Forced To Fall In Love with the Villain AA

Chapter 27

Chapter 26

When Wen Ye was held down, he felt that his body strength was slowly dissipating. Before that, he thought it was because he had held his breath for too long, but when he pulled out the spare dark blade on his wrist, he found that there was something wrong with his whole body.

A mocking smile slowly appeared on Xu Shen’s face, and he beckoned some familiar vines to wrap him up, “I remember you seem to be afraid of this thing.”

Wen Ye glanced at the vines wrapping himself, and snorted, “Scared”

The other party’s face changed slightly after seeing Wen Ye’s attitude, “I remember that your face changed a lot after you were **** before.”

“If this thing is real, then I might feel a little sick, but am I in reality now?” Wen Ye glanced at the surrounding environment, and then at the person standing in front of him, “Or should I call you little flower”

The other party’s face immediately became gloomy, “Xiao Hua, I am not a flower”

“Aren’t you the fruit that flower is?” Wen Ye tried to extract useful information from the other party, but the other party was not fooled.

Xu Shen just said with a condescending attitude, “You lowly creatures.”

“It’s not a fruit, what is it?” The young man’s ending sound carried a bit of ridicule.

Xu Shen felt a strange burning sensation in his body almost as soon as the other party’s ending sound fell, he leaned over and whispered next to Wen Ye’s ear, “It seems that you have a certain kind of feeling for this person. An indescribable desire.”

“What do you mean?” Wen Ye asked puzzled.

Xu Shen’s hand directly raised Wen Ye’s chin, “I am transformed from your memory, deep down in your heart you want the other party to do what you want, then I will do what you have transformed.”

“If there is a desire, it should also be the object that should be transformed into an object.” As soon as Wen Ye finished speaking, he felt the vines wrapping around him more and more tightly.

“You really think highly of yourself.” After being stimulated by his words, the man said, “You dare to run around when the susceptibility period is approaching. You really don’t know what to do.”

“The outbreak of the susceptible period has no effect on aha.” Wen Ye doesn’t care about this matter at all. Aha’s susceptible period is very aggressive and generally there will be no disadvantages.

“Then try it.” Immediately, a bright red fruit appeared in the opponent’s hand. The color of the fruit was very bright red and exuded a strange fragrance.

Wen Ye suddenly realized where did the strong sense of familiarity come from when he saw this fruit before, and as the feeling slowly emerged in his body, he also felt a little alert.

Wen Ye’s mood became more and more irritable, and the tighter and tighter vines that tied him to his body accumulated more and more of this emotion in his body

“Let go” Wen Ye’s eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at the person in front of him with a hint of threat.

“So what if you let go of you?” Xu Shen smiled and approached the young man who was tied to the tree trunk. “You said that if you eat this fruit directly, will you beg me for it?”

“If I eat it, then you can ask me for it.” A blush slowly appeared on the face of the young man bound by the vines, and even the corners of his eyes were stained with a layer of crimson.

Xu Shen directly signaled to remove the vines that restrained the other party, and the young man slid to the ground against the tree trunk, the clothes on his body showed a messy visual effect, and the visual impact made Xu Shen swallow his saliva. “I seem to have forgotten to tell you that this fruit is not for you to eat.”

Wen Ye raised his head slightly and looked at the person standing in front of him. Although the other person’s face was familiar to him, the evil expression on his face was very strange.

Since it’s not me, I can handle it anyway.

Wen Ye tried to move his body and found that his strength was slowly recovering. He touched the dark blade on his wrist and looked at the person in front of him.

“Tell me, if I use this face to bully you, will you die without regret?” Xu Shen faced that depressing face, but said rude words that the master would never utter.

“Why don’t you try it?” Wen Ye met the other party’s eyes directly, and said with a hint of provocation, “Yeah.”

When Kaili and Fan Shen woke up, they found that they were in the hallucination in the cave. At this time, the two of them knew that the flowers in the pool were the beginning of the hallucination.

