Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 37

37. Signs

Six days after I left Paft Country. Claire and the others had come as far as the gates of EAS.

“When you get here, you’ll be in Tillard, the king’s capital, for two hours.”

Lui says as he rests in a café in the city of Aeas.

Veek is in a post-arrival meeting with Keith and Donnie in the carriage. It would be boring to be in the carriage the whole time, and Vike gave Claire permission to go out with Lewis.

“We met here six months ago, didn’t we?”

To Claire’s words, Lewis smiles gently with his eyes together.

Second, Claire noticed. that a little tension is contained in the calm and calm air that Lewis is always putting together.

That was something I always felt for them on duty, but I felt even more colorful today.

(Again, I wonder if coming to another country raises the alert level)

I wondered, Claire asks.

“Lewis, though I feel more tenacious than usual”

“Did you notice? Sorry, I guess I’m scared.”

To Lui, who laughs furiously, Claire answers in a hasty shake of her head.

“That’s not what I meant…. I don’t know… even cooler than usual”

Lewis says as if it stinks.

“When we arrive at the royal palace, we have to untie Vik’s protection…. because that’s a diplomatic courtesy. It is our duty to protect Your Highness from unforeseen circumstances, although the Noston Nation is a friendly country. So I’m a little nervous.”

“… sorry. I was insensitive.”

Claire now recognises the responsibility of the Lewis as Kingsguard knights.

“This way, I’m sorry. Say something like you’re on guard of Claire’s homeland.”

“If you think about Lewis’ work, naturally. When I have to, I’ll follow you too! … although I don’t have many cards in hand”

Claire breaks her finger and declares with a shrug of her shoulder.


They laughed at each other amicably.

Claire returns to the carriage after a good time at the cafe, asking about her plans after her arrival from the Vikes.

“By the time we arrive, it’s evening. When we get there, we’ll first go deliver a letter to the King of the Noston Nation. Tomorrow we have a welcoming ceremony, and then it’s evening club.”

It’s no different than what I was planning to hear beforehand. Claire nodded.

“I’ll have Claire attend tomorrow night’s party as my fiancée, too. You’re getting ready.”


“At the tea party after the welcoming ceremony, I intend to tell the King about my engagement to Claire. Until then, you may not be comfortable, but be patient.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Veek’s eyes remain much sharper. Realizing the impending arrival in the Wang capital, Claire also felt tingly drawn.

Two hours later, the line arrived at the Royal Castle of Noston Country as planned.

The welcoming of the people from the castle town to the royal castle was amazing, and all at this time Keith sat next to the conspicuous Veek, and Claire was given the same carriage as the samurai. A sneak peek out the window reveals a nostalgic view of the city across the enthusiastic nation.

Upon arrival, it was Asberto, the First Prince, who welcomed the Viques in front of the royal palace, who tried to head to the king to deliver the letter.


Claire doesn’t think, she hides behind the samurai.

I cut my hair and knew that there was no way Claire in exotic clothes would notice an asbelt, but I leaned over and erased the signs.

“Okay, I’m coming”

“Welcome aboard, Your Highness”

Claire, who dropped off the Vikes, was set to go to the rooms in the royal palace with the samurai as soon as possible.

Enter the royal palace and see the familiar view surrounded by white walls. The scent of flowers not found in the gardens of the Royal Palace of the Paft Country inspired Claire’s nostalgia.

(I just got a little free time and I kind of miss it)

As the fiancée of the First Prince, Claire came in and out from a small place many times, the royal palace of the Noston Nation.

The number of visits to Claire’s 15-year-old baptismal ceremony at the border decreased dramatically, but until then, it was true that the royal palace was the same as Claire’s playground due to the countenance of the king and his father Benjamin.

“Until then I may not be comfortable, but be patient with me”

Well, Claire remembers what Veek said in the carriage.

(I’m sure that means I don’t want you to stand out until tomorrow’s tea party.)

Claire put the stall on her shoulder from her head like a headscarf and fixed it.

“Is that it?”

Claire finds out.

While immersed in the nostalgic memories of the royal palace, Claire seems to have strayed from the samurai.

Whether you peek at the corner ahead or look around the back, there’s nobody there.

(You shouldn’t, I miss you so much that I got caught off guard)

Familiar and completely knowledgeable about the construction, but Claire doesn’t know what floor of which building the assigned rooms are.

Besides, unluckily the place we are now was an area lined with ministers and aristocrats’ offices.

(Anyway, to the less popular)

“What are you doing”

The moment Claire in a hurry took a step, she had a familiar cold voice.

At the same time, the stall worn from the head can be paid off with something hard.

(… eh)

Sooner than Claire thought this was a bad idea, a man with a stall hooked to his sword voiced surprise before Claire.

“… Miss Claire!

There he was, Salomon, near Asberto’s side.

But Claire didn’t expect this at all when she went to the Royal Palace in the Noston Nation either. Relax and say hello as you were prepared.

“Long time no see, Master Salomon. I came here today as part of a mission to the Paft Nation. Please don’t treat me like a suspicious person.”

Then he took out the pocket watch he had left behind, showed the crest of Veek next to his face, and smiled nicely.

“This is from King Puffett’s house……! I’m sorry…. I heard you were missing. … I don’t know… no, you look fine and most importantly”

It is Salomon’s eyes swimming in the sale that I can’t always read his expression. Although Claire had been targeted by the Mead family or caught in a magic tornado over the past few months, she had never even felt the shadow of a chaser from the Noston Nation. Perhaps he was reassured that in the country he thought he was wild drooling dead, but that presumption was not, albeit, a mistake.

