only perfect execution, not perfect tactics.

Zone marking also has its weaknesses, the two most important of which are:
First, it is impossible for 11 players to occupy all the areas on the court. The opponent will choose to transfer the ball to the area that the defenders cannot cover to find opportunities, and use speed to mobilize the defensive formation, or even destroy the formation.

The six-time champion Barcelona is a good example. Opponents often see Harvey and Iniesta making continuous short passes in a very small space, or with a retreating center, or Move to the wing to cooperate with the winger, then attract the defender to come over, form a one-sided strong side, and then suddenly transfer the ball from the strong side to the weak side.

Under such circumstances, if the defenders increase their troops to press up and many people appear in the same area to destroy their short pass coordination, then the area they originally occupied will be missed; It is obviously impractical to defend two super midfielders in one area.

Mourinho chose the third method at Inter Milan and Real Madrid. He simply gave up all the dangerous areas in the midfield and deployed all his troops near the penalty area in the backcourt, allowing Barcelona to pass the ball at will in the midfield. The defensive space of the field, try not to let you pass in.

Second, the opponent can occupy an area by deploying multiple troops in an area.

This is already very common in modern games. When the winger is dribbling the ball and preparing to attack the opponent's full-back, his own full-back will press up at the same time, resulting in a situation where there are two offensive players in a single area on the wing.

Once the winger cuts inside and the opponent's full-back chooses to follow up, then the side's full-back will be emptied to gain space for the cross;
If the winger cuts inside, the opponent's full-back still chooses to mark the man in the area, instead of following up and defending his own full-back, the forward can rush into the penalty area and face the goal.

So in today's football, almost all head coaches have absorbed the advantages of the two and adopted a compromise defensive idea, which is a combination of zone-marking and man-marking tactics.

Take Chelsea, who will win the Champions League in 2021, as an example:
Whether it is 352 or 3421, the team's formation has always been consistent, which also meets the basic requirements of zone marking.

First, launch a high-position press on the forward line. This is also an important reason why the two German players, Haverts and Werner, can thrive in Chelsea under the leadership of German coach Tuchel.

They are already used to this style of play, and they also have physical strength as a guarantee.

Although high-pressure pressing is used by more and more teams, this defensive thinking is based on the team's absolutely superior running ability and super physical strength.

Pressing high is suicidal if your players are not as physically fit as the opponent.

In other words, this is also the reason why some wealthy head coaches advocate this tactic, because the players they bought at a high price have excellent comprehensive abilities, especially the German head coaches Klopp and Tuch. As the representative, I especially like to use this tactic.

On Chelsea's midfield line, they used zone marking, emphasizing the role of Kanter's interception, closing the opponent's pass from the center, and forcing the opponent to switch to the wing.

On the wing, James and Alonso and other wing-backs used man-to-man tactics, staring at the opponent's winger, while the nearby central defenders and midfielders were responsible for cutting off the winger's connection with other teammates.

Among the three central defenders, once the opponent's offensive player dribbles the ball, the central defender who is close will be responsible for pressing forward and turning into man-to-man defense, while the other two will further shrink to maintain zone marking and reduce the offensive space.

In contrast to Mourinho's defensive tactics, in order to play a threatening and fast counterattack, the Portuguese must let the players reserve their energy.

Especially the striker, who spends all his physical energy on high-position pressing, and when he needs to run a long distance for a quick counterattack, he is bound to become the end of his strength.

And Rome's frontcourt does not have the ability to press high pressure.

This also means that Roma is still adopting a defensive strategy of giving up space in the midfield and starting to mark and press from the midfield.

Having said that, De Rossi began to talk about the tactical points that the defensive midfielder needs to pay attention to under this tactic.

As the all-round midfielder of the 2006 World Cup champion and the central defender of the 2012 European Cup runner-up, De Rossi has his own unique understanding of these two positions.

In his eyes, Chen Xiaoliang's physical fitness is already comparable to that of himself at the peak of 24 years old. is also consistent.

You must know that the 4000-year-old midfielder Camavinga, who was purchased by Real Madrid for 19 million euros, was 182 tall and only weighed 68 kilograms when he first arrived at Real Madrid.

