Forced To Fall In Love with the Villain AA

Chapter 15

Chapter 14

Back in the dormitory, Wen Ye looked at the things in his box, “Here, I’ll bring you something to eat.”

When he went back, he was just carrying a simple small backpack, but when he came back, he was carrying a big suitcase.

Xu Shen looked at the food in front of him, paused and asked, “Who have you been to see?”

Wen Ye thought for a while and returned vaguely: “It’s just family members. Come and try this snack, it’s my favorite these days!”

Wen Ye opened a bag of snacks and stuffed the snacks directly into the other’s mouth. His index finger gently brushed the other’s lips, and the two of them suddenly felt numb.

The atmosphere between the two of them suddenly became rather strange, with a trace of unconscious ambiguity.

Wen Ye coughed twice and turned his thoughts back: “How are Xue Xue and Leng Feng doing now?”

Xu Shen glanced at the young man in front of him, his expression was very stiff, the topic turned too unnaturally, but he didn’t expose him: “I talked to Xue yesterday, and he said it was just a temporary mark. Side effects, after the mark is removed, there will be nothing.”

After Xu Shen finished speaking, his eyes turned to the neck of the young man opposite, the Omega mark was on the nape of the neck, and Alpha’s mutual mark was on the side of the neck.

Wen Ye was particularly surprised by the fact that Omega would have a sense of dependence after being marked: “Will Omega have a heavy sense of dependence on the other party after being marked? I think Xue Xue looks at Leng Feng differently today.”

Xu Shen nodded: “Not only Omega, but Alpha will also have a strong sense of territory for their own possessions.” After that, the tobacco-flavored pheromone on Xu Shen’s body became stronger.

“Actually, I have a question I’ve always wanted to ask you.” Wen Ye scratched his head and said, “You are secondary differentiation. What is the difference between when you were an Omega before and now?”

Xu Shen was stunned when he asked this question. To the royal family, Omega and Alpha are two completely different concepts. From the fact that Omega is not given a surname, it can be seen that the empire does not value Omega.

Xu Shen’s mother-in-law is the empress of the empire, and the Xu family is also a well-established family in the empire, but the two princes born to empress Xu are not Alpha, the first prince is a beta with mediocre qualifications, and the second prince is Xu Shen is a beta. Name Omega.

So what Xu Shen has heard the most since he was a child is why are you not an Alpha?

The palace is a place where the weak can prey on the strong. Even if his mother, Empress Xu, is unwilling, there is nothing she can do about it, because Xu Shen lost her fertility due to an accident on the way to give birth.

So Xu Shen’s life was not very good when he was a child. Every time he saw his father’s disappointed eyes, he would regret why he was not an Alpha. Every time he lost a fight, he would secretly hide in the corner and stare at the stars outside the window.

Because Alpha can mark many Omega, so there are many heirs in the imperial father’s harem, and even if the mother’s father who is in the main palace has two unsuitable princes, even though he has the power of his mother’s family, he will not be taken away from the main palace. But when the father is gone, everything will disappear.

When I showed signs of secondary differentiation, the dark lines laid out by Mu’s father and Mu’s mother’s family had a great effect, and being able to get the position of prince was also influenced by Mu’s father.

It’s just that Mu’s father’s natal family has great ambitions, and the crown prince is not their ultimate goal.

“Why are you distracted?” Wen Ye stretched out his slender hand and shook it in front of Xu Shen.

Xu Shen came back to his senses, looked at the other party and said, “There is no difference.”

“There’s a difference, right? That day’s sequelae broke out and bit me so painfully.” Wen Ye touched his neck.

Xu Shen was stunned, this was the first time the two of them talked about the sequelae of secondary differentiation in a sober state, and he had the impression of what he did that day, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, but why are your sequelae so similar to the susceptible period?” Wen Ye was still a little frightened when he thought of the scene that day. According to the posture of the other party tearing his clothes, he might not know what would happen in the end: “When your sequelae broke out before Didn’t Xue Xue be temporarily marked?”

“I didn’t!” Xu Shen’s voice suddenly rose. He had only attacked the followers in the palace when he broke out before, and he didn’t do anything like that day. “It may be the pheromone influence of Xue Xue’s susceptible period.”

A slight turmoil flashed in Xu Shen’s eyes. The aftereffects of that day plus the influence of pheromones, and then triggered the susceptibility period also made him feel incredible.

As for the scene in the illusion at that time, Xu Shen didn’t take it to heart, in his opinion, it was because of the worsening sequelae.

Hearing this answer, Wen Ye nodded soberly. It seems that if His Royal Highness’s sequelae encounters Omega susceptibility period pheromones, it will be a big problem. The technical professional people he met before also said that the disaster made him Feel a little incredible.

