Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton

Chapter 231 - 161 Numerous Boats_1

Chapter 231: Chapter 161 Numerous Boats_1

Translator: 549690339

“Ugh, I think I ate too much,” Negris said, speechless.

He had heard that humans’ stomachs are quite weak. Eating too much or too little would upset them, so would eating food that was too cold or too hot. Even the texture of the food was a problem; consuming something too hard or too soft might cause trouble. And their food needed to be dehulled before being eaten, otherwise they would starve because they couldn’t swallow it. How inconvenient.

What to do then? Ange came to the rescue, bombarding her with the Face Purification Technique, curing not only her acute gastritis but also healing some of her old wounds and purifying the filth on her body.

A few moments later, a skinny, filthy, mad woman was transformed into a clean, emaciated beauty.

Her hair, once matted together, now hung cascading down to her shoulders. Despite being a bit dry and split at the ends, there wasn’t much difference from someone who washed regularly.

The miraculous effects of the Face Purification Technique made Negris amazed. He said, “The results of the Face Purification Technique are fantastic! If you ever quit farming and open a bath house to help people bathe, you’ll make a fortune. Only someone like Lisa could come up with such a unique use of Holy Light.”

The effects of the Face Purification Technique were defined by Lisa. All Ange had done was provide the Holy Light.

After the filth and wounds on Clay’s mother’s body were purified, all that remained was her thinness. She wasn’t a witch, she couldn’t be filled up by ‘Holy Light’; she would need to eat.

Clay’s mother seemed confused, patting her stomach, probably wondering why she wasn’t in pain anymore. She then looked up at Clay and gave a silly grin before starting to nibble on the unfinished bread in her hand again.

“Is she still out of it? It appears her mental issues are not due to bodily problems but originated from her mind. Anthony might have more experience dealing with this,” Negris murmured.

Upon noticing this, Clay wasted no time and quickly crawled over to Negris, bowing his head and saying, “I’m willing, I’m willing. As long as you feed and shelter me and my mother, I’ll do anything you ask, anything at all.”

“No, no, no,” Negris quickly waved his hands. “This one, he is the true lord, the Undead God. Everything we have is given by him.”

The grain dealer who was exploiting the people was brought to Ange. However, his attention was immediately drawn by the mountain-like pile of grain bags behind Ange. He stammered, “I, I, I, this, this, this…”

Negris sighed. These kinds of deals suited the conniving silver coin and Lisa more. Unfortunately, neither of them was around, so Negris had to step in.

“Do you know the Undead Temple?” Negris asked.

The dealer looked at Ange and shook his head.

“Well, look here. This is the Undead Fire. If you worship it and pledge your devotion, let its flames soar high, you can get food for a very low price or even for free,” Negriss explained.”

“Really? How high does it need to burn for it to be free?” The dealer’s eyes lit up.

“Here, if it reaches here, it’s free,” Negris measured out with his hands, then pointed elsewhere. “To here it is half price, and to here it is 30% off.”

The dealer zipped over to the Undead Fire and began to bow down, the flames of the Undead Fire soared right up to the ‘free’ level.

Negris looked at the dealer in surprise, then turned to Ange and asked, “Is he really that devout?”

Ange tilted his head and looked at the hefty Soul Flame coming at them. Not only was the dealer devout, he was excessively so. Clearly, the dealer had an unwavering faith in getting free food.

Negris threw a bag of grain in front of the dealer and said, “Just like that. Be devout, get it for free. Be slightly skeptical, get a discount. Don’t believe at all, pay the full price. You’re in charge of these grains now. When you run out, find someone from Lord Rogge’s side. Rogge will send someone.”

“Me? You’re giving me control? For real? Aren’t you worried I’ll steal some grain?” the dealer asked, his eyes wide in disbelief.

When Clay started to bow to Negris, Negris realized there was a problem. He had overstepped his bounds, which wasn’t fitting for his role as a strategy advisor.

While Ange wouldn’t really care about such things, Ange was the holder of the Undead Godhood. What if someone got the wrong idea, misdirected their devotion, and accidentally gave their Soul Flame to the wrong account?

Recently, the number of believers had not increased much. What would happen if there were no Soul Flames to fuel the aura?

So he let Ange take the front, brought out the Undead Fires, and started to harvest some believers.

Ange was bored until he heard the words ‘steal’ and ‘grain’. He reached out his hand, and a large scythe appeared. He glared at the dealer.

The dealer’s legs gave out from fear, and he fell to his knees again.

“Stealing other people’s grain might kill you. But stealing our grain, you won’t even get off that easy,” Negris warned.

Clay, helping his mother, looked up to the sky and saw a shadow darting down from the clouds. His face turned white with fear. “Dragon, dragon, dragon!”

With the betrayal of the Goblin Airship and the Holy Spirit Angel restricted from flying, Dark City had lost control of its airspace. The Bone Dragon and the young Silver Dragon, White Neck, patrolled the sky, shooting down any flying units.

Of course, this was all theoretical. None had been shot down yet.

Besides White Neck and the Bone Dragon, there was also Naeli. As the Bone Dragon had no intelligence, and White Neck was young, they did not feel safe leaving them in the sky alone. Hence, Naeli was kept as well, mainly to aid in judging if they could not handle the enemy, and ensure a quick retreat with the Bone Dragon and White Neck.

Naeli was too lazy to fly and chose to nap on the back of the Bone Dragon. To make it easier to snooze, she had a rope net tied on the Bone Dragon’s back, similar to what is used on ships.

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