Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 41

Insertion 35 or so royal palace nights


After a day, Claire, who was enjoying herbal tea before bedtime, felt signs of someone in the hallway.

Since moving from the Lehne family to this royal palace, Vique hasn’t visited this room much longer. I don’t know if Vik is thinking about Claire’s position as her fiancée, or if Keith is desperately stopping her.

Claire was feeling lonely that she and I were spending less time together than before she moved.

(I asked Keith to refrain from visiting the room because of Veek’s reputation, but I wish he hadn’t been so strong…)

Place the teacup on the saucer and take a deep sigh.


But still, I feel there’s a sign of someone in the hallway.

Claire weaved her gown over her bedding and moved to the living space where there was a door leading to the hallway.

Check the peek window provided on the door, but no one is there.

Claire, wondering, gently opened the door.

I knew no one, that’s what I thought. When Claire put her gaze down…

…… What’s the matter with you?

There, Vik sat in a hush.

“Oh. You were still awake”

“You were awake,” he said. Why is Veek sitting on the floor like this? Anyway, come in. ”


Usually, Vik almost stepped into Claire’s room with hesitation here, but not today.

“… you’re not going in?

To Claire, who looks up with her eyes round, Vik looks sassy out of sight.

“… why are you sleeping?”

“Because… I was just getting ready to rest”

“… Was I still? Bad. I’ll get it back out.”

Claire grabbed his arm lightly reflexively as Vike floated in a hurry and tried to make a twirl change of direction.

Emerald green eyes shake at the unexpected reaction of Claire.


Claire was Claire, and she felt hot to the ear for her actions, unlikely as a lady. I wanted to manage to follow my actions, but I didn’t get any words out of embarrassment.

“… only 5 minutes”

Vike whimpered as he told himself in a low voice, approaching Claire and entering the room, closing the door with his back hand.

On a couch placed facing the terrace, Veek lowers his back.

When Claire was worried about where to sit, Vike pounded next door, gently slapping.

“Excuse me… I will…”

As Claire reluctantly sinks her body into the couch, Vike quickly reaches for Claire’s hair. The moment Claire, who felt so caressed her hair, set herself up nervously, Vike touched Claire’s head softly, not her hair, and placed it on her own shoulder.

“What were you doing today”

“… what about Veek? You’re so busy right now…?

“My story is good. I want to hear about Claire.”

Soon Claire’s heartbeat gets faster and faster to the sound of her sweet voice. Though wrapped up in an intense sense of well-being, I don’t know where to put my mind. Anyway, I just enjoyed my eyes moisturizing.

“Today… Lydia came to the royal palace for her father, so we strolled in the garden together.”

“Right. She hates the royal palace. You’ve come a long way.”

“Yeah, but he said he’d come see me from now on.”

“… you’ve got a good friend”

I think Vik’s voice, which sounded sweet, became even more gentle. It’s been a long time since I’ve had enough desire to see Veek’s face nearby, but in this situation it’s imperative to capacitate when you look at him. Claire nodded as she did.

“Why today?”

“… what?

“Why were you sitting in front of my room?”

“Oh. I’m largely ready to go to Noston State. I’ve been running to let you know sooner, but I’ve lost track of time.”


“What, that laugh?”

“I’m sorry. I’m so happy.”

After I finish cleaning up my job, I see Veek leaving the office lightly in his footsteps. It was kind of ticklish to imagine coming straight in front of Claire’s room and finally sitting around remembering it was late at night there.

Claire was smiling and staring into Veek’s eyes. I can’t wait to love the moment when we make a name for ourselves as the first prince of the cutter, but this is how we show our vegetarian figure to ourselves alone.

Two gaze bumps. Shit, it was too late when I thought.

Vike glanced into Claire’s face with a gap, stroking her hair and touching her piercing. I feel my cheeks get slightly hotter by the movement of my fluffy, gentle fingers.

“What kind of design would you like”

“… something less flashy would be nice. But we’re way ahead of you, aren’t we?

Claire managed to keep her voice down and replied that from time to time her voice was about to tremble.

This was about the wedding ring. In the Noston and Paft countries, there is still a culture of creating piercings using the same stone as the color of the eyes at birth. When entering into marriage, it was often used to make rings, especially in the royal and aristocratic classes, who cherished their culture.

“A long way ahead, or…”

In response to Claire, Vik seemed a little distracted. Usually Claire would prepare an escape route when she seemed embarrassed, but today she wouldn’t let go of her hand with her ears touching her cheeks.

“… it’s been five minutes.”

Claire said that, too, while I can’t keep an eye out of her hot green eyes.

Gently, the face of a fierce vike approaches. I’ll touch it already, where I thought so, Vik shrugged his lips and gently enveloped Claire.

“… I didn’t know the day was coming when I couldn’t wait to get married”

Claire, completely beyond capacity, speaks no language.


“Vik, are you there?

I hear Keith knocking on the door. No heart, or I feel my breath rising. Perhaps he came in a hurry, realizing that Vik wasn’t in his private room.

“Oh…. I’m going now”

The power to be embraced weakened for a moment.

This finally frees me from this distracting, sweet, fierce tension. The moment I thought so, I was wrapped up with even stronger force to spare the remnants.

“Good night.”

I still don’t have a voice.

Watching Veek rise, Claire, withdrew her foreword.

After all, Keith’s watch should be strong.

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