Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton

Chapter 95 - 82 Nearly Hacked to Death by a Flurry of Swords (Two and a Half Chapters)_3

Chapter 95: Chapter 82 Nearly Hacked to Death by a Flurry of Swords (Two and a Half Chapters)_3

Translator: 549690339

But when they caught up with Lightning, they found it had already bitten off half the fruit and was preparing to gobble the other half.

“Kvada! Lord Nage! Come! Let’s cut off this horse’s horns and drive it mad.”

Sword Saint was driven to fury after just an afternoon in Lightning’s company. If there was such a thing as a skill in attracting hostility, this horse would master it.

Three days later, Silver Coin, with a newly purchased grocery shop box on his back, arrived at the entrance of the Elf’s Greenleaf City, the border between the territories of humans and elves.

Due to the unusual movements of the elves, a temporary tiny town formed quickly within a matter of days. Buildings and tents sprang up like mushrooms after the rain, and the town was filled with merchants, mercenaries, assassins, spies, slave traders, informants, and more.

The elves were pleased with the resulting disorder, as it prevented the humans from uniting, presenting a unified front, or voicing a singular opinion. The Elves even stationed guards at the entrance of the town, rewarding anyone with verifiable information to offer.

However, the entrance of the town was filled with people every day. The elves were simply too beautiful. Whether they had information or not, people would come just to feast their eyes on them.

“Excuse me, make a way, let me pass.” Silver Coin struggled to weave through the crowd, but he couldn’t make way past these old perverts.

“Fuck off! Quit pushing, you dead goblin! Do you really think you can look at the elves? You can’t even reach their height.” The people in front were annoyed by the jostling. They cursed and gave Silver Coin a push aside.

“I want to pass. I’m looking for the elves. I have good news.” Silver Coin tried to force his way through the crowd.

But no one believed him: “When did the stingy Goblin Merchants start selling news?”

“Don’t bother doing business. These days, countless goblins have been thrown out. The elves only want news about the World Tree. Don’t waste your time.”

Well, not only did he fail to force his way in, but he was also pushed out. Turning back, he felt something was wrong. He reached into his pocket to find that his pouch was gone.

“Damn thief.” Silver Coin cursed through gritted teeth. Who would have thought that he would be stopped by a bunch of old perverts before reaching Greenleaf City, losing his pouch in the process?

Luckily, the grocery shop box was still in his arms, strapped to his back to prevent theft. Those damned thieves couldn’t get to it, or it would have been gone too.

He found a secluded corner, opened the grocery shop box, took out a sphere, and threw it back into the crowd of old perverts at the town’s entrance. The sphere exploded into a cloud of dust, covering those people.

“It’s so itchy, so itchy! It’s so bloody itchy!” The crowd screamed in agony and scattered in all directions.

“Serves you right, bastards.” Just as the dust cloud dissipated, Silver Coin strutted over to the elves’ tent. “Hello, I would like to speak with Her Majesty the Elf Queen. I have news about the World Tree.”

The elf at the front just glanced at him and said, “We’re not buying anything.”

Many goblins have sold all kinds of products to the elves, making it hard for them to focus on their work. Nonetheless, some of the goblin’s items were really attractive to the elves.

“I have news about the World Tree.”

“Lies will get you hanged and could cause death,” warned the elf. At first, there were several daredevils who tried to trick them with fake information. However, after several were hanged, no one dared to do that again.

“I have news about the World Tree.”

No matter what the elf asked, Silver Coin just kept repeating that sentence. Finally, he was taken into Greenleaf City.

“I have news about the World Tree. I want to see the queen. I won’t speak unless I see the queen.”

“I have news about the World Tree. I want to see the queen. You can’t decide on this.”

“I have news about the World Tree. I want to see the queen. Hang me if it’s false.

After Silver Coin’s persistence, an Elf Priest probed his forehead with magic and finally allowed him to meet Gailard.

“You insisted on seeing me. I hope the information you bring is worth my time,” Gailard spoke sternly.

Some daredevils really went to every length to see Gailard. They would trick, deceive, and even risk death just to get a glimpse of her. Against such fervor, even Gailard was a bit frightened, hoping that the goblin before her wasn’t one of those fanatics.

To everyone’s surprise, Silver Coin simply closed his eyes and declared loudly,

“Your Majesty, what can I or rather my master gain if I bring news about the World Tree?”

“Your master? Who might that be?” asked Gailard. The fact that Silver Coin willingly closed his eyes won her favor and showed that this goblin didn’t have any ulterior motives.

“I can’t tell you now,” Silver Coin replied confidently.

Gailard thought for a moment and slowly said, “If your master is not an evil person, then he will earn the friendship of the Elf Clan.”

“Uh, Your Majesty, I don’t understand. What is the friendship of the Elf Clan? Is it a discount when buying something?” When Silver Coin said ‘discount,’ he deliberately made it sound frivolous. It was a negotiation technique, intended to show disdain for Gailard’s ‘offer.’

What use is the friendship of the elves? Can it be eaten? The most annoying thing in business is this kind of intangible return. What if the elves’ friendship is just several invitations to dinner?

Gailard didn’t have Silver Coin’s cunning mind. She replied somewhat angrily, “To earn the friendship of the Elves is to say that whoever dares to be their enemy will, in turn, become an enemy of the entire Elf Clan. Both your master and his descendants will enjoy the protection of the Elf Clan. No one will be able to harm them. Even if they die, the Elf Clan wouldn’t abandon their friendship.”

Silver Coin was shocked and his eyes widened. Damn, so that’s what she meant by ‘friendship.’ A promise of companionship till death, even beyond it, are dire terms indeed.

But Silver Coin didn’t allow his mind to be clouded by this promise. He continued to ask, “What do you mean by ‘evil’? Your definition, the human’s definition, or the Church of Light’s definition?”

“Of course, it would be defined by the World Tree,” Gailard replied, matter-of-factly.

“Good. I ask that Your Majesty swear upon the name of the World Tree.”

For the sake of the World Tree’s news, Gailard swore on the name of the World Tree. The World Tree was the god of the Elf Clan, so the vow held absolute power.

Silver Coin finally breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at him, you might think he is completely fearless, provoking the cultivator of Light with a vial of essence, then three elves with a sapping. However, his heart was pounding the entire time.

“I don’t have news about the World Tree …”

“You! Scoundrel!” One of the nearby Elf Guards angrily drew his sword and charged, eager to hack to pieces the goblin who had dared to make a fool of  their queen.

Scared, Silver Coin blurted out, “I brought the World Tree sapling.. I brought the sapling!”

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