foreigner's journey

Chapter 95 Lime and Rum

Chapter 95 Lime and Rum
In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

The Black Pearl departed from Port Royal under the command of Heather, passed through many islands and ports, and sailed in the direction of Singapore very leisurely with stop-and-go.

It was a sunny day, and on the deck of the Black Pearl, Heather was huddled in front of a large barrel with first mate Barbossa and navigator Jack.

The other crew members did not dare to approach, so they could only pretend to work while secretly raising their heads to peep here.

Heather scooped up the liquid in the barrel with a wooden spoon and handed it to Jack: "Try it."

Jack happily took the wooden spoon and took a sip, frowning slightly: "It's too sour, and it's so bland."

Just as he was talking, Jack turned his hands and handed the wooden spoon to Barbossa.

Barbossa also took a sip, but nodded indifferently: "Very good, half a pint of rum is mixed with a quart of water, which can effectively curb the consumption of rum and prevent the sailors from drinking and making trouble. And this sour... ...I take the liberty to ask, did you put lemon juice in it?"

"Not only lemon juice, but freshly squeezed orange juice."

Heather picked up a new wooden spoon and scooped some of the water mixed with wine, took a sip, and said, "It's really a little sour, let's add some sugar to it. Miss Maria, can you get some sugar from the kitchen, please. are you coming?"

"Okay, Captain." Maria, who was getting hotter and more sexy, still blushed hot when she heard Heather's words, and hurriedly walked towards the cabin.

When Heather arrived at Tartuga Island (also known as Turtle Island) two months ago, she took advantage of the landing to repair and cut and selected the sailors on board. Those lazy and cruel pirates with hard habits were all driven away. The Black Pearl left some of the sailors that Jack had hired before and a small part of Barbossa's crew.

Don't look at the fact that Jack hires players with crooked appearances - Mr. Gibbs who is addicted to alcohol, the old helmsman who has no tongue and can only train parrots to replace the talking, and the bald dwarf who does not have Heather's waist. But Heather, who has seen the series, knows that these sailors are the kind and righteous people who have been following Jack.

Of course, Barbossa also has a few treasures under his command, the most important ones are Pintle (bald) and Lagerty (one-eyed). These two are now loyal to Heather. Although their brains are not very good, they are better than loyalty. .

As for Miss Maria, Heather tried her best to persuade her when she was in Port Royal and Tartuja Island, and was willing to give her enough gold to even buy a very good new fishing boat.But the girl just didn't want to get off the ship, she just said with a smile that she was willing to be Heather's maid on the Black Pearl.

Heather had no choice but to offer her a high salary and use the captain's privilege to clear a large compartment for Maria that was originally used for storing sundries and use it as her private bedroom.

During these months of voyage, Jack has been teaching Heather's telekinesis, but at a very slow pace.

On the one hand, it is because Heather roughly heard the steps of orthodox mindfulness enlightenment and practice from Jin Fulix, and more details can only be guessed by oneself.Heather was afraid that a crooked way would ruin Jack's practice, so he could only slow down the steps and take Jack to practice.

On the other hand, it is Jack's own problem. His personality is too detached. Even if he is willing to practice mindfulness with Heather, he is always half-hearted. He is either thinking about rum or thinking about where to get a treasure map. The taboo is that the mind is messy, and the effect is naturally twice the result with half the effort.

A lot of free time could not be used to play games with Miss Maria, and Heather, who was idle and bored, began to hit the crew of the Black Pearl.

Rather, it's a healthy diet for the crew.

The chef of the Black Pearl was hired by Heather from Havana at a high price, and his name was Bonan Lorenzo.If this tall and stocky middle-aged man did not mention his occupation, someone would surely mistake him for the boat's bosun.

Bonan is best at Spanish cuisine, but life at sea is not difficult for him. He can make some tricks for Captain Heather every day, and the food for the crew no longer need to be inferior to pig food. .

For a time, Bonan, the sea cook, was second only to Heather, Jack, and Barbossa, and, oh, and Miss Maria, who was being looked after by Heather.

