Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 55: Perplexed

Xiang Ning sat next to Lu Shiyu without a word. As the breeze blew and after some time passed, she slowly calmed down. He stood up with a smile and said, “It’s almost time for class, let’s go.”

“Alright.” She stood up from the bench, excited.

He smiled. After spending time with her, he had a good impression of her. However, it all still came down to capability. This was a combat team, after all, they needed to hunt fearsome beasts together. Xiang Ning deeply understood the terror of fearsome beasts and knew of their pure violence better than city folk. He had almost died from one. That was why, if she wasn’t strong enough, it wouldn’t be just Xiang Ning turning her down, but the team as well. But if she could join the special training just like that, she must already be capable.

Very soon, they arrived at the training grounds. They were the last to arrive and naturally attracted much attention. Many knew about Lu Shiyu joining the training, and the guys had been particularly anticipating her arrival.

When the two appeared together, the crowd stared in surprise. Why was Xiang Ning with Lu Shiyu? Based on their smiles, it seemed like they were familiar with each other already. What was that about?

“Fuck, Xiang Ning got to her first!”

“Why didn’t I think of that?!” Some people pounded their chests and stomped their feet. They knew Lu Shiyu was new and unfamiliar with the campus, so naturally she would need a ‘guide’. They couldn’t believe they had missed such a great opportunity.

The most surprised of them all was Fang Rou. She had heard of Lu Shiyu wanting to join their team, but they were classmates… shouldn’t Lu Shiyu have asked her first? Yet Lu Shiyu had never approached her, merely attending class as usual and ignoring the advances from the guys. She was icy with them, but friendly with the girls. Fang Rou didn’t talk to her. But now here she was, taking a walk with Xiang Ning?

In contrast to the guys, the girls were slightly jealous. Lu Shiyu shone brightly, attracting attention from many guys and causing some girls to inadvertently feel threatened.

Xiang Ning and Lu Shiyu arrived before Fang Rou and the rest and he smiled as he introduced her. “This is Lu Shiyu, and she’d like to join our team. Lu Shiyu, this is my team. This is Fang Rou…” Xiang Ning introduced everyone to each other.

“Hi everyone, I know this team lacks a member, so I’d like to join you guys,” Lu Shiyu said in a friendly tone. She then added, “I’m willing to be tested.” It was obvious that she wasn’t very naive and had done her homework. She knew she must display a certain strength in order to be accepted.

When the nearby girls heard her, they looked repulsed. After a few days of training, they had all already killed fearsome beasts and knew of the dangers. Some of them were still struggling to fight one beast alone.

Xiang Ning’s team had dared to challenge the Shadowblood Hound, and had even successfully killed it. They were powerful, and obviously didn’t need anyone who wasn’t serious.

“She said she’s willing to be tested! I bet she’ll freeze when she meets a beast.”

“Beasts aren’t boys, they won’t be nice to you.”

Many girls joked around as if they anticipated Lu Shiyu humiliating herself. Were they evil? Perhaps they were only insecure. Just like how when you score a perfect score on a test, someone will still say you got lucky. That was why Xiang Ning and the rest ignored the gossip.

“Alright, be careful. Just retreat if you feel like you’re overwhelmed,” said Xiang Ning.

Fang Rou added, “Safety is the priority here. We still have two days left.” The implication was obvious. If Lu Shiyu could kill a beast alone within two days, she would be accepted into the team. That was already a considerably generous offer.

“Thank you.” Lu Shiyu smiled sweetly.

The guys instantly fell in love, privately cursing her for joining Xiang Ning’s team. Fang Rou and Liu Ruoxue were already top-tier beauties. But now they were about to have another one! That was unfair.

Very soon, Instructor Lei appeared. His eyes darted to Lu Shiyu and he said, “Get your weapon from the armory.”

Lu Shiyu slightly bowed, then jogged over to grab her weapon. When she exited the building, many looked at her weapon in surprise because it was unique. It was a sickle, a long, curved blade used in combat. It was a strange choice for a girl that looked like Lu Shiyu.

“A combat sickle. That’s a rare weapon.”

“She doesn’t take the common path. But I like girls like that.”

Xiang Ning and his team were shocked, too. Fang Rou nudged Xiang Ning’s waist. “This Lu Shiyu has a personality indeed.”

“Very few martial artists wield combat sickles, though I’ve seen one in action before in a livestream. I wonder if she’s as ruthless,” Li Zimo said with a grin.

“Do you guys see it? She has a dagger strapped to her thigh.” Liu Ruoxue was squinting at the new girl.

The other three looked over as well. There was indeed a dagger strapped to Lu Shiyu’s thigh.

“She isn’t a spiritual cultivator, is she?”

The four suddenly exchanged excited looks. It seemed like this apparently delicate girl was full of surprises. What surprised them the most was that Lu Shiyu’s opponent of choice was a tier one, six-star Boulder Boar. Many thought she would pick the Savage Sand Rat, since it was the weakest and would be the easiest to kill. Although the Boulder Boar was clumsy, it was astonishingly hardy. Many people still died beneath the hooves of the Boulder Boar, so it was only chosen during group training.

Many girls were amused and waiting to see her humiliate herself.

On the other hand, Lei Zhongyuan stood on the platform, watching them. “I don’t know why Old Lu put his sister here,” he lamented, rubbing his head worriedly.

“Isn’t it great? She’ll join Xiang Ning’s team, and our academy will return with great results after the activity in two days,” Dong Qianyi chuckled from right next to him.

“Nonsense! What if something happens to her? That guy will kill me!” Lei Zhongyuan complained in frustration.

“Hehe. But I’m watching Lu Shiyu and Xiang Ning. Don’t you think something feels odd between them?” asked Dong Qianyi. Even with his high IQ, he was perplexed.

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