foreigner's journey

Chapter 134 The way of the sword begins with being beaten

Chapter 134 The way of the sword begins with being beaten

"Bring your knife and get out!"

With a loud noise, Heather, who was holding the Yuyun Taida sword, watched with a dull expression as the door of the training center slammed shut.

"It came out so soon... AIBO, isn't it going well?" Ilsan, who was waiting patiently at the door, leaned over and asked.

"Uh... as far as the results are concerned, it did pass the test."

Heather didn't know how to tell Ilsan, he didn't expect so many ways to use the tachi.What the hell is the principle of 'air blade whirling slash' and 'blade opening'?Why do you use it as an ordinary bastard swinging a knife?

Not to mention the so-called 'Denglong Slash', which requires you to jump to a high altitude before stabbing the blade, then make a vertical split from top to bottom, and strike seven times with the help of sword energy.As a result, when he arrived at Heather's side, he didn't even perform a complete dragon slash, and the three dog dragons were trampled to death by him.

The mournful screams of the dog dragons echoed between the arena and the mountains for a long time.

In the end, the mustache instructor couldn't stand it anymore, jumped down to stop Heather's bestiality, and left a comment [You should not use too much knife, a fire stick is better], and then drove Heather out of the training center.

Of course, the [defeat of three dog dragons] required by the assessment was completed, and the certificate indicating the completion of the assessment was also in Heather's pocket.

Heather scratched the back of his head: "Anyway, at least now I am qualified to officially form a hunting team with you. Go to the village chief and see if there is a suitable task?"


Ilsan snickered, she guessed it now, it must be that Heather didn't know how to use the sword, and when he arrived at the training center, he swung the sword at random and made the instructor angry, so he was kicked out.But Heather doesn't even know how to use weapons, but he can easily pass the assessment without taking any damage. Doesn't this just show his strength?
Teach him how to use the dagger when he goes to the hunting area.

The two chatted while walking, and after a while, they arrived at the small square in the center of Jieyun Village.Unsurprisingly, the beautiful village chief of the Dragon Race was looking through the task list while sitting on a bench covered with a red carpet.

"Oh? You passed the test so quickly. Lord Heather is really amazing."

Seeing the certificate presented by Heather, the village chief covered his mouth and chuckled: "Since Lord Ilsan and Lord Heather are going to form a team to act together, would you like to try this mission?"

Saying that, she took out a task list and handed it to the two of them.

Ilsan took the task list and got together with Heather to study it for a while, then nodded to the village chief: "No problem, we'll take this task."

The content of the task is to hunt or capture a green bear beast that is close to the safe area of ​​​​the stream. Because of its existence, the villagers cannot even gather honey in the safe area. The reward for the task is 3000Z, which is quite considerable.

However, according to the description of the task content, it seems that this green bear beast is larger than the ordinary green bear beast. The client hopes that the hunter will be more vigilant and not underestimate the enemy.

"By the way, Lord Heather, you said that you aspired to become a member of the Scholar Team?" the village chief suddenly asked.

"Well, I have this plan." Heather nodded.

"Actually, I also know a member of the Scholar Team. She asked me to find good seedlings in Jieyun Village. After all, qualified Scholar Officers are rare even in the whole world."

The village chief took out a folded task list and handed it to Heather: "This is a task that she specially issued. I wonder if you are interested?"

Heather took a look and found that this was an ecological survey task, and the target creature was the green bear beast.

The mission requirements are very simple - under the premise of safety, investigate the ecology of the green bear beast as much as possible, organize it into a written report and submit it to the scrivener team.

At the end of the commission, the commissioner emphasized that this task is only for talents who have enough patience and reliable teammates, and who are determined to become members of the scrivener team, and hinted between the lines that it is best to pay attention to the smoothness of the sentences when arranging the written report and not to have too many typos.

Heather smiled and folded the task list back into his pocket: "Leave it to me."

It's like writing a graduation thesis in another world?Heather didn't hate this feeling.

Just as the two were about to bid farewell to the village chief to prepare hunting supplies, a villager with a black turban hurried over: "Village chief! Not good, village chief!"

Ilsan and Heather looked at each other, and they did not leave out of the gossip mentality of watching the excitement, but stood by and overheard.

The beautiful village chief of the Dragon Race handed the villagers a handkerchief and said gently, "Slow down, don't worry, what happened?"

