Football: The butcher in the midfield at the start, the magic bird stunned

Chapter 74 The King of Ibrox Stadium!

Chapter 74 The King of Ibrox Stadium!

In the live broadcast room, Zhan Jun, Xie Hui, and Zhang Lu fell silent...

In the bullet screen, question marks floated for ten seconds, filling the screen...

De Gea spread his hands and looked at Maguire helplessly.

With his big head on his head, Maguire looked at Luke Shaw on the ground in embarrassment...

Luke Shaw lay on the ground, covering his face with his hands...

The camera cut to the coach seats of both sides!
The bench next to Gerrard was all laughing!

Only Gerald clapped with a serious face!wrong!He didn't hold back either!Still laughed!
Solskjaer's face was livid, and he was talking to the assistant coach McKenna next to him, shaking his head from time to time!
The camera cuts to other Manchester United players again!

Cavani, Lindelof, and Rashford frowned, their faces solemn!
On Wan Bissaka's dark face, the two big eyeballs were stunned and dazed!
Only Pogba!Smiling with colorful chicken nest heads!

[What the hell is this? ? ? 】

[I have watched football for 30 years, but Manchester United has taught me a lot! 】

【team leader!don't shoot!It's one of our own! 】

[Pogba: I always thought that only someone like me could betray, but I didn't expect, I didn't expect that you Maguire, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, betrayed too! 】

[Maguire!Shiyiwei!The world's number one funny defender! 】

In the stands, many Rangers fans took off their shirts, and their shirtless, shaking bodies kept jumping and cheering.

The Rangers fans close to the Manchester United fan area taunted and made fun of them loudly through the security wall.

Manchester United kick off!
Except for Pogba, the expressions on the faces of the other players are ugly!
They know that this week's five games will definitely play that clip over and over again!

No!Not just this week, but for months for sure...

They are on the attack!

It seems that the humiliating loss of the ball just now stimulated Maguire, and his fighting hardness in defense soared. In the following period of time, several confrontations with Morelos ended in a tough body squeeze.

After the Wanderers scored a goal, they also began to consciously slow down the exhaustion of their physical strength, and retreated a little later from the starting point of the press, compressing the front, middle and rear lines more tightly.

While United gained more time in possession, the space for threatening passes up front was greatly reduced.

In this case, B Fee and Pogba began to take on more offensive tasks.

The duel between Chen Xiaoliang and them also officially started.

It must be admitted that Pogba is undoubtedly a world-class player when he is focused on the game.

He was in charge of initiating the attack with the ball at the back, and United's front four kept receiving just the right passes from him.

And B Fei continued to go back and forth between the left, middle and right of the penalty area line. If Pogba's position at the moment is the initiator of the offense, then his role is the terminator of the offense.

Receive the ball in front of the penalty area, take charge of the last pass or just attack yourself!
On the Rangers side, Alibo wandered in front, putting more energy on pressing Pogba.

Chen Xiaoliang dragged back, intercepted B Fee, and assisted in defending other offensive players who entered the penalty area.

25 minutes!

Luke Shaw dribbled the ball, made a one-two pass with Pogba, and passed Haji who was marking him!

Old Davis stepped forward to help defend, and Luke Shaw passed directly to Rashford who was guarding the wing!

Rashford made a fake move to pass to Luke Shaw who was going forward, and then dribbled the ball straight to the middle!

Tavernier sticks to the defense tightly!

Rashford passes back to Pogba!

Pogba kept the ball straight to Luke Shaw who had already lapped!
Luke Shaw took a few steps forward, and Holland stepped forward to make up for it!
Luke Shaw suddenly accelerated towards the bottom line!Forcibly eat Holland, who is slow to turn around!
Holland didn't dare to shovel forcibly in the penalty area, so he could only hold Luke Shaw with his body!

Luke Shaw took the ball with his left foot and forced a cross before falling to the ground!
Rashford!Cavani outflanks the center at the same time!

McGregor struck out and hit the ball that Cavani had just hit with a single punch!

The two collided into each other in the air, lost their balance at the same time, pulled each other and fell to the ground!
The ball fell to the B fee on the penalty area line!
B Fei shoots at the ball!
Chen Xiaoliang rushed forward to block the ball with his back!
The ball bounced out again and landed in front of Pogba!
Pogba volleys a half-high ball!

Leaf Ball!
McGregor, who just got up from the ground, had no time to chase back!

Everyone looked up and watched the ball pass overhead and blast into the goal!

Manchester United fans all stood up! ! !

Goal line!

A player in a blue jersey barbs like a savior to make a rescue!

The ball was kicked straight into the sky!
Fly out of the bottom line!
Zhan Jun: "There is Chen Xiaoliang at home! Zero seals are guaranteed! A clearance on the penalty area line! A 1-0 score is guaranteed!"

Zhang Lu: "It's not just on the goal line. When B Fei took the first kick just now, the goalkeeper fell to the ground. If he didn't block it, the ball was an empty goal. The first kick was already scored. There was no Pogba at all." It's a long shot."

Xie Hui: "I think everyone likes to watch Xiaoliang's game. On the one hand, Rangers has done well this year. On the other hand, I think what is more important is that everyone likes his fighting spirit very much.

I also say that I am not afraid of offending people. It is difficult to see this spirit in the current players of the Red Country. "

Zhan Jun: "Director Xie, if you say that, the fans will probably mention a certain player again in the barrage!"

Zhang Lu: "That's right, hehe, it's not specific to anyone, not one or two, this is a common phenomenon."

Xie Hui: "The mentality of domestic fans is to hate iron but not steel. There are many objective factors and reasons for the poor performance, but as long as they play energetically, the fans can see that every player is eager to win and never give up. Mentally, I believe everyone will stand with the team."

At the scene, Rangers fans shouted Chen Xiaoliang's name frantically!




Needless to say, these two words were also taught by overseas students from the Red Country in the fan association.

Chen Xiaoliang stood in front of the goal, held his head high, raised his head slightly, turned around, and looked around the stands!

This is Cantona's iconic move after scoring a goal!
And at this moment, Chen Xiaoliang is the king of Ibrox Stadium!
"Damn it! What the hell are you..."

Before the pretense was finished, Barisic rushed over and jumped onto Chen Xiaoliang's back!

" are so heavy, I'm still a child!"

Captain Tavernier also came over to push Chen Xiaoliang, and shouted: "Good job!"

Pogba opened his mouth wide, unbelievable that his shot would be blocked like this!

Didn't the pre-match technical analysis team say that this Red Country boy is only 16 years old?

Didn't it mean that he was a rookie who played in the professional league for the first year?

You call this a rookie?You call this a rookie?
Which rookie is so accurate in judging the placement?
Which rookie would think of getting up to defend the second attack after blocking the shot?

FXXK!Does that stupid Kanter have a younger brother in Asia?

[Online brothers, hurry up and say that person's name! 】

[Fu Huan: Xiao Liang, can you stop chasing her?]

[Fu Huan: It's all hallucinations, don't believe in rumors, don't spread rumors]

[Seeing these two words, I feel relieved]

[This defense, just can't make it through! 】


[The opposite De Gea looks stupid, can it still be like this? 】

[It seems that Cheryl is the only one who can make Chen Xiaoliang fall! 】

(End of this chapter)

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