For a Change(A Naruto Fanfic)

Anko Vs. Team 11

Anko gave them a test if they could become a genin as they are task to retrieve a bell from her. There was only two bells hanging from her waist as she let her students move first.


The first to attack was Kido as Okuto threw a kunai at Anko. Despite weaker than his two members, Okuto was utilizing his weapon throwing skills to provide assistance to Kido.

Anko blocked those kunais with her own as she planted a foot towards Kido, sending him backwards.

Kizuna summoned a clone to provide assistance to Kido as she began to cast a justu.

[Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu]

A ball of flames was release from her mouth as the clone toss kido in the air and took the full blunt of the attack, and was heading towards Anko.

She decided to jump upwards which Kido use that opportunity and cast a jutsu.

[Wind Style: Wind inlaid Kick]

Covering his sole foot with wind, he drops his foot towards Anko as she decided to block the attack by using snakes to slither around Kido. She then narrowly dodges Kido's kick and land a blow through his neck knocking him out.

"Com'on brats. Is this all you got?" 

Okuto felt like fighting this sensei prove to be difficult as Kizuna rush in to fight Anko.

"So, you decided to fight me closely. I don't expect you to be a fighter gal."

Kizuna charge straight through Anko as she summons a clone and quickly rush towards Kido. The real one engages Anko in a hand-to-hand combat with their sensei as she knew that this person isn't to be messed with without a plan.

Okuto notices some shadows which are oddly familiar and was quite impressed at Kizuna's resourcefullness.

Punches and kicks are exchanged in each fight as Anko was quite impressed at Kizuna's strength. It might not be strong as the Hyuuga Clan's honed techniques or some other clan's strengths but she was quite proud of this girl's power and how she handles the situation while using her clones to help her team.

Okuto notice one of Kizune's clones dragging the unconscious Kido as she slaps him awake and began their plan.

"I have a plan i come up with and currently using my real body to fight off Sensei. I want you guys to help me distract her with the real me as my clones are preparing to set a trap for her. Got that?" 

""..... Right!"" 

Both of the guys look at each other and knew that it wasn't the time to bicker with one another. Kizuna's already distracting sensei and she already had a plan in mind as both decided to work together. 

"Okuto, you know what to do."

"Yeah. Lets do this."

Okuto charges his chakra as he knew he's gonna need a big one as Kido as he summons multiple clones to assist Kizuna.

"Kizuna! Switch!" 


She passes the baton to Kido as her stamina was slow and needed to get her chakra back so she could prepare her plan.

Anko didn't realise that Kizuna was distracting her as her clones began to set up a trap. 

Kido took a beating from Anko since he was far less experience and lower strength than her but his determination to win cause Anko to flinch yet this made him use this opportunity.

"Okuto! Now!" 

[Earth Style: Earthhold Jutsu]

The land below Anko began to grow and she immediately notices this and was about to escape yet Kido wasn't willing to let her go as he delivers a flurry of punches. Even if his attacks missed, this was only used to distract her from escaping.

Anko was quite impressed at the teamwork their teamwork has as she decided to get serious and used a substitute to replace her. 


Yet, she didn't expect Kizuna to find her location as the trap she set up had sprung into action.

Once Anko switch locations, two clones of Kizuna had quickly appeared as she was shocked and hit them with her punch and kicks but there was a third clone appeared and swung a kunai right below her waist as the two bells she had was separated and the real one appeared to take the two bells as she happily smiles at her Sensei.

"Hehe....We won Sensei."

Anko was quite impressed at Kizuna for her cunning plan as she didn't expect 3 clones to appear to where she would land.

When the fight began, she only saw her summon a single clone and fired a fireball right at her. Yet, she didn't expect that she used that move to distract her from Kizuna to summon 3 more clones to hide and attack at the opportunity arises as she planned this.

If Anko were to get any serious, this plan would had failed but...

'I guess that this team is passable... For now...' 

Anko saw Kizuna toss out the two bells to her friends as all three of them happily smiled at their teamwork.

Kido was quite happy that Kizuna had praise him for the distraction as while he was mostly used as bait, he manage to buy time for Kizuna to set up a trap for them.

Okuto was impressed at Kizuna as well due to her great planning in setting up a trap for their sensei. 

But Kizuna was just a bit unhappy due to having her plan almost failing. She had thought up many scenarios which would had ended badly and would cost her team their lives as she knew that she needed to find ways to improve herself and the tactics she could use.

She knew that their sensei was holding back and needed more countermeasures if one of her plans fails. 

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