Forbidden live broadcast: start as Uchiha Itachi, teammate Zhang Lingyu

Chapter 191 Zhang Lingyu Has Changed

Just like what Zhu Shi said, Zhang Lingyu frowned after hearing Wei Gong's words.

It seemed that he wanted to jump up immediately and prove to Wei Gong that he was not the fool he said.

Seeing the change in his expression, Wei Gong felt happy, and immediately continued: "I'm very angry, but if you don't recover, you won't be able to beat me."

Sophie and Zhou Long also came over, Sophie pulled Wei Gong away and started talking to him.

"Zhang Lingyu, you took this shot for me. If you don't wake up, I don't know how to survive."

"Please, Zhang Lingyu, wake up and recover!"

Sophie gave way to Zhou Long. Zhou Long's voice was sobbing, and it took him a long time to speak.

"You are much more reliable than Wei Gong. Without you, how would we escape in danger?"

Wei Gong sighed and said, "Even if you blow him into the sky, you don't want to be trampled like this?"

Zhou Long wiped away his tears and laughed a few times.

The corner of Zhang Lingyu's mouth also twitched, revealing a faint smile.

Wei Gong asked the two of them to talk, and turned to look at Zhang Lingyu's body.

The hand is still on the waist,

Zhang Lingyu's heart has all turned pink.

Looking at the pink heart, Wei Gong suddenly understood that the sarcoma was also the heart of spores.

Zhang Lingyu didn't seem to lose her humanity yet, and was still reacting to what Sophie and Zhou Long said.

Wei Gong prayed in his heart, as an atheist,

He has never prayed so devoutly, Zhang Lingyu will overcome it!

Zhu Shi's pen slid across the paper, recording every change.

"The pink heart is getting bigger!"

Wei Gong watched his heart grow bigger and became anxious.

Zhu Shi also saw it, and immediately wrote it down in his notebook: "We can't interfere with the changes, we should observe first."

Wei Gong watched anxiously, the enlarged heart was imprisoned by the chest cavity, oppressing other internal organs,

Zhang Lingyu began to have difficulty breathing.

Sophie panickedly pointed at the oxygen mask Zhang Lingyu was wearing and said, "His breathing mask is full of white gas—"

Zhu Shi immediately gave an order to Yushiro: "Open the oxygen valve!"

Yushiro immediately opened the oxygen valve calmly, and the white air on Zhang Lingyu's breathing mask disappeared quickly.

The enlarged pink heart actually began to shrink by itself!

Zhu Shi said while recording: "Both of them are adapting."

Hearing these words, Wei Gong's heart just sank,

But after thinking about it, after the heart replacement operation, the patient has to get used to the heart for a while, so just treat it as a brand new heart.

The contracted heart was still a little bigger than before, and the rapid beating also slowed down.

Black spots started to appear all over the heart.

These black spots are like mold and look very ominous!

Zhu Shi immediately began to check various data of Zhang Lingyu's body.

Sophie and Zhou Long squatted on the ground, and their voices trembling when talking to Zhang Lingyu.

"Miss Zhu Shi, Zhang Lingyu is sweating profusely, frowning tightly, is he in pain?"

Zhu Shi checked all the data, and gave Yushiro an order: "Give a shot of morphine."

After the analgesic was injected, Zhang Lingyu's expression relaxed a little,

Yushiro handed Sophie the sterilized gauze, and Sophie wiped Zhang Lingyu's sweat after taking it.

"Zhang Lingyu, hold on, now is the most difficult moment, we are all with you, you are all right, we have to save Dora when we go back!"

Zhou Long said, his tone was full of expectations and encouragement for the future,

But Wei Gong standing on the hospital bed was very desperate.

The black spots have completely covered the pink heart.

Wei Gong didn't expect that he would miss that pink heart so much.

Zhu Shi checked Zhang Lingyu's physical condition again and said: "The heartbeat has dropped significantly, but all the data are normal."

Wei Gong looked at the instrument that recorded the heartbeat. The heartbeat had dropped from the highest 180 to 90.

The momentum of decline is very slow, as long as the decline does not continue, Wei Gong still has hope in his heart.

After staring at the heartbeat device for a few minutes, the heartbeat remained at 86.

Zhu Shizhi recorded it in a notebook, and Yushiro checked various data and read it to her.

Wei Gong saw the steady heartbeat, so he dared to turn his head to look at the heart.

The black heart was beating regularly, and everything seemed to be normal except for the color.

"Look, the center of the heart turns red!"

Zhu Shi reminded Wei Gong to look at it, and Wei Gong also saw it.

Because the red color is very domineering, it quickly invaded the black territory,

In five seconds, the entire heart turned red.

Zhu Shi breathed a sigh of relief: "I knew it, it's from twins."

Wei Gong let go of the hand on his waist, and looked at the red beating heart in disbelief.

"However, the color is redder than normal people, and the heart is a little bigger."

Zhu Shi wrote on the paper while talking.

Sophie stood up excitedly and looked at Wei Gong: "His face has recovered!"

Wei Gong immediately walked over to see, Zhang Lingyu's pale face turned bloody!

Zhushi and Yushiro finally checked Zhang Lingyu's body thoroughly, and then sewed up the open chest cavity.

When Zhu Shi was about to cut the line, he suddenly hummed in surprise.

Everyone thought that something was wrong again, and the heart immediately rose to the throat.

Zhu Shi looked at the suture thread and said, "Oh my God, his wound healed automatically!"

Everyone heard this, and immediately came to see,

Yushiro stretched out his hand and bounced their heads away: "Don't block the light!"

Sophie and Zhou Long held their foreheads and could only back away a little.

Zhu Shi immediately pulled off the suture thread just now.

Everyone saw Zhang Lingyu's smooth, uninjured skin at a glance.

Sophie and Zhou Long were very happy, but Zhu Shi and Wei Gong became suspicious.

Everything will be known about Zhang Lingyu's condition after the anesthetic wears off.

"Zhang Lingyu, you are no longer the Zhang Lingyu you used to be, but I hope you don't become a mutant or a ghost..."

Wei Gong sat on the sink, put his hands on his waist and waited to pray again in his heart.

While waiting, Yushiro went out to take care of other patients.

Zhushi is still working on the results.

She used a scalpel to cut a small cut directly on Zhang Lingyu's arm, and took out a little blood and flesh to study.

It failed the first time.

The wound healed at an astonishing speed, before she could take a sample for a specimen, the wound healed.

Zhu Shi had to cut the knife quickly again, and when she removed the flesh, the wound healed again.

There was no sign of injury at all.

Seeing this, Sophie and Zhou Long's joy also faded.

Everyone realized that Zhang Lingyu had changed.

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