For a Change(A Naruto Fanfic)


Right as Sasuke would be forfeited to the match, he had arrived.

Out with a new look and a new perspective, he turned to Naruto and Kizuna with a gaze as he turns back to his opponent, Gaara.

Kakashi stepped into the stage and ask the referee if it was too late but he sighed as he was too lazy to argue and decided that he is still eligible for the match.

After thanking him, he left the stage as he turns to Naruto and Kizuna with a glance and mostly focus his gaze unto Kizuna.

He was saw Sasuke to have a steel-like focus on his vengence against his brother in the past after he met the kid but he slowly change due to one person and she also change Naruto's life as well.

If she was on his team, it might had make a huge change in their teamwork as the first time he met his team, they were all seperated from one another.

It wasn't also a surprise for him to know more of Kizuna as the Hokage had been keeping tabs on the girl as Kakashi had been learning more of her and found out that she was a better candidate for his team than Sakura.

Second in the Academy just below Sasuke, a great Tactician, quite versatile and works well in any team she's partnered with.

Her team and Asuma's team tend to work in some missions which they had a great successes in some of them and rarely fail.

There were even some missions their Sensei put them through which was quite hard for a normal genin team to accomplish yet still manage to make it out in one piece.

'Kido Amari and Okuto Hamaki... Quite normal but still shown to have good results...' 

While Kido wasn't the smartest bunch on Team 11, he is still an impressive Genin as Kizuna. Mid Taijutsu and Mid Ninjutsu, quite the frontliner and able to hold down or stall a Jounin. Very impressive for a Genin and with Kizuna' ssupport, he was able to shine bright with his skills. 

Okuto was also quite a talent despite having the same weakness as Kizuna's. Yet, he is quite skilled in reconnaissance and trap placements. If Kido's the fighter, Okuto would be the recon and engineer of the bunch. And with Kizuna's good planning and wide ideas... 

'Quite a Scary team despite being a group of Genin born from a common families.'

Kido having a normal family of construction workers and Okuto's family being a pet shop owner, it was really a surprised that they shown great talents as Kizuna has been a impressive genin able to show off two average genin.

Supplementing Kido's lack of maneuverability and Okuto's lack of chakra, this bunch of Unimpressive genin Team shines the most due to her.

'Haah...quite a vast difference than that girl...' 

Sakura kept on fangirling on Sasuke whose deeply focus on his fight while being able to settle down the Curse Mark on his neck. While she doesn't produce results like Kizuna, he felt the uselessness of this girl who was more of a baggage on the team than helpful.

Kizuna had always push her limits and even the team she was place, began to show rapid growth and improvements, especially Kido.

The results of a kid who wanted to become the strongest ninja, produced incredible dedication of improvements and with her help, he was once able to take down a Jounin. Quite an impressive feat which compared to Naruto and Sasuke did, was even more an achievement which didn't rely on special powers such as the Uchiha's dojutsu or Naruto's nine-tails chakra.

'Haah....such a shame really...'

Kakashi lamented as he stares at Sasuke who was fully focused on his opponent and was hiding his sinister thoughts as they both prepare to battle.


Both of them rush in towards each other as Sasuke began his rapid assault of punches and kicks to Gaara as it was all in vain due to his sand shield protecting him. Gaara began to release sand waves to catch Sasuke bit he manage to evade them all and activated his Sharingan.

The Curse Mark was slowly eating him up but he was able to control it somewhat as to not hinder him in battle and drove multiple fire balls at Gaara to block his vision. He knew that his attacks are mostly ineffective even he unleashed all his jutsus. So, he had to use 'that'.

Hw kept distracting gaara with kunais and fireballs to cover his vision as once he reach enough distance, he began his jutsu.

*Birds Screeching*

A loud rush of voice which resembles a cry of a birds gathered through his hands as a ball of lightning assemble through a single point as he held his hand in a couching and grip the hand which was generating a ball of lighning as he prepares his strongest attack and penetration.

[Lightning Style: Chidori]

The cries grew even louder as he began his charge right at Gaara. Dodging left and right from the sand attacks he had unleashed as he continues his charge.


The closer he got to Gaara, the harder it was to dodge as injuries continue to pile up yet he didn't stop as this was the only way to penetrate his defenses.

Gaara knew his attacks are ineffective as he gathers all the sand around him to shield him. Too late....

Even with all the sand he gathered, it was useless as Sasuke had penetrated it hard and manage to puncture through his shield and injured his shoulder.


Aware of the injuries he had recieved, he knew, Gaara knew that this blood wasn't from Sasuke as it was his, Gaara's own blood that was dripping. And so, he raged and.....

The invasion had begun...... 

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