The villagers wiped the sweat from their foreheads and said angrily, "The four juniper trees on the periphery of the dense forest of streams were cut down!"

Heather and Ilsan froze and began to sweat on their foreheads.

"You mean...the four 20-year-old top-grade cloud trees?" The village chief covered his mouth in surprise.

"Yes! It's those four trees! It was fine when I went to inspect it a week ago, but now the order for the Yunyun weapon series reserved by the Dongdoruma Hunters Guild is going to fail!"

The villagers gritted their teeth in annoyance: "Don't let me catch that bastard thief! It's too vicious to cut down the four 20-year-old cloud trees if it's not good!"

The village chief caressed the side of his face: "Don't worry, could the monster accidentally break it?"

"Impossible, the surrounding trees are all good, but the four juniper trees were cut down, and the stubble is obviously the trace of cutting with sharp weapons, it can't be wrong. No, I have to go back and see, that damn thief …”

Villagers in black hoods grumbled and walked away.

The village chief sighed softly, turned his head to look at the two people watching the play: "Alas, because the thunder and lightning monsters have occupied the deep area of ​​the stream recently, the inspection interval of the forest patrol team has been greatly extended, and there will always be some daring people who take risks rashly. Entering the depths of the stream, I hope they are not attacked by monsters... Huh? Why are you sweating profusely, Lord Heather?"

"Uh, hot, hot." Heather's mouth pouted into a '3', and her eyes were erratic.

"Really, the weather is obviously suitable... ah, Lord Ilsan, you too..."

"It's hot, it's hot." Ilshan's face flushed with suffocation: "We have to hurry up to prepare for the mission, and continue to chat when we come back, village chief."

After that, the two hurried away.

The village chief looked at the figures of the two moving away, with a clear smile on his face, picked up the steaming tea cup beside him and blew it, and looked up at the clear sky:
"Oh, what a nice weather with a suitable temperature."


The hunting ground area marked on the map only accounts for a very small part of the stream area, in fact, many areas are still in the original unexplored state.

No one knows what kind of monsters exist deeper in the stream.

The stream hunting area near Jieyun Village is relatively safe. Although many areas are blocked due to the appearance of thunder and lightning monsters, hunting tasks that are closer and less dangerous are still allowed to be issued and accepted.

Carrying luggage and weapons, the two and two cats walked unhurriedly along the bank of the clear stream.

"What should I do, Heather will definitely be arrested for the crime of [stealing and destroying the precious cloud tree], and I will also be punished for the crime of covering up, maybe even the monster hunter qualification will be revoked."

Ilsan's broken thoughts annoyed Heather, he put down the map in his hand, and corrected: "123, didn't you realize that the village chief has actually figured out that the real murderer is me? She didn't tie me up and escort me. She has already explained her attitude to Wang Lijun."


"Compared with a few knot cloud trees, the village chief's attention is all on the thunder and lightning monster." Heather waved his fingers: "As long as you take one step at a time, you can finally drive away or hunt down the thunder and lightning monster smoothly. Chang not only won't investigate the matter of Jieyunmu, but will hold a celebration feast for us both."

"Really, really?" Ilsan felt that her life had returned from black and white to full color.

"Of course, don't worry."

Heather opened the map to observe carefully, then compared the surrounding environment, and finally nodded: "It should be around here, where the giant green bear beast haunted. Xiaoba, let's start."

Hachi and Sasaki's mission as follower cats is to assist hunters as much as possible. After receiving the order, the two immediately began to search for dry wood and fire, and began to prepare special honey bait used to attract blue bear beasts.

While Ilsan and Heather stood by the stream, the two were facing each other with daggers.

This is Heather's request, and he hopes that Ilsan can teach him how to properly use the true power of the tachi, which is the [air blade].

"AIBO, are you sure you want to practice with me with real weapons? Let's start with theoretical knowledge first." Ilsan looked worried: "Monster hunter weapons are powerful, and if they are used against humans, it is very likely..."

"It's not duel training, it's you who attacked me unilaterally. Come, attack me with the sword in your hand!"

Only by seeing and experiencing it with his own eyes can Heather use his unparalleled talent to learn the skills of using the tachi as soon as possible.

Seeing that Heather's attitude was so determined, Ilsan had no choice but to nod her head, turned the handle of the knife to face Heather, took a deep breath and snorted softly, "Be careful!"

Accompanied by the violent sound of breaking the air, Ilsan stepped forward and swung the sword towards Heather from top to bottom. Heather swung the sword to hold it firmly and leapt backwards lightly with the help of strength.

