Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton

Chapter 254 - 170 Bone Soup Summoning_2

Chapter 254: Chapter 170 Bone Soup Summoning_2

Translator: 549690339

Ange, who was running from a distance, also saw the situation unfolding. Negris called out in his spirit, “Not good! They’re summoning something. What’s that? Bone Soup? Oh, no! They’re summoning the hellhound! Hurry! Wipe out that soup!”

But at this distance, Ange’s reach just wasn’t that long. The only possible action that could make a difference was Holy Light Flash.

“Roar!” Ange let out an unrestrained bellow.

“Roar!” The Little Angel responded immediately, stopping to spread its wings and pushing towards the action… pushing forward again with wings spread…

After extending its wings twice, the Little Angel looked back and suddenly remembered its wings were folded.

“Roar!” Slighly annoyed, Little Sky raised its hand, in a helpless shrug, with palms facing upward.

Nothing could be done. They could only watch helplessly as the Array took shape, a shadow leapt out from it onto the ground, landing with a childish howl.

“Um…is that a puppy? A Pekingese? Legend says that hellhounds love Bone Soup. The tastier the soup, the more powerful the summoned hellhound becomes. This Bone Soup must taste awful,” Negris mumbled.

The humans and demons were similarly stunned. A puppy?

“Is your soup really that tasty?” A demon asked in a small voice.

“Of course, it’s tasty. I myself drank a big bowl. Maybe my cooking style isn’t liked by demons? Do you prefer the kind with a floating mix of blood foam and a foul stench?” The human defended himself.

Just then, the puppy shook its head, splitting it into three. It swelled rapidly and pounced forward.

Like a giant beast erupting from the body of the puppy, the giant dog with three heads sucked the Bone Soup dry with a single slurp and squinted down all six of its eyes in delight.

Such a contented expression was the best endorsement for the Bone Soup.

“I told you it was tasty,” the human said hurriedly.

After drinking the soup, the hellhound crunched the bones into pieces and swallowed them whole. Holding its right muzzle, the hellhound suddenly spoke in the demon language,

The demon responded, “…,

The hellhound sighed regrettably and turned to confront Ange.

The man asked urgently, “What did you say?”

“Oh, the dog said, ‘I am still hungry’, and I said, ‘You can’t, wait until next soup is ready’,” the demon replied casually.

The man was suspicious. Why didn’t the ‘I’m still hungry’ seemed to fit with the ‘You can’t’ response? But demons couldn’t lie so he had to believe it.

Yes, demons under trading status couldn’t lie, but they could certainly omit. For example, just now, the hellhound had actually said: I’m still hungry, can I eat this person?

The hellhound, eager for another serving of Bone Soup, took action. It sprung forward, opening its gigantic jaws wide, attempting to bite Ange.

“Die, hellhound, the powerful creature that guards the abyss of hell. Its teeth can crunch steel….” The man murmured, his sentence trailed off as he saw the hellhound scream and jump in horror.

Ange had punched the hellhound’s gum, breaking off one of its steel-crunching teeth.

“Whine Whine” The hellhound started to whimper, holding its mouth with its front paws, appearing much like a human with gum inflammation attempting to snap down on hard food.

Ange put away his Scythe of Death, raising his hands instead. The hellhound was a huge creature after all, and the Scythe of Death wasn’t as effective as the Hand of Locke and the Boundary-Crossing Hand, especially when the Hand of Locke was stronger than steel.

The hellhound was in so much pain from its middle head that it couldn’t open its mouth. Consequently, the left and right heads stretched out to bite.

Ange used his Boundary-Crossing Hand to punch the right-head’s nose, and Hand of Locke to hit the left-head’s gum, breaking another tooth.

“Whine, whine~” The hellhound began to whimper again. This time all three heads whimpered. Sobbing, it spoke in demon language,

Negris, who understood demon language, immediately retorted sullenly, “Were you tricked? Do you know who you’re dealing with? Selling your life for a pot of bone soup? And you’re asking us who we are?”

the hellhound sat up, holding its left and right mouths with its paws, and its middle head spoke.

“Alright Ange, pick up the broken tooth from the ground and show it to him,” Negris instructed.

Ange picked up a broken tooth from the grounds, held it with the Hand of Locke and easily snapped it into two halves.

The hellhound shook, sitting up even straighter.

Ange snapped again, breaking the tooth into three, then four pieces.

The hellhound was stunned as it watched how its hard, sharp tooth more durable than steel was snapped into segments in Ange’s grasp.

Each time the tooth was snapped, it shuddered, its form shrinking. In no time, it reverted back to the form of the tiny Pekingese, whined once, and patted the ground with its little paw.

An array appeared, and the Pekingese barked once in demon language, “#¥@%!&”, and then dived into the array, disappearing.

The nearby demons and humans gawked in stupefaction, mumbling, “What just…happened? What did it say?”

The demon answered absent-mindedly, “It said: ‘You idiots! You’ve killed me.’”

If even the hellhound could be scared off, how strong is this man in front of us?

“No, I don’t believe this. My swarm of insects is invincible. Protect me! Insects, bite them to death!” The human shouted with anger.

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