For My Sister, I Became the World Boss

Chapter 26:

The sharp claws smashed all the trees along the way, making a sound of tearing the air, and slammed it out.

Dark Evil King Claw! !

The dark and sharp blades swung by the claws intertwined, and the space seemed to have cracks, and they suddenly slashed towards Bai Yu.

Infinite Barrier!

Bai Yu stood still, a transparent barrier instantly appeared in front of him, resisting the dark blade, colliding with the waves like water waves.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!"

At the same time, hot fireballs appeared in the sky, blasting towards Bai Yu's location like meteors, colliding with the barrier one after another.

Continuously strong attacks, the ripples generated by the transparent barrier are getting bigger and bigger, and it is possible to reach the limit and shatter at any time.

at this time,

That giant bull-headed soldier rushed to Bai Yu's side aggressively, holding the battle axe in both hands, raising the axe high, the axe blade continued to condense energy, and finally slashed from top to bottom!


The transparent barrier suddenly shattered.



Another crash sounded.

That battle axe with endless sharpness, after smashing the first barrier, before it fell on Bai Yu, was blocked by the second barrier, and it was difficult to advance half a point!


The bull-headed giant soldier's eyes the size of a copper bell suddenly revealed a humanized look of surprise.

Bai Yu looked at all this indifferently,

That's the real power of the Infinite Barrier.

Not to mention the strong defense, after being smashed, it can instantly condense the second, third, fourth... or even more defensive barriers.

This is the real origin of the name of the infinite barrier.

Unless it is an attack that is powerful enough to shatter all barriers in an instant,

Otherwise, it would be difficult to completely break through the defense and hurt Bai Yu.


While the bull-headed soldier was stunned, Bai Yu opened his mouth wide, and the dazzling red energy quickly condensed and shot out as a beam of light.


The bull-headed giant soldier quickly filled up, and this kind of output that was almost veneer was dangerously dodged, but the flesh and blood on the bruised shoulder suddenly turned into blue smoke and dissipated, and a painful cry came out of his mouth.

The dark tyrant bear in the back also jumped away alertly. At its original location, a ravine nearly ten meters deep suddenly appeared with no head in sight...

In the first round of the battle, one of the three monster bosses was injured.

This situation, obviously they did not expect, immediately put away the contempt in their hearts, and threw themselves into the battle.

In particular, the wounded bull-headed giant soldier, not only did not weaken the combat effectiveness, but stimulated it to become more ferocious and violent.

His eyes were as red as blood, and the battle axe was swung like a tiger, and a single axe could probably take away a lander, like a tauren warrior who had fallen into madness.

Facing three level 40+ monster bosses, two of them are level 45.

Bai Yu still felt a little pressure.

The three bosses do not fight on their own, but cooperate to a certain extent.

The bull-headed giant and the dark tyrant bear are equivalent to warriors who attract hatred,

Moreover, the division of labor is clear. The former is responsible for slashing and fighting against Bai Yu, while the latter is constantly looking for better opportunities to shoot.

As for the last flaming orc Wan Wan, who was flying in the sky, it was the Mage who was in charge of the full output.

They seem to treat Bai Yu as a boss.

Unfortunately, Bai Yu is not a monster with a low IQ.

Moreover, the strength is also stronger!

Although there is no advantage in terms of rank,


Bai Yu rushed up all the way, always relying on his own strong strength and unremitting efforts to leapfrog battles.

When was the boss who fell in front of him a lower level than him?


Even if these three bosses join forces, as long as Bai Yu recognizes one of them and kills them, he will be able to defeat them all.

In this way, it seems to be no different from the previous BOSS battles.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

The infinite barrier resisted the powerful attacks of the bull-headed giants again and again, oscillating and making waves.

Bai Yu retreated while fighting, and finally seized the gap between the bull-headed giant soldier's strength and rushed out, bullying him up, and the huge body immediately wrapped the bull-headed giant soldier tightly.

The bull-headed soldier struggled violently, raised his battle axe, and was about to slash at Bai Yu's black scales, but was entangled again, unable to even wave his arms.


As Bai Yu exerted all his strength, the entanglement became tighter and tighter, and the struggle of the giant bull-headed soldier became smaller and smaller, and his entire body was almost completely submerged under the body of black scales.