“Is the Omega susceptible period really so dangerous?” Wen Ye asked the other party with doubts.

Xu Shen nodded and thought for a while and said, “Omega’s susceptible period means he has matured, but he needs the most powerful genes to reproduce, so there is a reason why Omega’s susceptible period pheromone will arouse Alpha’s aggressiveness. Yes, this is why the strongest can have the right to reproduce.”

Wen Ye nodded comprehendingly, “If there is an Omega susceptible period next to the two of us, will the two of us lose our minds and fight?”

This question seemed to ask Xu Shen, he was stunned and replied: “According to common sense, it is possible.”

“After that, I need to train more. I don’t think I can beat you with an S+, and I can’t give you inhibitors.” Wen Ye thought for a while and went to check his luggage.

Xu Shen suddenly thought of Wen Ye giving him an inhibitor that day, the young man’s exposed face was covered with beads of sweat, and he pinned himself to the ground with a small needle in his slightly parted lips.

His eyes darkened and he looked at the other party’s neck. Now he can be sure that Wen Ye really doesn’t have some basic common sense, and he doesn’t even understand the most basic AO difference.

At this time, Xu Shen suddenly saw a square watch falling out of the other party’s box. The watch looked very beautiful and seemed rather expensive.

“This is it?” Xu Shen looked at his watch suspiciously. He had seen this thing before. He had an Omega cousin showing off this thing in front of him, saying that it was a valuable item from the antique market.

“Oh, it was given by someone else.” Wen Ye put away the watch and put it aside.

However, Xu Shen looked at him even more puzzled. A few days ago, when he returned to the palace, he asked someone to inquire about Wen Ye’s life experience. He is only a child of a single mother, why would someone give him such a valuable gift?

At this moment, the preparatory bell for the morning class rang, and Xu Shen, who was full of doubts, followed Wen Ye to the classroom.

Today’s courses for the actual combat major are about weapons. Since the first year of Interstellar, they have mainly focused on hot weapons. Cold weapons are actually very rare.

But since it is an actual combat profession, the use of cold weapons in close combat is also an assessment for soldiers.

The chief instructor of the cold weapon class is an old acquaintance of Wenye, that is, his father’s personal soldier Wang Dongwang Instructor, he has several assistant instructors under him, mainly the assistant instructors teach in groups, and Wang Dong is each The group conducts inspections and corrections.

Because everyone chooses different types of weapons, they are divided into different groups according to the weapons for training.

Wen Ye, Xu Shen, Wei Tian, and Zheng Nan were all chosen for the sword system, so they were divided into one group, and the dagger Xue Xue chose was also a group of swords, so the members of this group were all old classmates.

Then there was an uninvited guest swaggering behind Xue Xue and added to this group, this uninvited guest was Leng Feng.

Leng Feng’s weapon of choice was the long whip, the kind of whip with barbs that could roll off a lot of meat when thrown out.

He stuck behind Xue Xue like a wolf guarding food and stared at the people present, especially Xu Shen.

Xu Shen just narrowed his eyes and looked at the person in front of him coldly, the atmosphere between the two was not harmonious.

Seeing the situation of the three of them, Wen Ye remembered that after Leng Feng marked Xue Xue when he was reading, he would often show off in front of Xu Shen.

However, as the beginning of this matter, that is, Xue Xue, the central figure in the Shura field, did not draw a clear line with anyone in this situation. Thinking of this, Wen Ye looked at Xue Xue with a scrutiny.

The blackening of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who couldn’t love him, and the collapse of the foundation of the empire for so many years may also be caused by this young master to some extent?

At this time, the instructor who brought them came. Instructor Li was a very handsome and shy person, but the muscles on his body were very developed. It seemed that he had experienced a lot of hard work.

Instructor Li took off his jacket to reveal the racer vest inside, and his well-shaped chest muscles and triceps showed a wild explosive power.

Seeing the instructor’s muscular body, Wen Ye’s eyes lit up, and he said to the other party with bright eyes: “Instructor Li, I found that your chest muscles are really well trained, how did you train them?”

Instructor Li blushed a little, “It’s just more exercise.”

“Instructor Li, are you a retired soldier?” Wen Ye was a little curious about the other party. He always felt that he had seen him somewhere, most likely in Daddy’s barracks before.

“Well, I just retired this year.” Instructor Li said while handing out daggers to everyone.

“Then which military camp were you in before?” Zheng Nan also became very interested.

“I’m from General Li’s barracks.” Instructor Li said.

“Oh, no wonder it looks familiar, I’ve seen you at Li Zhuang before.” Wen Ye clapped his hands and remembered.

And Xu Shen beside Wen Ye stopped in his tracks, and looked at Wen Ye with a complicated expression, did the other party call General Li’s name just now?

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