Step by step!

Heather could feel that at the moment when the sword came into contact with the sword, Ilsan's sword was lingering with a faint [qi]. Although it was not obvious, it greatly improved the power of the weapon.

Immediately afterwards, Ilsan clenched the handle of the dagger and stabbed forward, then slashed upward with her backhand: "This is the most basic combo."

Stab!Pick up!
Heather avoided attacks one after another with powerful dynamic vision and reflexes, and also made judgments on these tricks: "Very good, continue!"

The light of the sword flashed, and Ilshan took a slash, and the whole person took a small step back: "This move is a cassock slash, which is used to avoid the monster's attack during the attack. Next is the [air blade] you want to see. , be careful!"

In Heather's field of vision, the tachi in Ilsan's hand suddenly poured a large amount of [Qi] into him, and he slashed towards him. He couldn't help pouring thought into the tachi in his hand and his entire body to maximize his defense.

First, the fierce diagonal slash from the upper right to the lower left. Although Heather took the attack with the tachi, but only felt numbness in both hands, the power was greatly improved?
Then there is the diagonal slash from the upper left to the lower right, which is stronger than the previous slash, and the [Qi] on the surface of the blade is about to condense to the naked eye.

"It's still bearable, continue!" Heather's qi defense was not broken. He had played the game and understood that the next step was the key to [Qi Blade].

Immediately after that, there were violent wind and rain-like horizontal cuts and vertical cuts.
After thousands of tempered physical memories, Ilsan subconsciously swung the tachi to the right horizontally, making a mournful circular slash clockwise!The [Qi] lingering on the knife exploded in an instant, and Heather only felt a strong force coming, and he flew backwards far away.

Based on her physical memory, Ilsan retracted the knife into the sheath, only to realize that Heather had been split by herself, and ran over quickly: "AIBO! Are you alright?"

With the help of Xiao Ba who rushed over, Heather barely got up, but felt her arms go numb. The last [Air Blade Spinning] was so powerful that it exploded.

He concentrated his thoughts in his eyes, and found that a large amount of [Qi] temporarily condensed on Ilsan's tachiblade for a long time, and both its sharpness and power would be greatly improved. This should be the yellow blade after the success of [Blade]. stage.

If the second round of air blade slashes can completely hit the enemy, then it will enter the red blade stage. At this stage, the sword will explode with amazing power. This is also the trump card for monster hunters who use the sword to compete with large monsters.

Heather grabbed Ilsan's outstretched hand and stood up all of a sudden. He found Ilsan blushing and a little sweat, and he couldn't help asking: "After using the Qi Blade, do you feel a lot of physical strength? consumption?"

"Well, normal attacks are fine. Every time I use the air blade, I will consume a lot of stamina." Ilsan wiped the sweat from her forehead.

The [Physical Gauge] in the game?Exchanging physical strength for the explosion and use of [Qi] is the powerful secret of Monster Hunter.

The [Charge Slash] of the big sword, the [Zuan Zhuan Le] of the sledgehammer, the [Qi Blade Grand Spin] of the Taidao, the [Gang Shot/Curved Shot] of the bow, etc... These all need to use [Qi] to use Powerful skills, power and ordinary attacks can not be compared.

What I need to do is to learn and skillfully use this move, and use it to develop more derivative skills, such as [Jie Cut], [Qi Blade Thrust], [Qi Blade Cut] (Dragon Sword), these The technique is more practical and powerful than Qiblade Slash. If Irshan can learn it, I believe her hunting missions in the future will be safer.

Seeing that Heather wasn't injured, Ilsan couldn't help but smile: "AIBO, you are so amazing, you didn't get hurt even with a set of Qi Blades, and the Taito Instructor of the East Doruma Hunters Guild couldn't do it."

"Thanks to you attacking me with the back of your knife, or I... step back, Ilsan, get behind me."

Halfway through his words, Heather's smiling face suddenly turned serious, pulling Ilsan behind him.

In the dense jungle by the stream, a large number of beasts fled in panic, and heavy footsteps sounded one after another, as if stepping on the hearts of Heather and Ilsan.

Lightning surges!

 PS: The 4000-word two-in-one chapter is considered to make up for yesterday's word count.The work unit has been very busy recently, so please bear with me.It should be possible to double update after the Chinese New Year holiday.

(End of this chapter)

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