Weight can be gained, but talent cannot be bought.

In addition, Chen Xiaoliang's endurance and coverage ability in actual combat can even compare with Gattuso.

The technique and precision of shoveling are impeccable, and the enthusiasm for anticipation and scrambling is second to none.

Heading is pretty good too, but not top notch.

The only two weaknesses are the ability to handle the ball and the understanding of zone marking.

According to De Rossi's evaluation, Chen Xiaoliang's defense is a ball-grabbing machine, but once he falls into the positional defense in the penalty area, there will be no wide space outside the penalty area to run back and forth under the dense crowd.

In this case, running randomly will disrupt the defensive position of the entire defense, causing overlapping positions of other defenders or invalid marking.

He cited the third goal Tottenham scored when Roma played against Tottenham.

At that time, Chen Xiaoliang should have chosen to occupy the marking area in advance, and stepped forward to press Skip immediately, but he did not do so, but waited in the middle to help his teammates defend.

As a result, Skip passed the left center back Ibanez, and Christante did not make up the defense in time, which led to the absence of defenders in the left center back's defensive area, giving Kane a chance to occupy the area .

After Kane went forward to receive the ball, Chen Xiaoliang went to make up the defense again, which led to the loss of defenders in the middle. Sun Xingmin took the opportunity to occupy and scored after receiving Kane's inverted triangle pass.

De Rossi pointed out sharply that Chen Xiaoliang's man-marking is still only in the state of man-marking.

In addition, when defending in positional battles, Chen Xiaoliang likes to choose the target to mark according to his inner threat to the opponent's player. He will mark whoever he thinks is more threatening, regardless of his own position and the position of his teammates. .

This works really well against middle and lower teams, because there will be at most one good offensive player in the opponent's lineup, and even some teams have no particularly good players in the whole team.

But when facing a first-class team, or even a giant, because there may be more than two star-level players among the opponent's midfielders, when they attack at the same time, Chen Xiaoliang will lose sight of the other.

And once his man-marking judgment standard is noticed by the opponent's coach, the opponent will deliberately use that player to entangle Chen Xiaoliang and lead him out of the area where he should be defending.

Football is an eleven-person sport. While doing your best, what should be handed over to your teammates must be handed over to your teammates.

De Rossi talked a lot, and while talking, he used the placement of cones at the front of the penalty area to explain to Chen Xiaoliang the various factors that need to be considered when making up and down positions.

On the other field where the large team was training, some players were whispering just now.

And Pellegrini and others even saw at a glance that it was the old captain De Rossi who made a fuss about Chen Xiaoliang.

After the training, the team members who had been teammates with De Rossi went over to say hello one after another, paying tribute to the legend and team spirit.

Wu Lei, Cesko, Abraham and the third goalkeeper Boll also continued to stay with Chen Xiaoliang for extra training, and the central defender Trippi also took the initiative to stay, but today there is an extra legend to pass and guide them .

De Rossi also specifically instructed the two high center forwards how to get the ball with their backs under the pressure of the defender, and how to choose an angle that makes the defender and goalkeeper feel uncomfortable when the defender is blocked.

Mourinho was in the office, watching them from a distance through the floor-to-ceiling windows, with indescribable satisfaction and joy in his heart.

After practicing for a long time, they didn't stop until everyone was hungry.

Chen Xiaoliang sent each other off all the way, straight to the parking lot.

De Rossi, who hasn't finished exercising for a long time, only feels a little sore in his old arms and legs.

"Sir, is there still a chance to ask you for advice?"

De Rossi twisted his neck and made a bone-thumping sound: "Call me on the phone if you need anything. I will confiscate Jose's dime, and I don't want to give him a free job."

"Thank you! I learned a lot today! You are welcome to come back to the club more often! You are the flag here!"

De Rossi, who opened the car door, had already waved his hand to say goodbye. After hearing this sentence, he seemed to hesitate for a moment, then stood up and said, "Do you know, kid? When I was young, there was no such thing as online video. , I searched for Liverpool videos all over the world, just to watch Gerrard play.

