foreigner's journey

Chapter 143 When the rescue is in progress

Chapter 143 When the rescue is in progress

The creek area is very broad, and only a small percentage of it can be used as a hunting area.

According to the division of the Hunter Guild, the stream hunting area can be roughly divided into 9 areas, and the big field where Heather and the Boar King fought before is the 4th area.

Zone 4 is a vast expanse of prairie, the terrain is not completely flat but rolling hills.There are many remains of human buildings covered with moss and vines. Time has witnessed their past and taken away the history that belongs to this place.

According to legend, there was a sudden and terrible storm that completely destroyed this thriving village overnight, and there were no survivors.

Time has changed, and now it is a famous tourist attraction near Jieyun Village.Of course, the premise of foreign tour groups coming here is that they are escorted by powerful monster hunters, and they need to clear the field in advance and make various detailed plans.

At this moment, a fierce battle is taking place near the ruins somewhere on the Great Plains of District 4.

Bang! !

Gravel splash!

The female hunter in the dog dragon suit made a worrisome leap forward, and narrowly avoided the slap of the huge bear claws.

A green bear beast with a height of about five meters flicked the gravel remaining on its claws, and stared at the female hunter not far in front of her with red eyes, like a mother bear in rage.

"Captain Dora!" the young hunter in a leather suit in the distance shouted worriedly.

A mass of gray-green liquid balls attacked the young hunter. The brawny hunter standing aside pushed the young man with his shoulders and raised his shield to resist the sneak attack.

The surface of the shield exudes an unpleasant stench, and at the same time, a subtle sizzle can be heard.This liquid ball is an acid ball, to be precise [stomach acid].

Not far from the two of them, there was the wreckage of a building whose top floor collapsed and was completely covered with moss. A colorful bird covered in green was spreading its wings and dancing at the top of the building, its small eyes full of mockery and cunning.

Although it is smaller than the colorful bird that Heather encountered yesterday, the imitation ability is equally good.

The colorful bird drummed up the red throat and circled around the top of the building, ooh, wailing that mimicked the cub of the green bear beast, and the mournful sound seemed to be beaten and bullied by several human hunters.

The green bear beast below roared violently when he heard it, and waved its huge claws wildly towards the female hunter named Dora.

Dora didn't have time to get up, so she could only try her best to roll on the grass. Loud noises and violent vibrations continued to come from the direction she had just rolled over. As long as Dora showed signs of stopping, she would end up with broken tendons and fractures, unable to move. Food for colorful birds and green bear beasts.

The young man and the strong man were in a hurry and wanted to rush over to support Captain Dora, but the four acid balls struck again, and the two of them either rolled on the spot to dodge or raised their shields to resist.

The color bird who turned into an acid ball sniper stood on the top of the building and laughed loudly, his cunning small eyes carefully watching the movements of the audience.The weapons of those human hunters are too powerful, but fortunately they don't seem to be carrying that kind of long-range weapons today, which gives Caibird a perfect opportunity.

As soon as it appeared on the scene, it scratched its claws on the weakest hunter's ass. Although it was rescued in time by Elu cat with a cat cart, resulting in a lack of meat rations, the others could not escape.Caibird stood at a high place and used acid balls to continuously attack these humans. At the same time, it used a simulated call to summon a green bear beast that was foraging nearby. The most powerful female hairless monkey was already entangled by the green bear beast, and the other two. A hairless monkey is nothing to fear.

Then find an opportunity to simulate the howls of other powerful monsters to scare away this green bear beast, and you will be able to monopolize these three rare meat rations!

Just when it was complacent, it suddenly heard a faint rattling sound.

The sound was getting closer and louder, along with female wailing and male excited roar.

cluck cluck cluck cluck ---

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! AIBO I'm going to kill you! I want to get off! Let me get out of the car! Mom!!"

"It's too late to say this now My Lady, the door has been welded, just stay in the car for me, this is the fastest way to! Get ready!"

I saw a huge black shadow suddenly rise from the top of the undulating hills in the distance, and at the same time, there were two dog dragons screaming and flying.

Whether it was a colorful bird, two hunters covered in gastric juices, or a green bear beast holding claws and Captain Dora rolling on the ground, they all stopped their movements in stunned silence and looked up at the free-flying figure in the sky. .

It was a beautiful large cat cart with a huge tusk at the top. The cat cart was not driven by two Elu cats but a human with a sheet wrapped around it and a Elu cat with a paper bag on its head. The cat cart A female hunter wearing a fox mask and a cat wearing a wooden barrel were lying on top of it, and a series of screams floated out of the female hunter's mouth, drawing a trail in the sky.

"It's now! Go!" Heather shouted decisively when the cat cart flew to the limit.

"Remember me! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

Although Ilsan was afraid, she still obeyed Heather's command, jumped up from the cat cart, and quickly fell towards the blue bear beast, and at the same time pulled out the sword behind her.The blade gleamed coldly in the sun.

Cai Bird reacted quickly, and subconsciously wanted to take off to intercept the strange female hairless monkey, but at this moment, there was a shout from Heather above his head.

"[Whirlwind Charge Tornado]!!!"

The cat car began to rotate rapidly and stirred up the surrounding airflow. The whole car drew a beautiful arc in the sky, and fell heavily towards the colorful bird in the violent tornado!

Cai Bird opened his long beak in astonishment, and even before he jumped off the wreckage of the building, he was poked by the huge fangs at the front of the Whirlwind Charge!
The high-speed rotating fangs turned into a huge drill that could drill everything, instantly breaking the chest and abdomen of the colorful bird, and then slammed into the wreckage of the building below it through the body of the colorful bird. This building has a long history. , The building up to 5 meters collapsed tragically in the roar, blasting thick dust and smoke and a lot of gravel.

On the other side, Ilsan fell in a very precise direction, right on top of the blue bear beast.

The giant beast fought the incoming hunter with instinct, and the huge bear claws slashed towards Ilshan, even bringing a gale force wind.

A dazzling knife light slashed from the lower right to the upper left, and the air blade slash launched in the air hit the giant claws swung by the green bear beast with great precision. At the same time, Ilsan also adjusted her body with the help of the impact force, and raised the dagger towards the top of her head. The defenseless green bear beast swung a fierce and unparalleled vertical slash.

【Air Combat Style · Flying Air Blade Continuous Flash】!
The blade of the tachi was cut in an instant, and the hard carapace on top of the blue bear beast couldn't resist this heavy slash at all.

One hit kill.

(End of this chapter)

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