For a Change(A Naruto Fanfic)

Naruto Vs. Neji

The fight between Naruto and Neji had been mostly on hand-to-hand and Neji had outclass Naruto when it comes to speed and technique. Naruto was taking a beating as Neji really beat him up and toying with him.

"Heh, Com'on Naruto. Where's that spunk you have on me? Guess your just all talk no bite."


Whenever Naruto faught with Neji, Neji always counters with multiple palm strikes and sending Naruto from afar. He kept on using palm strikes and not seal his chakra as Naruto continues to beaten down.

Everyone around Kizuna was quiet and some even having gave up on Naruto. Yet, they admired how relentless he was to never give up. Kizuna on the other hand was just silent as she was observing the battle they have.

She always believe in her friend. The same Knuckleheaded who would always find ways to win and never admit defeat. She knew that Naruto was just taking a beating but was slowly observing Neji as she only acted concern but hides a smile that her friend was someone smart.

'Especially i taught him that....'

Hinata was currently concern for Naruto but Kizuna reassure her that its gonna be fine. She knew and faught with Naruto multiple times and even with disadvantages from fights, he always win in the end. Which she always believe in her friend.

As for Neji having enough toying him around, he used palm rotation to block all the shurikens Naruto threw and activates the Eight Triagrams Sixty-Four Palms. Naruto took that whole attack and had his Chakra points being sealed one by one.

Hinata felt even more worried as Kizuna could only grit her teeth and observe.

'No....Naruto has something in mind.... Com'on Naruto...'

As the final strike had hit Naruto, he was pushed hard and flew half of the field. This causes everyone to cheer as Kizuna can only clenches her fist to see her friend lie like that. She was checking if he was okay until he Notice something odd.

She didn't show emotion and just acted sad as Neji gazes at Kizuna as if gloating.

"So much for becoming a Hokage. And as for you Kizun-"

Right as if this very moment, he saw her smiling at him as he finally noticed something odd...

'I can't feel that signature! W-where is he?! Left? Right? Above?! No.... Bel-'

But before he could notice the oddity, he only reacted a bit late as Naruto ascended below the ground and immediately delievered a strong upprecut to his jaws. This cause Neji to be shaken enough as he lost the functions of his entire body and began falling unto the ground. He was almost shocked that Naruto could stand like that even after sealing his Chakra points were sealed but he didn't realize that there was someone helping out Naruto. 

The clone that was replacing Naruto as a corpse had finally poof out of existance as Naruto began to pant as he raises his fist to the air. Hinata and everyone was quite surprise at the move Naruto pulled out but only Kizuna was happily smiling as she hugged Hinata next to her and began to cheer for Naruto's Victory. She couldn't help but burst into tears as if Naruto had avenge her but mostly glad that she believe that he would win.

She was mostly surprise that Naruto haven't used that technique he learned from her as she knew that he could have use that technique to get ahead of Neji. But seeing as he did it without him using it, she was now more eager to beat Naruto as Kido also stares at Naruto with fist raising towards him.

"I will beat you Naruto."

"Heh, then come and beat your opponent before you challenge me Kido."

Both of them was slowly eager to battle each other out as Kizuna was also eager to fight with Naruto as well.

After announcing the winner and having Neji being dragged into a strecher, he was slowly coming to a realization to the words and how hard work had crushed his pride. He come to a realization that fate isn't predetermined and he can choose his own fate. He doesn't need to be stuck on with such an ideology.

He was beaten by a kid whom he knew that wasn't fated to win due to their talents but it shooked him. Even after Kizuna was smiling at him who was fated to be hated around him.

This shocks and realize that he can't be stuck on the past and had to let go the hate and move on. Also, he needed to apologize to Kizuna for trying to break her determination of being a ninja because how hard work is impossible to become strong. But he didn't stop on Hating the main house for ending his father's life and still has a grudge over it.

It was right until he was placed a room and a man who he knew and was the father of Hinata.

After their long conversation, he felt like crying for what he did to Hinata all these years and knew that he needed to mend their relationship again and apologize to what he did to her.

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