This was the case for several years until I had my own style of play.

The reason why I didn't retire in Rome is because of the guy I learned from. He went to the United States and I went to Argentina.

In the last few years, I chose to keep the best side of my home team, instead of waiting until I was too old to run and was rejected by the fans. "

Chen Xiaoliang couldn't believe it. Although Gerrard is indeed a super legend, De Rossi's historical status in the hearts of fans and his personal ability are not far behind Gerrard.

"Sir, do you know him?"

De Rossi smiled slightly: "I'm not familiar with that. I once told the media that Gerrard is a sign of a versatile player. At this moment, you can see that he is defending and intercepting in his own penalty area. In the next minute, he will run to the opponent's penalty area. The shot went. Midfielder, defender, striker, there is no difference for him.

To be honest, I am willing to teach you today because I am curious, and I want to take a closer look at how many legs and lungs the young man who he admires so much, and who even promises to surpass him in the future, has grown. "

"Hey, how far do you think I am?"

"Just you? Hehe, it's not far away!"

This time De Rossi actually sat in the driver's seat and closed the door.

"Give Roma a league championship first, and then surpass us both!"

After speaking, he stretched out his right hand and shook it, stepped on the accelerator, and walked away.

League champions...

The two legendary all-round midfielders spent 18 seasons with their respective home teams, devoting their entire careers without winning a league title.

Although De Rossi's Boca Juniors in the last year of his career won the Argentine League championship that season, and he also played 5 times to qualify for the championship, but at that time he had already announced his retirement due to injuries and left Argentina. .

And this championship is not what he really pursues.

【dong dong dong】

Chen Xiaoliang, who was walking back to the locker room, found that the system was beeping.

The rewards from the last league game have not been confiscated, the system reminded?
He opened the panel.

[Legendary player one-on-one coaching achievement achieved]

[Achievement Reward: Mark +1]

On the attribute panel, marking has also changed from 10 to 11.

It was a small, but memorable gift.

Although the team's lineup still has various flaws, who said that the league championship is impossible?
Walk!Go home and practice!

After tidying up things in the locker room and not taking a shower, I stepped on the gas all the way, and I got home in 10 minutes.

Originally lived near the Trigoria base, and spent 5 minutes of it signing autographs for fans outside the gate of the base.

When I got home, I found the lights were on.

Is it Riise who is urging me with a sponsorship contract again?Or is David back today?

Chen Xiaoliang walked into the room, only to find Wu Mi sitting there blankly.

"Huh? Xiao Mi, why are you here?"

As soon as Wu Mi saw Chen Xiaoliang, he burst into tears and threw himself into his arms.

Whoops...I should have known that I took a shower in the club just now...I'm covered in sweat...

After asking for a long time, Wu Mi didn't say anything, only said that he was bullied, not who bullied him, nor how he bullied him.

He only said that someone "said" her a few words.

Chen Xiaoliang thought to himself, probably it was racial discrimination, this kind of thing is commonplace in urban areas.

At that time in Glasgow, he was a big celebrity, and when he was walking on the street, he would be called "monkey" and "banana" when he met a drunk.

He used the leftover ingredients at home to cook a bowl of noodles for Wu Mi. He wanted to comfort her for a while and then send her home, but... she didn't want to go home at all...

Okay, the plan can't keep up with the changes, it seems that tonight's extra training plan can only be postponed...

The two chatted and talked heart-to-heart, of course, in Chinese.

Chen Xiaoliang said that his teammates in the club taught him a lot of Italian, so he can speak it naturally...

However, the purpose of Wu Mi's visit today obviously has nothing to do with language, she seems to have endless things to say and wants to drag Chen Xiaoliang to continue talking.

The two talked about their childhood growth, their respective families, how they came to a foreign country alone, and how they spent this time.

They talked until very late, and only when Wu Mi, who was crying, slowly fell asleep, did Chen Xiaoliang carry her into the house to rest.

As he was about to go out with the team, he hurried to David's room and fell asleep.

Waking up early in the morning, he saw in the living room that the suitcase he used to go to the away game had been prepared, but Wu Mi was missing.