There was no so-called pool at all, and there were no so-called flowers and monsters at all. I saw Wenye sitting next to him playing with a glass bottle containing bright red fruits, while he held a thin blade in the other hand and threw it at it from time to time. Throw it down, and hold a small animal that looks like a cat under your feet.

The fur of the small animal has beautiful yellow spots, but it is very small. It is staring at the thin blade in Wen Ye’s hand in horror, and its eyes move up and down with the thin blade.

“You are awake.” Wen Ye watched the two of them wake up, and put the bottle in his hand directly into his arms.

“What’s going on here?” Carey touched his neck, he was a little confused by what he just encountered on the battlefield.

“It’s all caused by this one.” Wen Ye lifted the back of the little animal’s neck directly, and the kitten screamed and fled in the opposite direction but couldn’t escape the opponent’s palm.

“What’s wrong with you calling it so desolate?” Kairi asked, looking at the little animal in front of him.

“I thought that in the season when spring is warm and flowers are blooming and all things multiply, I will directly perform a sterilization operation on a small animal full of yellow heads.” Wen Ye looked at the gun in his hand with malicious eyes while talking. Kitten, the kitten only felt the cold under its legs and then covered a certain position of itself with its front paws.

“The cat’s expression is so humane.” Carey couldn’t help but find it funny seeing the kitten’s look of wanting to escape from the wild.

Wen Ye scoffed directly, this cat is more than humanized, I’m afraid it’s about to become fine.

“This is a cat cat.” Fan Shen pushed his glasses and looked carefully at the small animal in front of him. “Isn’t the cat cat already extinct?”

“I heard it’s the last descendant.” Wen Ye shook the kitten and took a closer look. Seeing the other’s face approaching, the kitten suddenly stopped struggling and just stared blankly at the other’s face, “Just now What the **** it’s doing, it’s still a kitten that hasn’t been weaned.”

Wen Ye snorted amusedly, the kitten was frightened after he grabbed the back of the neck and threatened it, and even boasted that he was the incarnation of the planet Mutsu or something.

“Little cat, you don’t even have all your teeth and you want to provoke people.” Wen Ye lowered his head and approached the kitten, his lowered voice carried a hint of teasing.

The kitten paused, and barked at the other party even more.

Carey smelled the red wine pheromones in the air, “You’ve reached the susceptibility period”

Wen Ye nodded, “It just started.”

At this time, the three of them had already arrived outside the tribe of the Mina people. They had destroyed the altar and brought out the mascot of the people. If they continued to live there, they would only be asking for trouble.

Among the three people present, two are aha, and the other is a beta who will not be affected. It seems that there is no need to avoid suspicion.

“The so-called altar is just this little animal that haunts the ghosts. It has the ability to psychedelic people to see what they want or fear, and it must be perfectly played out based on the other person’s memory.” Wen Ye said at the same time. While shaking the little animal, the kitten gasped at him again.

But this cat can make the three of them recruit when it is still a puppy, so it will definitely be more capable when it becomes an adult. Thinking of this, Wen Ye put the kitten on the ground, held down the kitten’s head and rubbed it for a while, “Little Guy, do you want to go back with me?”

The kitten was so rubbed that it couldn’t get rid of the cat’s instinct and wanted to expose its belly directly for the other party to rub. After hearing this, its two small ears moved and looked up at the other party.

Wen Ye looked at the kitten with round and vertical pupils looking at him innocently, and deeply felt that it was too foul for cats to be cute

In the illusion, he originally wanted to fix this guy with Xu Shen’s face, but when the other party showed his original shape, Wen Ye, who was a fluffy control, didn’t want to bully him at all and only meowed wildly. Small animals.

“If you don’t come, young master, I will cut off your excess parts and make you the last of the cat cat.”

The whole cat froze after hearing what Wen Ye said. It really didn’t expect to kick the iron plate. Didn’t it mean that the people who transformed were the most important people of the other party?

This young man named Wen Ye is poisonous, who would hold a knife and threaten the person he likes to cut him off?

Don’t they all love that place?