“Pfft. You, too.”

Claire laughed more than she felt angry at Salomon for the reaction as if she had seen a ghost.

Salomon is a one-armed man who also attended the Royal College of Aristocrats with Asberto, and Claire is a good acquaintance. He was a mind-breaking man, well assisted by an asperto that made him feel somewhere foolish despite his supposed clarity. Even after Claire began to isolate herself at the Royal College of Aristocrats, I feel I was watching her step by step with her cold eyes. Think of it, he was the one who treated Claire without much change to the end as the others around him treated her as something she wasn’t.

Good to see you, Salomon.

Claire reckoned so.

“If I had found anything else in nostalgia, it would have slipped away. Could you tell me which building to go to?”

“I’ll show you, please come this way”

Salomon, who confirmed that the pocket watch put up by Claire contained a guest’s crest, suddenly behaved politely.

The two are nostalgic relationships, but neither are they smiling and welcoming.

Silence persists while guiding you to your room.

In the meantime, Claire dared to open her mouth.

“Earlier, the welcome of the people in Castle Town was wonderful and appreciated. His Royal Highness Vike of the Paft Nation also sees a rich national identity, because he would like to forge stronger relations between the two countries.”

To Claire’s sentiments, Salomon looks out.

“I’m talking about Master Salomon, so I’m sure it’s all a prospect.”

Claire went on further.

“Without hesitation, those two look great on you. For His Highness Asberto, I know that the appearance of the object of mercy called Charlotte is also a treasure for the future of this country. As a living in a friendly country, I hope that relations between the two countries are much better”

There is no response from Salomon, and silence comes again.

tricks, and only two footsteps were echoing around.

“… I appear to have made irrevocable and serious judgment errors as a proximity to His Highness Asberto”

Words Salomon leaked out of potpourri. Claire took it lightly, but his expression was stiff.

“Miss Claire… that hairstyle…”

Salomon probably asked the question thinking Claire had left the house and came as a royal stewardess or something. On that inquiry, Claire recalled the night she cut her own hair and popped out of the Royal College of Aristocrats dormitory. About that night when I found out that all the admiration that had supported me was fiction.

Claire stretches her spine and says in a courtesy voice.

“I don’t need to know any more stupid questions.”

“… sorry”

Salomon bows his head deeply. I don’t know what you’re thinking, just stop and don’t move. It also seems like a heavy apology, it was a long thank you.

“It is this building that is allowed to be used by the Papeet National Mission. Thanks for the guide.”

When Claire told him so, he went into the building without looking back, making a deliberate noise and closing the door.


“Your Highness, may I have a moment?”

Salomon hears Asberto, who concludes the presence of a letter handed over to His Majesty the King from the mission of the State of Pfeet.


“No, a little here. To the office.”

Missions in the Paft country withdrew, but many ministers and nobles remained. There is also the figure of Lord Martino, Claire’s father.

This, Salomon, who has been stationary for about a year and a half with a general idea of what happened but without speaking out, did not want to put this story in Benjamin’s ear at all costs.

Asberto and Salomon return to the office early.

“So, what the hell is going on? Was it an important problem with the ceremony?”

“Well, when it comes to trouble, it’s trouble”

Salomon went on without saying.

“I met Miss Claire in the royal palace earlier.”

For a moment, the time of Asberto stops.

Once he drops his gaze on the floor, he puts his hand on his forehead and raises his face, staring at Salomon with the look of incredibility.

“… are you kidding me? I hear he went missing that day at AEAS custody. He said the Martinos searched and couldn’t find him.”

“It looks like you’re here as part of a mission in the Paft Country. He had a bill stamped with the seal of the First Prince of the Paft Nation.”

“… what do you mean? Anyway, contact Lord Martino.”

“Contact me, what are you going to do with her”

Salomon, who rarely disagrees with Asberto, rarely returns questions to the instruction.

“Charlotte would have missed you. I’ll be delighted.”

“Really… Miss Claire didn’t look that way at all”

Salomon continues like a clown.

“With all due respect, His Royal Highness over the past few years seems unable to make the right decisions about good and evil when he is involved at the same time with two ladies, Miss Claire and Miss Charlotte. When I broke up my engagement with Miss Claire and turned it into something with Miss Charlotte, I did not object as a sidekick. The reason is that this country needed the strong magic of the Martino family.”

“There will be no problem with that. And what’s wrong with reaching out to Charlotte, who was crying in the shade?”

“But as a result, do you understand that Miss Claire has lost her whereabouts? Was it necessary to take the dormitory room from Miss Claire, who had her engagement dissolved, to take the chair of the next student chairman, and to brand her as a duke’s warrant for the fall? Miss Claire now seems to have built up enough standing to keep her important guest crest in the Pfeet Country. If it comes down to disparaging her, I’ll buy the wrath of the First Prince of the Paft Nation……………. I am not saying this for Miss Claire. Your Highness’s, and I’m saying it for this country in the future.

Salomon then adds in a whisper.

“In the first place… I don’t see that Charlotte lady being slightly abused by her half-sister at all.”

Not long ago, Asbert was overreacting to words insulting Charlotte. If I heard the shadow of ‘Charlotte has no manners,’ I would have banished that noble lady, and if I heard a voice denouncing the free running that doesn’t fit into shape, I would have swung the privilege of the prince and yelled in.

But hearing Salomon’s words doesn’t make me angry at all, because I haven’t talked to Charlotte much here. On the contrary, Asberto was surprised at himself for trying to agree a little with Salomon’s words.


“… If it means being part of a mission, they will look at the fold and be introduced by the other side. Keep it up and see how it goes a little.”

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