The other two bosses turned pale when they saw this, and they all used their ultimate moves, but they were all blocked by the infinite barrier.

Snake eyes ignored the two bosses,

Bai Yu dragged the bull-headed giant to retreat slowly, and just reached the edge of the valley behind, when suddenly, there was a shock of air in the valley.

The two bosses who were originally chasing stopped suddenly and looked at the valley with fearful expressions on their faces.


The fluctuations of the tremors in the air became more and more intense, the sky also became dark, and the clouds were dense...

"Is this..."

Bai Yu suddenly thought of something, ignoring the frightened expressions of the two bosses, and looked down the valley with joy on his face.


I don't know when

A dark figure appeared.

Seemingly hanging his head casually, sitting on the rock, his body exudes a powerful and terrifying aura.

The figure slowly raised its head, and a violent gust of wind suddenly rolled up around him. Those eyes with golden rays of light looked in the direction of Bai Yu through the gust of wind.


The two monster bosses were agitated, trembling uncontrollably, turning their heads and running like they were running for their lives!

Even the bull-headed giant soldier, who was locked by Bai Yu's entanglement, let out a howl like a slaughtering bull at this time, struggling frantically as if returning to the light.

[Author's digression]: The third update is coming, brother Meng.

(//?//) Kaka Kaka.

Which little cutie has a ticket, hand it over and hand it over (?w?)

030 The strong man who came out of the storm

"Kacha! Kacha! Kacha!!"

How could Bai Yu let the giant bull-headed soldier escape? His whole body suddenly exploded, locking the giant bull-headed soldier in place.

The muscles on the whole body were broken inch by inch, and finally completely lost movement and died of breathlessness.

[Experience value +198220]

[Energy value +35120]

The sound of the system sounded in my mind,

Bai Yu didn't pay attention at all, and the snake eyes looked down the valley without blinking, staring straight at the pair of eyes that shone with golden light in the storm.

eyes meet,

Bai Yu felt that the blood flow in his body was gradually accelerating, and his whole body was shivering with excitement.

That guy... strong!

Bai Yu had a hunch,

The figure in the storm is definitely the strongest of all the monsters he has encountered!

Hero: Grans of the Storm, Level: lv59.

When he saw the level on the opponent's head, Bai Yu Snake's eyes narrowed immediately, and his vertical pupils shrank slightly.

Although he can ignore a certain level gap, the level gap this time is too big, right? !


He is only level 34 now!

A full twenty-five levels! !

And it's still such a big difference from this boss-level monster.

The gap here is definitely more exaggerated than ordinary monsters!


Since he came here and finally encountered this hidden boss, how could Bai Yu give up?

Moreover, the boiling blood in his body seems to be eager for this exciting battle.

What are you waiting for?

Let's fight!

At the moment when Bai Yu's fighting spirit broke out, Grans of the Storm also moved.

The strange and dark body, the outline of the armor can be vaguely seen, and a strong tornado is spinning around the body, and the hurricane also begins to move as Grans gets up and takes a step.


Grans took off the warhammer behind him, sprinting faster and faster, and the gust of wind swirling around him swept everything he passed.

Breath of energy!

Bai Yu opened his mouth, condensed red energy and sprayed out! Immediately, a deep ravine was left in the valley.

Grans flickered a few times and went straight to the top of the valley. The warhammer in his hand exuded a huge black energy aura, and he swung down from the top!


A loud voice sounded,

The mountain top crumbled.

Bai Yu moved quickly towards the rear, swinging his tail at the same time, whistling and sweeping towards the figure in the air.


The moment his tail touched the gust of wind, Bai Yu felt a strong resistance. After a short pause, he broke through the gust of wind's defense. However, Grans had already avoided the attack by taking advantage of the short interval.

Just down in the battle,

Bai Yu confirmed his guess, and normal attacks had no effect on Grans of Stormwind.

The gust of wind swirling around him not only has a strong defensive power, but also has an amazing destructive power.

If it wasn't for Bai Yu's body also belonging to the metamorphosis level, if he approached without authorization, he would definitely be smashed into pieces by the cold light contained in the gust of wind.

In the past, the invincible physical strength could not work, and Bai Yu had to change the way of fighting, and fight a tough battle with the opponent.

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