Forbidden Land Exploration: Play as Ah Qi and teammate Zhang Qiling

Chapter 95 What You Think Is Not What You Think

Chapter 95 What You Think Is Not What You Think

After saying that, Liu[-]'s bright smile suddenly turned sinister, as if he was a different person.

The weight of the stick in his hand also seems to have increased.


Liu Zero swung his sap at Zhang Qiling with all his strength again, Zhang Qiling caught it with all his strength, and found that the opponent's strength was no less than his own!

Suddenly, [-] somersaulted and circled behind Zhang Qiling, but the stick was still fighting against Zhang Qiling.

As long as Zhang Qiling relaxes a little, the stick will fly towards him at any time.

Wu Hao looked at Liuliu. Could it be that the opponent could use something like Qi to control weapons like himself?
"It's a fight, don't be distracted, or you will really be beaten to death by me!"

In the next second, the stick returned to Liu Zero's hand, and then swung it towards Wu Hao again.


Wu Hao easily took the blow, and began to use all his strength to counterattack, actually suppressing the opponent directly!

Liuli was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that someone could surpass him in strength.

But in the next second, Liu Zero realized that the opponent was not only able to suppress him with strength.

Wu Hao injected Qi into the blade, and then the Qi bloomed like a flower, but the petals of these many flowers are spikes!
Countless spikes gathered together and pierced into Liu Zero's arm, but the other party didn't seem to respond.

"No pain?"

Wu Hao thought to himself, but the other party can even be reborn directly, and it is normal to not feel pain.

Suddenly, Liu Zero retracted his stick, and started to attack Wu Hao violently in the next second, waving the stick in his hand continuously.

Liu[-] felt that this Wu Hao was very strong!Maybe you can satisfy yourself!
But Wu Hao didn't want to spend it with him, so he directly used his own self-created skill - Wind Injury!

With one slash down, countless vapors turned into blades, and then scattered in all directions.

Since Wu Hao has acquired the "Trend Hairstyle Collection", his control over Qi is much stronger than before.

These blades were all controlled by Wu Hao and pierced into Liu Zero's body, and taking advantage of the other's stiff state, he stabbed into Liu Zero's body with one knife.

Wu Hao knew that the opponent would probably continue to be reborn, so he held a knife in his left hand and scissors in his right, and launched a crazy attack on Liu Zero!

Zhang Qiling also rushed up, and together with Wu Hao launched a continuous attack on [-].

In the darkness, Xuan Shang watched Liu Zero being abused like this, but he was not in a hurry to make a move, but was silently observing the remote control in his hand.

It wasn't until a small light bulb on the remote control started to flash that Xuan Shang jumped out of the darkness.


With seals in Xuan Shang's hands, a scripture with golden light appeared out of thin air, and then slowly floated towards Wu Hao and Zhang Qiling.

Liu Ling's body was seen shrouded in the light of the scriptures, and then Liu Ling's body slowly floated towards Xuan Shang.

Zhang Qiling wanted to rush up to intercept, but Wu Hao's goal was to point directly at Xuan Shang.

Facing Wu Hao who was rushing towards him, Xuan Shang didn't panic, he slowly raised his hands, and a wall formed by dense scriptures stood up out of thin air.

Wu Hao didn't know the purpose of this wall, so he didn't go up rashly, but dodged behind Xuan Shang, and then swung his knife.

But Xuan Shang's reaction was also extremely fast, and at some point the entire wall had moved behind him.

Wu Hao's blade hit the wall, but was bounced off!And then another blade flew over.

After Wu Hao dodged easily, he attacked again.

If the opponent's wall is just a simple wall, then it's easy to handle!

Wu Hao began to flash around Xuan Shang quickly, and stab Xuan Shang from time to time.

On the other side, Liu Zero got rid of Zhang Qiling's and Wu Hao's infinite combos, and was finally able to move freely.

Six zero jumps and two steps to widen the distance.

"Old bald man, what are you doing out here? Do you think I can't handle it alone!" Seeing Xuan Shang running out, Liu Zero felt a little dissatisfied, thinking that the other party was underestimating him.

"If I don't come out, your energy will be exhausted. It's okay if you die, the main reason is that it's not easy to collect the body."

Xuan Shang said lightly.

Then the figure of Wu Hao next to him suddenly accelerated, flickering around Xuan Shang and swinging the knife.

Before Wu Hao swung his knife, the blade would bounce off and knock down the surrounding trees.

"This guy doesn't want to rely on speed to win against me, does he? But it's a pity, my shield has 360 degrees without dead ends! That is...absolute defense!"

Xuan Shang slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, feeling that this Wu Hao was nothing more than that, and he was able to handle it easily with just one skill.

Xuan Shang thought this way and relaxed his vigilance towards Wu Hao.

"Liu Zero, you can solve that house. There is a button on your right arm, which is a backup energy source."

"I know! I know! You're so annoying! It's best to be hacked to death as soon as possible!"

Sixty complained, then reached out and pressed the button on his right arm.

Suddenly, a wave of energy visible to the naked eye began to flow over the surface of Liu Zero's body, and Liu Zero also felt an extremely powerful force at this moment!

Sixty suddenly exploded, leaving a deep pit on the spot. He held a stick and hit Zhang Qiling with all his strength in front of him.


Zhang Qiling also clearly felt that the opponent's strength had increased by more than one level, and the soil under his feet began to sink slowly.

"Uh ha ha ha! Come again! Come again!"

Liu Zero also became extremely excited, gaining energy made him feel very excited.

Zhang Qiling knew that just by using brute force, he might not be the opponent's opponent, so he couldn't just fight head-on!
At this time, Ji Dabao, who had been hiding by the side for a long time, finally stood up, threw Xiao Fei out decisively, and then hid back.

Xiao Fei's muscular brother Gui punched Xuan Shang's light wall, but was bounced away more than ten meters away!
"Hmph, a bunch of idiots who only know how to use brute force." Xuan Shang smiled slightly, but the next second he saw Wu Hao stabbing straight at him with a knife.

"Is this guy a fool? He keeps attacking even though he knows it's useless? Then I'll let you beat him until he's done!"

But in fact, Wu Hao didn't really stab Xuanshang's wall directly with the knife, but let the blade spread out in an instant, and then gradually closed.


The blade grew rapidly, and then Wu Hao made a slash, and the blade extended to three or four meters directly passed through Xuan Shang's body.

"What! How is it possible!"

Xuanshang was stupid, the other party actually directly broke his absolute defense!

In other words, Wu Hao's recklessness just now was actually all pretending, just to lower his vigilance!
(End of this chapter)

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