foreigner's journey

Chapter 139 Green Bear Beast Hunting Operation

Chapter 139 Green Bear Beast Hunting Operation

The next morning, the village chief brought good news.

The observation hot air balloon in Jieyun Village found the mission target Blue Bear beast.

Heather and Irsan immediately set off for the stream, but Hachi and Sasaki quietly disappeared into the jungle as soon as they left Jieyun Village.

About an hour later, the two arrived at the target location.

"Is that the guy? Sure enough, the size is much bigger than the ordinary green bear beast..."

Ilsan and Heather lie in the bushes with binoculars to observe the green bear beast squatting by the stream.

This is a monster that looks like a bear, and it should be classified as a tooth beast.It has short fur with cyan as the main body and gold supplemented by gold. The back of the head is covered with a hard cyan carapace, and the carapace on the front legs is golden carapace, especially the wrists are full of thick spikes, and the claws are sharp and sharp.

The average green bear beast is 5 meters long, but this green bear beast is 8 meters long.

At this time, it was squatting by the stream and staring at the turbulent water, with its long tongue hanging down at the corner of its mouth, and its small red eyes full of concentration.

"AIBO, what is it doing?" Ilsan lowered her voice.

"Probably fishing." Heather wasn't quite sure, but judging from the similar appearance of the green bear beast to the earth bear, maybe the nature is similar?
Suddenly, the green bear beast leaned forward and swung its giant claws into the stream like lightning.

The water splashed all over the sky, and an incomparably plump big fish was swirled and shot into the air, and then fell to the feet of the green bear beast, constantly flapping and bouncing in vain.

The green bear beast lowered its head and pressed its paw on the big fish, then nibbling on the delicious fish.

Heather and Ilsan looked at each other and nodded.

The two of them held the hilt of the sword behind them at the same time, quietly crouched out of the bushes, and quietly approached the back of the blue bear beast.

Ilsan took a deep breath, her little face bulged like a puffer fish, and after a few steps of speeding up, she jumped up and kicked towards the back of the green bear beast.It seemed that she planned to kick the green bear beast directly into the stream from behind, and then the two of them used the tachi to attack while the green bear beast struggled to get up after falling into the water.

The idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

This green bear beast is too big, and its weight is almost twice that of an ordinary green bear beast. Ilshan kicked it with all her strength and only made it sway. Violently bounced back to the ground, flipped several somersaults, and almost slipped into the stream.

Heather covered her face, she really the protagonist?

The green bear beast seemed to sense that something was 'touching' its back. It raised its head and looked left and right with the fish in its mouth. Only then did it find Heather, who was approaching him with a tachi, and others who had yet to get up from the ground. Ilsan.

The blue bear beast, who was disturbed by the happy eating TIME, was immediately furious, and stood up on its hind legs, spreading its huge arms and making a deafening roar at the two of them.

The blue bear beast's 8-meter-high body was extremely intimidating, and Ilsan and Heather subconsciously took two steps back and held Taito in front of them.

But soon, the green bear beast found that the fish in its mouth was gone. It didn't care to continue roaring and intimidating. It kept its arms open and lowered its head to look for the half-eaten food.Ah I found that, at the foot, it was about to lower its head to pick up the half-eaten fish, but it felt a cracking sound coming from the top of its head, and looked up subconsciously.

I saw Heather jumping into the air, swinging the two-meter-long Jiyunmu Taidao with both arms, and slashing at the green bear beast!
The blade slammed into the cyan carapace on top of the green bear beast's head, and violent sparks erupted instantly.

Heather only felt his hands go numb, the handle of the knife shook violently, and the knife bounced! ?

The unscathed green bear beast let out a furious roar, and waved its huge claws towards Heather, who was in mid-air too late to adjust his posture, trying to slap the hairless monkey who dared to attack him into flesh.

But the second sword made a violent smashing sound, and it slashed in front of the giant claws of the blue bear beast.

The blue bear beast's claws were inevitably brought in a skewed direction, and even the entire body lost its balance and staggered two steps to the side, while Ilsan stepped back several steps, almost unable to hold the iron sword in her hand. , the blade vibrated violently in a very small range, making a humming sound.

After Hesser landed, his thoughts erupted all over his body, and the thoughts spread to the blade of Taidao, dyed with a faint golden yellow.

He skipped the [Great Qi Blade Spinning] link with his powerful thoughts, and directly [bladed] the Taidao.


Heather took a step forward, and the dagger brought bright light from top to bottom, hitting the wrist of the raised left arm of the blue bear beast.

This time, the tachi was not bounced, but smashed several thick spikes on the carapace of the wrist and submerged into the arm muscles, and blood spurted out immediately.Heather was about to pull out the knife and leave the place, but the subconsciously tense muscles of the green bear beast clamped the blade so that he couldn't pull the knife away at all.

After the injury, the blue bear beast's eyes were congested, and he raised his left arm violently, and even Hesser, who was holding the handle of the knife, was also thrown into the air. among.

A dazzling knife light slashed diagonally from the upper left, followed by another knife light from the upper right!
With the time gained by Heather, Irshan has already put herself in the right position, and started with two fierce and unparalleled air blade slashes, drawing a huge [X]-shaped knife on the chest of the blue bear beast that was not protected by the carapace. mark.

The green bear beast roared in pain, and Heather took advantage of the opportunity to relax his arm muscles and immediately pulled the dagger back and jumped over the green bear beast's head. Complete the rhythm of the entire air blade streak.

Regardless of the intense consumption of Nian Qi, he forcibly [cuts the blade] again, turned the Yuyun wooden Taidao, pointed the tip of the knife downward at the blue carapace on the top of the Grizzly Beast's head, and poked it down hard!
The blade after the blade pulled out a golden glow, which fell from the top of the blue bear beast's head to the back from top to bottom, bringing a series of sparks.

Didn't break defense?Heather, who had not yet landed, had just had this idea when he suddenly heard a series of dense and violent explosions.I saw that the scratch on the back of the green bear beast exploded five times in an instant, and the extremely hard carapace immediately exploded and burst, blood splashed, and the green bear beast involuntarily protruded out of the double due to the severe pain. The paw wants to touch the back.

Isn't this the effect of [Climbing the Dragon]?Did you accidentally use [Qi Blade Cut] just now?Heather was extremely surprised, and at the same time felt that the Nian Qi was consumed a lot. It seems that using Nian Qi to forcibly open the blade can only be used in an emergency, otherwise even her own massive Nian Qi would not be able to hold it.

Everything happened between light and flint, just when Heather used [Air Blade Cut] to hit the Grizzly Beast hard, Irsan also swung out the Qi Blade Slash, aiming directly at the Grizzly Beast's bloody body chest.

The continuous horizontal slash like a storm sent blood and flesh flying across the chest of the Grizzly Bear, and then a vertical slash from top to bottom hit the center of the [X]-shaped wound. He staggered back two steps.

A bright ring-shaped saber light flashed across, [Great Air Blade Spin]!
The wound on its chest turned into a [rice] shape, and the blue bear beast wailed and fell back heavily on the muddy ground by the stream.

 Thank you Silly Panda for the 1500 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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