Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 46

45. Ceremony Day

The next morning.

Claire was able to wake up neatly before Sophie showed up with her awake tea.

Going down from the bed and opening the luxurious curtains with delicate embroidery, the beautiful landscape of the royal palace’s backyard was spreading. Unlike the main garden, there are few gorgeous flowers, but the trees are starting to sprout a little spring fresh green.

(… this, gentle morning air. I feel like I’m back)

Claire felt relieved as she opened the window and took a slow, deep breath.

This royal palace seems to belong to the great power, Puffett, and is a different size than the royal palace of the Noston Nation. The central royal palace consists of the central, eastern, western, southern and northern buildings, with private rooms for the country’s central institutions and those working in the royal palace.

Assigned to Claire was one of three out-of-house rooms in the Royal Palace. Even when I say ‘one of the rooms’, when I open the door, there is a large lobby with blow-out ceilings, from which it is constructed to be allocated to two main rooms, three rooms for studio type escorts and samurai. Sophie and I came to this country together and Claire had a very luxurious room.

According to stories Sophie has heard, this outhouse is inhabited by high-ranking magicians and professionals who require special skills and knowledge. As a result, security was tight, but Claire quickly liked that she seemed to be able to relax without worrying about her surrounding eyes, as she was away from the main royal palace.



“Miss Claire, are you awake? Good morning. Breakfast is ready next door.”

It was Sophie who showed her face.

“Morning, Sophie. Thank you. I’ll be right there when I get dressed.”

Claire changed out of the closet she had just cleaned out yesterday when she washed her face with a simple, easy-to-move dress. I don’t want to wear a heavily decoratively designed dress for a while like my brother Oscar was choosing on the move up to yesterday, I think.

The living room table was served with pancakes crafted with maple syrup that Claire loved.


When Claire speaks up, Sophie winks and says:

“Because the kitchen was more about requesting the lady’s favorite food. To your friend, the exotic Lord Vike.”


Claire is in a hurry for that word.

(You’ve been talking all the way to the kitchen. Indeed, no matter how many prince-side requests, it’s not normal for an unmarried lady to travel in the same carriage as a man for four days… From now on, I need to behave more carefully as an international student)

While she was happy with the sweet, crunchy pancakes, Claire reflected on her behavior.

This time, kings and Oscars are visiting the Papeete Nation to participate in the celebration of the founding of the Papeete Nation, which marks a milestone year since it was founded this year. Claire has not received an invitation, so naturally she cannot attend the ceremony. But it is possible to watch as a general audience.

By the time Claire had finished breakfast, it was time for a pleasant royal palace atmosphere to pour in through the window. The atmosphere with which a lot of people go, the faint sounds of a marching band rehearsal. All of that was fresh for Claire.

“Ma’am, would you like to go see the afternoon ceremony”

I let my eyes shine and I looked out the window. I cared for Claire, and Sophie calls me out.

“It’s okay. I don’t want to bother you by asking for an escort…. I’m sorry to walk alone in the crowd and to Papeet country if there’s any trouble.”

I wanted to see a festival day that only happens once every 10 years, but as for myself being taken care of with extra treatment, I can never be bothered.

“Lady, you’re a really good girl.”

When Claire turned down Sophie’s suggestion with the thought of a severance, Sophie peeked gently into Claire’s face and gently turned her head into a little kid. So she left the room.

Claire was quite saved by the presence of Sophie, who was a spiritually very grown-up girl, but thus spoiled.

(I can’t believe I’m seeing Sophie again. At least that’s one of the things I’m glad to see back in time)


It’s only been a few minutes since Sophie left, but the door on the lobby side is knocked.


I don’t know if it’s Sophie, but when Claire comes out wondering,

“Hello, Miss Claire”

There was Lewis.

“Dear Lui……! What’s wrong?”

“Vik told me to show Miss Claire around the royal palace to the ceremony. If you have time, how about it?


“Of course, I’m going! Pleasure.”