The kitten and the whole cat feel sick, as if their outlook on life has been hit.

“This cat cat is usually eaten more expensively.” Fan Shen said, looking at the frozen kitten.

Wen Ye waved his hands indifferently and said, “It’s okay, there is a bully in my family.”

Wen Ye himself didn’t realize that His Royal Highness the Prince had been included in the range of his own people.

Kaili glanced at the Mina tribe, and regretfully said, “It’s a pity that there is nothing else, and the trip was in vain.”

Wen Ye raised his eyebrows when he heard this. This time, he had a good harvest. He found the red fruit and took a small pet.

It’s just that he doesn’t want to share these things with others. The red fruit is taken back to His Royal Highness to improve his physical fitness, while the little cat is taken back and slowly masturbated and trained.

After being swept away by Wen Ye’s gaze, the kitten seemed to understand the other party’s intentions, and his whole body frowned and shouted at Wen Ye.

“Oh, you’re still acting like a baby.” Wen Ye directly pressed the kitten’s head and rubbed it.

The kitten directly showed its paws to Wen Ye’s face, and a light bloodstain appeared on Wen Ye’s cheek.

“That’s not good.” At this time, Wen Ye’s voice, whose cheek was scratched, showed a kind of uncomfortable coldness, and his eyes were directly on the cat that caused trouble.

Facing Kami Wenye’s malicious eyes, the kitten felt a cold somewhere, and obediently withdrew its paws again.

“What did you meet in the illusion that caused the susceptibility period?” Kaili just stayed by the side without saying a word, observing the interaction between a man and a beast, looking at the completely suppressed little animal, feeling a little pitiful for the other party.

Wen Ye was stunned by the other party’s question, “It’s just that time, do you have inhibitors?”

Carey shook his head, then suddenly said with some kind of teasing, “How about I help you?”

“Hehe.” Wen Ye continued to send out the two-character motto, and said with a trace of impatience, “The susceptible period is more irritable, don’t force me to clean you up.”

“Don’t be embarrassed, there are often times when you help each other in the army.” Relying on his height, Kaili insisted on pushing the person against the tree trunk next to him, and didn’t care if there was a third person at the scene.

“This is a toast, don’t eat fine wine.” Wen Ye was about to use the dark blade to deal with the opponent, but he didn’t expect a voice to come from the front suddenly.

“hands off”

The cold voice was mixed with some angry emotions, and then the other party stopped and continued, “Whose clothes?”

Seeing the people coming out of the woods, Wen Ye suddenly had the feeling that he hadn’t walked out of the illusion.

The scene of deja vu, the same problem and the same gloomy face of the other party.

Xu Shen went directly to the two of them, tore Kaili apart and threw him out. He hated other people touching Wen Ye very much, and this feeling has become stronger and stronger over time.

At this time, a whirring cat’s meow attracted his attention, and he turned around to see Wen Ye lowered his head and pressed a certain small animal inside his collar.

Xu Shen’s face was as black as ink, and he directly took the kitten out of Wen Ye’s collar and threw it into the hands of Xue Xue who was following him.

“What?” Xu Shen’s tone was full of dissatisfaction, just now that cat dared to directly touch Wen Ye’s skin

“My cat” looked at the cat man who was thrown to Xue Xue, and Wen Ye felt a certain anger in his heart. Does Xu Shen need to show his hospitality with other people’s things?

At this time, Xu Shen directly stuck Wen Ye’s jaw, looked at the blood on his face and asked, “That cat made it?”

“Uh.” Wen Ye glanced at the kitten cat in Xue Xue’s hand. Because of Xu Shen’s gaze turned away, the whole cat’s fur started to bark its teeth at His Royal Highness, but it stared at someone of His Royal Highness with strange eyes. place.

Xu Shen suddenly turned his gaze back, and sniffed Wen Ye’s side neck, “susceptible period”

“Uh, not yet.” Wen Ye originally wanted to say that he hadn’t exploded yet, but Xu Shen dragged him away before he finished speaking.

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