Forbidden Land Exploration: Play as Ah Qi and teammate Zhang Qiling

Chapter 43 Transparent Leeches and Poison Frogs

Chapter 43 Transparent Leeches and Poison Frogs
Wu Hao found that these things could not be burned no matter how they were burned, so he just gave up.

But the next second, Wu Hao suddenly found that something seemed to be missing around him.

Wu Hao clearly remembered that when he saw Yabuki Azusagawa for the first time, there was a suitcase under his feet.

But now the suitcase is gone!
Zhang Qiling naturally also noticed this problem, but the attention of the two people was not on the suitcase at all.

This also caused the two people to not discover the disappearance of the suitcase in time.

However, the two didn't plan to delve into it, but after completely extinguishing the fire, they were ready to move on.

As for the weapons of the two people, they also stayed in the fire with the two puppets as companions.

Now that the two of them have chosen to take a detour and have traveled a long distance, there is no need to go back.

The two began to walk side by side, and kept going for about half an hour.

A swamp appeared again in front of the two of them.

But what is different from before is that the bottom of the pool in this swamp is clearly visible, and you can see what's inside at a glance.

But the road ahead was basically blocked by some two-meter-high weeds, which made it impossible for the two of them to judge the road ahead.

But this kind of thing is not difficult at all, Wu Hao.

"The spirit in it is to control the scissors with Qi!"

Wu Hao manipulated the scissors in his hands and turned into a good helper for the farmer's uncle, cutting off half of the weeds in front of him that were taller than a person.

But the front still seemed to be covered with dense weeds, and it was difficult to judge whether there was a road under our feet.

Although the water pool here looks very clear and transparent on the surface, but at the bottom, you never know what strange things will be hidden inside.

Zhang Qiling squatted down and looked at the clear water pool for a long time.

First, he randomly broke a branch about one meter long, and then inserted it into the bottom of the water. When Zhang Qiling picked up the branch again, there was no change.

At this time, Zhang Qiling showed his slender fingers again, and pointed at the leaves next to him.

A golden poisonous snake was caught between Zhang Qiling's fingers.


Zhang Qiling exerted a little force with his fingers, and the poisonous snake lost its vitality.

Then, Zhang Qiling strung the snake on the branch and stretched it into the clear water again.

But this time it was different, the snake's body had just been submerged in the water.

The whole pool seemed to be boiling, bubbles were constantly bubbling, and they kept rushing towards the snake's corpse.

At this time, Wu Hao who was next to him also discovered the clues. It turns out that this pool is not crystal clear!
Instead, a group of transparent creatures live!
Soon, blood gushed out from the snake's body, and within half a minute, a whole snake turned into a pile of skeletons.

If a person passes by here, mistakenly thinks that the water here is clear, and starts to use the water in it to wash his face, or even drink or take a bath, the consequences will be disastrous!

Zhang Qiling gently picked up a transparent creature in the water with a branch.

This creature looks like a leech, but its whole body is transparent, even its internal organs are transparent, and even the meat it eats becomes transparent.

But in front of the two of them, there is only one jump for the time being.

If you make another detour, you will go straight to next year.

Fortunately, the small pools on both sides wrapped a narrow path for the two to advance.

The two of them must be extremely cautious in the process of moving forward. If they are not paying attention, they will end up in the same end as that little snake.

. . . . . .

At the same time, in the depths of a certain dense forest.

A suitcase lay quietly on the floor.

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, the inside of the suitcase began to make the sound of being knocked by something.


Suddenly, the suitcase was opened.

A figure slowly crawled out from inside, then lowered its head, as if it was taking something out of a suitcase.

But soon, another person crawled out of the suitcase.

And these two people are the Yabuki siblings who fought against Wu Hao and Zhang Qiling before!
"Sister, we were careless this time, the substitute is gone, and the bracelet is gone, what should we do?"

Yabuki Azusagawa moved his stiff body, and then complained.

Through the weak light in the dense forest, it can be seen that the faces of the Yabuki siblings are still like puppets, but they have a bit of blood.

"You don't need to care about these things. We have already explored the other party's bottom. It is very suitable as a container. It doesn't matter if they don't have a bracelet. They can just have it."

Yabuki Kirina wiped the saliva from her lips, and then there was an unbearable excitement in her body.

"Without a substitute, it would be dangerous to go further back."

Yabuki Azusagawa is still a little worried. Now both of them are using their own bodies. Once they are killed, there is no possibility of resurrection.

"Also, our weapons . . . never came back in time."

Before Yabuki Azusagawa could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Yabuki Kirina.

"Don't worry, my brother, those two guys do have some skills, but I have figured out their bottom line, just follow me to hunt happily!"

"And now we have no identity. In other people's perception, we have finished the game."

"As long as we get 200 billion in the end, our family can resume operations! This risk is worth taking!"

Yabuki Kirina's words restored Yabuki Azusagawa's confidence.

The two move on in a sort of ghost contestant fashion.

. . . . . .

Wu Hao and Zhang Qiling's side.

The two have been moving forward for some time.

Among them, the two discovered that the ponds on both sides are not continuous, but there will be one after a certain distance.

And other places are full of things like thatch that are about two meters high and extremely sharp.

At this time, Wu Hao's perception told him that something unusual was approaching the two of them.

"Wait a moment!"

Wu Hao quickly called Zhang Qiling to stop, and then used scissors to clean up the nearby weeds to broaden the surrounding vision.


Wu Hao sensed that something rushed towards him from his right hand.

Then decisively draw the knife.


Wu Hao went down and pierced it directly.

In a blink of an eye, Wu Hao's knife tip was actually a toad that was a circle bigger than a normal African bullfrog.


The next moment, the sarcoma on the toad's back actually began to rot, and then a purple smoke visible to the naked eye floated out of it.

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(End of this chapter)

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