Lewis smiled gently and watched as Claire jumped up modestly and rejoiced.

The two leave the outhouse and walk through the backyard to the center of the royal palace.

“I wish Vik had come. Looks like I’m too busy to get out today. I’m sorry.”

“Such a thing at all! Lui… I am so happy to see the royal palace before the ceremony with you and walk”

Claire endures much longer that she will continue to be called aside for her cruelty in the world ahead.

Lewis says he noticed Claire looking like that.

“Miss Claire, about me, with Louis. He’s my husband’s friend.”

“… no. Now, Mr. Lewis… please call me Claire.”

To Claire’s dialogue, Lewis has a rare and bewildered look.

“I don’t know… can I check with Yakimochi’s master?”

“Yeah, sure. Next time I see you, I’ll ask you too!

When the two of us arrived at the main royal palace having a pleasant conversation, it was overflowing with a large number of ordinary people.

“Today, the east wing and the central wing where the ceremony takes place are being liberated. The people can see the ceremony there.”

“Nice. Really, it’s every 10 years.”

“I’m leaving the ceremony too, so I can’t guide you, but if one of you would like to see it from Veek’s office? I think he’d be happy to open it.”

I wouldn’t even wish for Claire. It was a delightful invitation, but the Count Meade family thing turns my head.

(I still don’t know the sincerity of the move to bury the Holy Springs on Lindell Island, and it’s not a good idea to be alone in a less prominent place)

“Thank you. But it’s okay.”

Claire said no.

(… ah!

Claire found Oswald in a meeting a little further within the royal palace.

(After all, you’ve never seen him before)

“Um… I wonder if His Royal Highness Oswald is not usually able to get out.”

Claire asks Louis in a low voice.

“? No. That’s not true. Sometimes Vic is still in Royal School, and even a second prince might have more opportunities to be on the table than Vic.”

“You are…”

(Speaking of which, this world is the world of games, right? Like special characters added in updates?… yeah, that can’t be right)

Though I also think about the knowledge of the parts of the minds that usually rarely come out, I couldn’t reach a clear answer.

Claire, who really cares about Oswald’s existence, listens even more.

“… In the Paft Nation, the order of succession to the throne is not the order of birth.”

“… oh. Naturally, the son of the righteous queen takes precedence. But even if the kid in the side room was born first, I’d basically call him the first prince.”

With Claire’s understanding of the intent of the question, Lewis tells us even more.

“His Royal Highness Oswalt is a little special. Originally, the only child of the current king, His Majesty, was Vik. But about 10 years ago, His Highness Oswald recalled the son of a side chamber whom the King had given to His Highness, fearing that the dynasty would be interrupted in the unlikely event. He was four years older than Veek but became a second prince because Veek was well known as the first prince…. Your Highness Oswald’s mother has had rumors of infidelity with her subordinates since the side-room period, and there was no particular voice of sympathy in connection with the series of disturbances”

“That’s what you did.”

Claire had a complex look on her face.

“I wonder if His Royal Highness Oswald has a fiancée or something in another country.”

“I don’t think so. As a matter of national custom, not after the First Prince’s fiancée has been decided.”

“That’s what it is…. Ah! I’d love to see it on the other side.”

Claire thought for a moment that she had left the country after marrying a princess from another country, but that doesn’t seem likely either. Claire, who decided it was impossible to go in and listen any further, changed the subject.

(… but why isn’t His Royal Highness Oswald here in a year? Like dying of illness or accident?

Secondly, Claire remembers in the carriage, what she talked to Veek about.

In the world ahead, when Claire told me that there was an inequality between the sisters in how they chased the Noston Nation, she agreed, ‘I know that story, too’. But the other day, although there were subtle differences in content, there was no Vique’s agreement with Claire, who told her about her situation.

(If anything, a year later Vik was laughing. So I’m sure, it’s okay)

Claire was trying to envision this strange heartbreak as the heightened emotion of a ceremony every decade.

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