Turning on the phone, there was only a short two-word message: Thank you.

He didn't have time to think about it. He washed up, took a few sips of breakfast, and immediately went out to join the team and rushed to the airport to fly to Arnhem, the eastern city of the Netherlands, to play in the UEFA Cup match against Vitesse.

On the way, he was still worried about Wu Mi's situation, so he sent another text message to inquire, but the reply was all well, and if it was all right, he let him play the game well, so he didn't think about it.

Waiters ranked 4th in the Eredivisie last season, significantly behind PSV Eindhoven and Alkmaar who ranked 2nd and 3rd, and 27 points behind the top Ajax.

This season, after undergoing personnel changes, the team did not continue the state of last season. The first 5 rounds of the league only achieved a record of 2 wins, 1 draw and 2 losses, ranking 9th in the league.

In the first round of the group match, they defeated the Slovenian team Mulla 0-2 away and are currently ranked first in Group G.

In Europe, such a team belongs to the existence of many wealthy rented young players who come to practice and gain experience.

The Red Country player Zhang Yuning joined the team in Xia Chuang in 2015 and won the Dutch Cup final with the team in the 2016-2017 season.

But this does not mean that the team is a weak team, this kind of away cup is the most likely hotbed of upset.

After a day and a half of adaptive field training, the game started on the evening of September 9.

Before the game, Chen Xiaoliang collected the task rewards from the last league game.

In addition to winning and zero opponents in the last game, he also won the undisputed best player of the game with 8 steals, 4 successful headers, 3 clearances and 1 assist.

A total of 10 hours of training value and 2 physical recovery cards have been obtained.


He wanted to keep his training value plus more than 15 physical attributes, but after being instructed by De Rossi, he realized that he had to improve his marking to better integrate into the team's defensive system.

However, there are only 54 training points in total, and he used 40 points to increase the 11 marking to 13.

Training value 54 → 14.

It's just that the attribute only determines the technical ability, just like my 20 steals, it means that I have a stable, accurate, ruthless and extremely fast tackle ability, and the skill of [good at ground tackle] is further strengthened this ability.

But when to kick, from what direction to kick, whether to steal the ball first or adjust the step point, it depends on your own judgment of the situation on the field and the accumulated actual combat experience.

The same goes for man marking.

In order to acquire abilities, one must learn how to use them.

So De Rossi's experience sharing and panel attribute growth are equally important.

After playing, Chen Xiaoliang accidentally discovered a phenomenon that did not exist in the defense.

When the opposing player approaches him, he can see where the player is going next!

It's just that it can only be discovered when the distance is very close, and the predicted direction is only a short and approximate direction.

This simply means that he has become a weakened version of the humanoid radar!

The strength of the opponent did not exceed Mourinho's prediction, but there was a small twist in the progress of the game.

In this game, Mourinho continued to experiment with the three central defenders system, but let Mancini return to the starting lineup, let Smalling rest in rotation, and Trippi replaced Smalling in the central defender position. Ibanez continued to act as a model worker.

The midfielder's partner was replaced by Christante. Although the Italian is not as good as Wellerto in running, he is worse than the French in the confrontation and top-fighting ability in the penalty area after retracting the defense line.

In the 14th minute, Roma scored first.

Mkhitaryan, Carles Perez and Abraham played a multiplayer cooperation in the middle. Mkhitaryan, who continued to act as a right wingback, rushed into the right side of the penalty area and swept the goal. Carles Perez's shot was blocked Blocked, Abraham got the ball in the melee, and scored in the middle of the goal!

0 to 1!Roma lead away!
However, soon, in a corner kick defense in the 30th minute, Waiters' 190 Danish defender Rasmussen, who was on loan from Fiorentina, overwhelmed Kristante with a header.

1 to 1, Tevez equalized the score.

Mourinho was speechless again.


Carlos Tevez at home is completely at a disadvantage.

The Dutch team, which played a traditional 343 formation, had no chance, but it was the first set-piece goal that broke Roma's defense.

