Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton

Chapter 300 - 195: Dimensional War Fortress_1

Chapter 300: Chapter 195: Dimensional War Fortress_1
As the Resting Wind was about to blow, Ange rode Lightning up to the Holy Kingdom.

In Lightning’s mouth was a stick, with an Air Bubble Stone at the end. The stone is encased, and whenever Lightning bit down on the end of the stick, the case would flip open, activating the Air Bubble Stone.

It had never had a chance to play with this before, so out of curiosity, it bit down a few times, watching the bubble flicker around its body before Ange slapped it on its head.

Lightning obediently closed its mouth. It never dared to talk back to Ange. For one, Ange wouldn’t understand it, and two, if he did, he would definitely beat it. It knew very well who it could and couldn’t offend.

The reason Ange chose to ride Lightning instead of White Neck was because of Lightning’s ability to hover in the air for extended periods.

Arriving early at the barrier surrounding the Holy Kingdom, the Resting Wind had yet to blow. Lightning was bored, stamping at empty air and looking around aimlessly.

Ange extended his Boundary-crossing Hand into the Temple of Rest, playing with it attentively. This time, the silver coin gave him many seeds, more than a thousand different kinds. His dilemma now was deciding which ones to plant first.

When the Resting Wind blew, Lightning hurriedly opened the case, allowing the Air Bubble Stone in upwind position to activate. The triggered air bubble enveloped both Ange and Lightning.

The combined height of a man and horse was less than three meters. If they stood quietly, the bubble could cover them both. That’s why he rode Lightning.

The Holy Kingdom was the biggest structure for the wind to hit. The Resting Wind blowing at its barrier resulted in numerous strange transformations. Some of the wind streamed along the surface of the barrier like water.

Some turned into swirling vortexes, spinning in certain areas while others circled half of the perimeter before crashing with other gusts coming from the opposite direction.

The barrier was not made of physical matter, but an energy structure. It had many kinds of linkages, delays, and stacking effects with the Resting Wind, to the extent that no one knew which effects were active when the Resting Wind blew a hole through it.

After standing still for more than twenty minutes and still no sign of barrier damage, Negris, reflected upon Ange’s body, sighed, “The timing of the barrier breakdown is unpredictable. Without the Air Bubble Stone, there’s no way to be here. If we had to stand here aimlessly for more than ten minutes without any damage, we’d be screwed.”

Lightning heaved a sigh and quickly chimed in, “Exactly, it should give you a precise signal, saying it’ll break in ten minutes if it indeed breaks in ten, not a second more.”

Being alone with Ange was nerve-wracking and awkward. It didn’t know if it should engage Ange in conversation or remain silent and not disturb him. This similar feeling of being with a higher-up was distressing.

Negris’s comments were like a lifeline that it quickly latched onto, eagerly adding in its agreement.

Although it thought it was agreeing, Negris felt mocked, “Are you making fun of me?”

“No, I’m not, don’t talk nonsense.” Lightning hurriedly denied.

In the midst of the hubbub, Ange suddenly leapt onto the barrier. It was clear he’d found a weak point. He hammered at it until the barrier broke and they were able to enter the Holy Kingdom once again.

Ange landed in the Arena of Gods the moment they arrived, letting everyone out first. Given their last experience, they weren’t afraid of unexpected dangers, so more people came along with almost everyone who was free joined.

It seemed like no one was busy…

The plaza pavement had been lifted last time and Elf Beans were planted. After seven or eight days, the Elf Beans had sprouted and grew to the size they would be in about seven months.

Because of Ange, Negris had also become somewhat skilled at farming. Looking at the beans, he commented, “Their growth is good. They really don’t need watering or fertilizing. This soil is extraordinary.”

Without a word, Ange chose a corner, piled up a small mound of soil, and planted the second seed of Plantman there.

There were only two seeds of Plantman. The first had been planted in the Temple of Rest which had a heap of Divine Country soil. Planting the seeds in two different locations would enable them to compare whether the environment or the soil was most important for growth.

Compared to planting, Negris was more concerned about the Control Key. He took it out and asked, “Is it sorted out yet? When it’s done, let’s go check the Control Key to see if it can control Heaven.”

Lisa and Anna’s eyes shimmered, filled with exhilaration.

The Holy Kingdom soon would be controlled by the Undead God. It’s thrilling just to think about it.

They arrived at the holy temple, which was almost the core of the Holy Kingdom. The top was the launch array of the Heavenly Stairs, housed many Angel relics, and was also the control hub.

But the most critical area was even further down. Without the Control Key before, they hadn’t been able to find this area. Now they had it, and as Ange walked into the holy temple, the floor before them sank quietly revealing a flight of stairs.

Walking down the stairs, two heavily armored zombies led the way as usual. All went smoothly as they arrived at a circular room.

The circular room stood with a dozen crystal pillars, each as high as two meters. With Ange’s entrance, all these crystal pillars lit up.

Not just them, but the whole ground also lit up.

The entire floor was also made out of crystal, or perhaps some type of Crystal Stone. When it lit up, Ange saw something he recognized.

“A coordinate map? Wow, even more coordinates than the World Transfer Station, many of which are not available at the Transfer Station. As expected from the Church of Light, truly impressive.” Lisa exclaimed in awe.

“Impressive is an understatement, it’s not like the World Transfer Station. It can move – look, those green dots above clearly indicate places it can descend and carry out plane transfers. It’s nothing less than a fortress for attacking other Planes.” Negris marveled.

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