foreigner's journey

Chapter 25 Reaction and Aftermath

Chapter 25 Reaction and Aftermath

There was a rustling sound from the communication device, and the blond female correspondent at the desk stammered, "Sir, sir, the other party destroyed the communication headset."

This is a huge brightly lit communication room with various communication instruments and display screens. Dozens of government personnel in uniform clothes are sitting or standing in different postures, but they all silently look at the standing display. For the old man in front of the screen, there was only the buzzing sound of the instrument in the huge communication room for a while.

Just now, the United States of Saheerta, one of the five strongest countries in the world known for its tough stance in V5, was threatened by a psychic.

Threat is to threaten, the dignified V5 actually recognizes it with its nose pinched, it is unimaginable!
The upper echelons compromised too quickly, making these government officials who are proud of their motherland a little resentful.If you want to use the words of the Three Kingdoms, it would be [The ministers are about to fight to the death, why did Your Majesty surrender first? 】

The bald old man was standing in front of the display screen with his hands behind his back, thinking. The assistant next to him lightly touched his elbow. The old man looked back into the hall and sighed.

Although I don't want to explain too much, one is for morale, and the other is that these young people are their own capable subordinates. After thinking about it, the old man said:
"You are too young, and you don't have enough knowledge. Naturally, you can't understand why I have to compromise with him."

"However, sir, you are the director of the Saherta State Security Agency (SSA), no matter how powerful the opponent is, he is only a mere person!" A young and vigorous official stood up and said.

The bald old man lit a cigarette and exhaled a cloud of smoke before slowly saying: "So you are too young... Who among you can retell the official evaluation of [Giant Hyena]? It was listed as safe last month. The secret file inside the bureau."

The blonde female correspondent sitting not far from the old man cleared her throat and said:

""B990517C-B76"——[Very comprehensive combat team, even ordinary special forces have extremely high combat qualities; as for the members of the mind, the 'Hound Squad' is an excellent mind-assisted tactical team, with a comprehensive evaluation of B In terms of captains, the 'search and rescue dog' Dutch was rated B+; the 'swaddling dog' Jesto was rated B; the 'shepherd' Cadora was rated B+; the 'bully dog' Barbatore was rated A+].

"Very good." The old man's face was expressionless: "Then who can tell me how many A-level and above telepathic powers can be commanded by the Saherta National Security Agency?"

"...19 people." After a while of silence, an answer came from the corner.

The old man flicked the ash and sneered:
"That's right, 19. This still counts the deceased Barbatore. You must know that Barbatore can also be ranked in the middle and upper reaches among the 19 powerful telekinetics. Now, ladies and gentlemen, please Tell me, a person with powerful mind ability who single-handedly faced 330 elite special forces armed with guns and fully armed with guns, and then easily killed eight strong people including Barbatore within 5 minutes, you said that if he wants to sneak into this communication room Is it difficult to kill all of us?"

"..." The audience fell into a strange silence.The people present were just ordinary people, and naturally they wouldn't think that they could do better than Babator and the others.

"Even if I am willing to die when I have the will to serve the country, will he turn his target to a higher level after he kills us?"

The old man exhaled a puff of smoke and shook his head: "The vast majority of those with powerful psychic abilities have quirks, but without exception they are quite stubborn. Roda Kingdom has been listed as a protection target, for the sake of mere A few things that can be exchanged for money and interests to anger such a top powerhouse... Oh, everyone, this is really unwise behavior."

Looking at these young people whose faces changed, the old man tickled the corner of his mouth: "And we really can't stand on the moral high ground in this matter, of course, the other party also gave us a little face, at least promise not to put the giant hyena The matter of being affiliated with the SSA will be revealed. Some things are known in private, and they are too ugly to be seen on the surface. It would be good to end peacefully like this. Now, I am the director of the Saherta National Security Agency. Order, the matter of Roda Kingdom, stop here. Do you understand?"

There was a sparse echo from below, and the old man didn't intend to see that these guys who couldn't lift their shoulders and hands could have the consciousness and quality of soldiers, so he shook his head and planned to leave.

There is another key point that the old man did not have the heart to say, that is, the upper level should intend to win over the psychic rather than fight against him. Judging from the strength shown by this person, as long as he does not die prematurely, it is likely to be the second Isaac Nitro has a high probability of entering the ranks of the world's top five minds.

If the front is hard, it is true that there are not many people with mental ability who can resist the forces of a big country like V5. As long as he does not have the ability of space system, a nuclear bomb will wash the ground, no matter how strong your ability is, you will not be able to escape.However, if a powerful psychic at the level of the world's five great psychics is determined to hide and go all out to assassinate high-level officials, even V5 will have a hard time dealing with it.You can't guess that the assassin threw missiles directly at his head when he was cat-killing near him, right?
From this point of view, the few psychics who died doing dirty work and the stuff in the hands of Roda Jindom were nothing compared to this psychic.If they can really win him over to the United States of Saheerta, I am afraid that even if the other party wants the head of the SSA director, those high-level officials will pretend to think about it and then happily offer their heads with both hands.

"Sir, that... guy, what is the response plan?" The tall official standing not far away hesitated and asked.

The old man crushed the cigarette butt into the ashtray, and said indifferently:
"This matter is out of our control, it is something to be considered above. However, let me check it carefully! I want to see the information of this telepathic person and put it on my desk before tomorrow afternoon!"


"...You're welcome, it's all a misunderstanding, just say it."

Roda Jindom was standing by the window, talking on his cell phone with a high-ranking official in the United States of Sacherta.

Heather sat on the sofa next to her with her legs crossed, and teased Roda Kingdom's beloved cat. He didn't dare to say 'meow', so he lay on Heather's lap so obediently and let him caress.

The manor of Roda Jindome returned to peace, and more guards and telepaths survived than expected, thanks to Heather's timely support.Except for a few members of the Hyena Corps who evacuated early, most of the mercenaries were wiped out on the spot.The housekeeper Gal is instructing the servants to cooperate with the guards to clean up the corpses on the battlefield, and negotiate with the late Luomin city guards.

"In this way, I will hold a banquet at the manor in two days and hope that you will appreciate it... Oh, you are too kind... Okay, see you later."

Roda Jindom hung up the phone, looking at Heather with a complicated look:
"Heyser, how did you negotiate with Saheerta? You made a 180-degree turn in your attitude, you didn't force anything, and you even tried to repair the relationship with me."

(End of this chapter)

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