I practiced positional defense for several days, and finally seemed to have improved, but I forgot about the set-piece tactics...

These boys are really hard to take...

In the offense, Chen Xiaoliang, who was under little pressure on the ground defense, used precise crosses time and time again to pass the ball from the backcourt to Abraham in the frontcourt.

Abraham also used actual combat to practice the role of holding the ball with his back and the fulcrum of the frontcourt in the close-to-hand combat with the opponent's central defender.

Mourinho has already hinted at him a few days ago, no matter whether he likes this style of play or not, as long as the team needs him, he must practice his ability to hold the ball with his back, otherwise the main position will be given to Cesco.

Fortunately, Waiters' defensive ability is limited, the fast is not strong enough, the strong is not tall enough, and the tall is not fast enough. No matter which one Abraham fights with, he can always take advantage of his tall body.

Waiters' three central defenders each paid a yellow card for defending him.

In the 55th minute of the second half, Waiters' central defender Dogene was sent off after receiving another yellow card for pulling Abraham in the header.

And only 3 minutes later, Mkhitaryan picked a beautiful through pass to Carles Perez. Waiters goalkeeper Schubert, who had already played one less player, chose to abandon the goal when he saw that the defense was completely penetrated. attack.

And after Carles Perez received the ball, he was going to pass it to Abraham in the middle again and hit an empty goal. The German goalkeeper who transferred from Schalke 04 didn't know if he had heard too much "Ode to Joy". Be a happy boy outside the box, jumping high and spreading his arms.

The ball hit Schubert's hands impartially, and the referee decisively drew out a red card, allowing him to go home early and listen to Schubert's songs, but the track may have to be changed to "Youth and Death".

The Dutch team, whose starting average age was only 21.5 years old, finally paid the price for its youth.

After the two less people fought, they were no longer able to support them.

In this situation, Roma also played a rare beautiful cooperation of passing in a small area without the ball and inserting a through pass.

In the 66th minute, Abraham received a through pass from Carles Perez's breakthrough and scored a single-handed goal.

1 to 2!Roma lead away again!
In the 75th minute, Wu Lei, who came off the bench, received a pass from Karlsdorp, who also came off the bench, on the right side during a fast break.

1 is better than 3!

This is also Wu Lei's third goal scored in this year's European Cup!

In the 88th minute, in a corner kick, Ibanez took advantage of the chaos and scored another goal.

1 is better than 4!

Roma scored a big victory!
But in another game at the same time, Tottenham Hotspur beat Moura 5-1 at home, Kane scored a hat-trick, Sun Xingmin scored twice, and the two scored five goals!

Because of a weak goal difference, after two rounds, Roma ranked second in Group G with 4 points, Waiters ranked third with 2 points, and Mulla conceded 3 goals in two games, ranking bottom with 3 points.

Everyone returned to Rome non-stop, preparing for the league match against Empoli three days later.

However, before the pre-match press conference, the Serie A Organizing Committee announced that because the head coach of the Roma Club, Mourinho, repeatedly criticized the league schedule for no reason in public, he was fined 5000 euros and suspended for two games!

Boss Dan Friedkin urgently convened a high-level meeting of the club and strictly ordered Mourinho to pay attention to his wording, and not to mention anything related to the event organizing committee in the subsequent press conference.

Mourinho had to admit it, and he also knew that this was not the first time in his career.

At Porto, at Inter Milan, at Real Madrid, at Manchester United he was sent to the stands, for different reasons.

But whether it is complaining about the referee giving a red card, giving a yellow card, giving a penalty to the opponent, or not giving a penalty to the own side, not giving a red card or a yellow card to the opponent, in short, it is all caused by complaints.

Even in the warm-up match, he had the amazing experience of yelling at the referee and being sent to the stands...

Empoli's game cannot be missed. This is a game that must be won on the road to the fourth, but what's more terrible is that in the next game against Juventus, he will not be able to command from the sidelines!

 Thanks to the club director [ugly clown M] for the monthly pass!

  Half a month after it was put on the shelves, Xiaopujie’s order has increased by 100. Thanks again to all directors, and please continue to support!

(End of this chapter)

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