This ratio of rum to stored fresh water is the product of Heather and Bonan, and it is Heather's idea to put lemon juice and orange juice in it.

Now that the crew members are no longer immortal, the sea nightmare that was hard to ignore in the eighteenth century - [scurvy] must be taken seriously.

Although as early as the late sixteenth century, the famous navigator Sir Richard Hawkins discovered that citrus and lemon juice can effectively prevent scurvy, but fresh fruit is expensive and perishable, and boiled and concentrated juice is easy to preserve. But it does nothing to prevent scurvy, so people in this era still don't pay attention to the importance of fresh fruits and vegetables in preventing scurvy.

Unlike other captains, Hesser from the modern age clearly required a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables to be purchased from the beginning of the supply. Whenever the Black Pearl passed through the supply port or island, it had to approach it to replace and replenish the supplies on board.

After a long voyage, especially in warm waters, the fresh water stored in wooden barrels can quickly become a paradise for algae and insects. Although this well-fortified water is not for Captain Heather to drink, it smells. Wei also knows that it is not good to drink.So Heather and Bonan came up with the idea of ​​mixing rum with water, which would not only improve the taste and taste of the stored water, but also save the possibility of the gang drinking and causing trouble.

Add lemon juice and orange juice, and the [scurvy], which is the most headache for sailors, is no longer a threat.

Deng Deng Deng!
Maria walked cautiously onto the deck with the translucent glass jar, sugar was a precious commodity in this day and age.

Heather took the jar, twisted some sugar from it and sprinkled it into the bucket. After thinking about it, he put some more, and then signaled Maria to try it: "Please, Miss Maria."

Maria didn't shirk, took the wooden spoon from Heather's hand and put it into the wooden barrel, then took it out and took a sip, and her eyes suddenly lit up: "Delicious! Captain, then there is no problem at all!"

"Very good. First mate, record the ration ratio."

Heather handed the tube back to Maria, then looked at Barbossa: "Wait until the next port and spread this recipe out."

"My lord, you...?" Barbossa was a little surprised. This formula that can greatly improve the living conditions of sailing and prevent scurvy at the same time, if it is him, he will definitely hold it firmly in his hands to attract more Capable sailors joined their subordinates to serve themselves.

Heather smiled: "It's just a small recipe. Since it can change the fate of more sailors on this sea, why should I hide it? Spread it out, it's better for the world to know."

Barbossa didn't say any more, just put one hand on his chest and bowed deeply to Heather.Likewise, Jack bowed in a rare serious manner.

Even pirates, they can't help admiring and admiring such a broad-minded and powerful strong man.

Some might say, it's just a rum-watered recipe, so what?
In the [-]th century when [scurvy] was rampant, sailors suffered from the lack of supplies at sea and could only drink the turbid green water crawling with insects and algae to quench their thirst. Such a formula would save many sailors from death and suffering. .

There was silence on the deck of the Black Pearl, and all the sailors stopped what they were doing and looked at Heather silently.

Heather took a few steps to the high platform in front of the rudder, and laughed loudly: "Gentlemen, starting from today, every day at noon and six in the afternoon, you will enjoy this sweet water dipping sauce after your work is over. Rum! Trust me, scurvy will stay away from you from now on! As for today...the distribution of watered rum is doubled!"

"Long live the captain!" There was an incomparably enthusiastic cheer on the deck.

Maria behind Heather was holding the sugar bowl and looking at the handsome young man wearing a captain's hat, she couldn't help falling into a trance.

But at this moment, the sailor standing on the observation deck at the top of the mast suddenly sounded the alarm and issued a shrill warning sound:
"There is a situation in the northeast waters! That is... that is the Flying Dutchman!"

 PS: This watered rum recipe was actually invented by the British fleet commander General Vernon in 1756. This watered rum has an individual name, which is [Grog].Because General Vernon usually wore a silk and wool blend Grogram waterproof overcoat, over time his sailors called this kind of rum-and-water 'Old Grogg'.

(End of this chapter)

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