Forbidden Land Exploration: Play as Ah Qi and teammate Zhang Qiling

Chapter 16 The Secret of Chapter Megumi

Chapter 16 The Secret of the Program Group

A purple lightning suddenly appeared in the sky, followed by a deafening thunder.

Wu Hao's ears were sensitive, and he always felt that the thunder was unusual, as if it was unnatural.

Ken=Maybe because this is a forbidden area, so everything looks weird here.

After a whole storm of lightning and thunder, the heavy rain came as expected.

The pouring rain began to fall outside the cave like a waterfall.

. . . . . .

On this rainy night, a huge guy was shuttling through the woods one by one.

A gigantic centipede with ten thousand feet was looking for the smell of Wu Hao and Zhang Qiling all the way.

The giant centipede was furious when he returned home to find his wife and children were all engulfed in flames.

After finding two strange smells in the air, I followed them all the way.

Although the centipede is huge in size and has many legs, it actually does not move fast.

The centipede has a keen sense of smell, even in this rainy night, it can still catch the slightest smell.

"Hush~ hoot~"

. . . . . .

The two originally thought that after walking out of this forest, they should be able to rest for a while later.

But not long after the two of them walked out of the woods, it started to rain heavily.

Although there are trees all around.

But during a thunderstorm, hiding under a tree is almost like seeking death.

The two had never been so embarrassed before, and it took a long time before they found a hiding place.

A protruding rock gave the two men shelter from the wind and rain.

Fortunately, some dried wood and leaves had accumulated under the rocks and were not wet by the rain.

Zhang Qiling lit the bonfire, and then took off his shirt completely.

In fact, Wu Hao was more worried about what to do with his makeup than when his clothes were wet.

So he quickly used a little black mud to touch up his eye makeup, then took off his clothes and baked them with fire.

"Hahahaha! I'm dying of laughter! Little brother will be in such a mess one day!"

"Wu Hao just now, did you see that he used black mud to touch up his makeup? I almost laughed. It seems that his black eye makeup is more important."

"Oooh! Both of them took off their clothes! Wow! So meaty! Suck!"

"I didn't expect that these two people look thin, and their muscles are in such good shape. They don't look greasy at all!"

"Jimeis, I'm hungry, what should I do! I can only look but not touch, little brother Wu Hao, can you touch my little brother's muscles for me, I'm so hungry!"

"Wouldn't it be a premium channel then?"

"Eh? Why is it hacked? The live broadcast is turned off? It won't really become paid!"

. . . . . .

Both of them remembered that they could turn off the live broadcast for a while, so that they could do some more private things.

After all, there might be one or two female viewers in the live broadcast room, so the two of them turned off the live broadcast, so as not to spread some indecent videos and be criticized in the future.

. . . . . .

The headquarters of the program group at this time.

Zhang Lei looked at the data sheet in his hand and couldn't help but tear it into pieces.

"The show has just started broadcasting, and ten more people have been killed. There is still such a big gap in points! What's going on? How do you want me to do business!"

In terms of points ranking at this time, there is no doubt that the group of Wu Hao and Zhang Qiling ranked first with high scores.

The No. 2 group was beaten by two people by a full [-] points!

And with the death toll increasing, it is very likely that even the ultimate goal will not be achieved.

100 million?

The program group is not out for charity, 100 billion is just a gimmick.

It is not easy to gather capable people from all over the world to come to this place. Without this program, they might not be able to enter the Howling Abyss now!

And all of this is for the purpose of finding a ruin in the deepest part of the Howling Abyss, which is the ultimate goal of the program group.

"Zhang Qiling? Such a high score? Yi Lian, let me check this guy."

Zhang Lei saw Zhang Qiling's terrifying score, coupled with his strong skills, and knew in his heart that this guy was definitely not simple!
As for Wu Hao next to him, he only paddled along the way, and occasionally came out to show his face. He didn't seem to have any strength. He was probably a mixed score, so don't worry about it.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhang, I will definitely check it out for you!"

. . . . . .

The next day.

Wu Hao and Zhang Qiling basically didn't fall asleep all night.

In the middle of the night, a strong wind started to blow. The two people who were not exposed to the rain were tortured by the heavy rain for a long time.

But fortunately, the rain stopped later, and the fire started, so we passed the dawn safely.

After the two simply ate something, they planned to move on.

Wu Hao put on the clothes that had been dried on the fire. As for his dark circles, he basically didn't need to touch up his makeup.

Wu Hao, who hadn't slept all night, already had really thick dark circles under his eyes.

Zhang Qiling looked at the map carefully, then determined the direction the two of them were going to go, and then continued on their way.

. . . . . .

Wu Hao and Zhang Qiling were still walking in the valley one behind the other.

At this time, the two of them seemed to have come to a low-lying road, and the front was covered by green forests.

There are quagmire everywhere around, but it seems to be bottomless.

The quagmire is surrounded by some unknown weeds and trees.

Moreover, the quagmire ahead seemed to be still bubbling, and something might pop up at any moment and drag the two of them down.

"It can't be easy here."

Wu Hao broke off a branch about one meter long, and then inserted it into the quagmire, but it was completely swallowed by the quagmire.

(End of this chapter)

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