Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 52

51. Collaborators

At a time when Claire and Dion’s story came together, Lewis came back with Vique. Keith and Donnie continue behind.

“So let’s talk.”

Says Veek, who lowered his back to the sofa at the reception and put on an arm. From the glance pointing sharply at Dion, I can’t imagine him slapping a light mouth until just now.

Earlier, Dion had declared he would talk about anything. But Claire was anxious to see how the hell she would explain this situation without saying that she was going backwards from a year and a half away.

“I’ll answer everything you ask, Your Highness.”

Dion says with the same poisonless smile.

“… Huh. Right.”

Dion behaves too mildly as the ‘eldest son of the Count Meade family’, who has many black rumors and many unnatural privileges. Even though he came to this room after asking lightly about the situation from Lewis, Vique broke his expression in a slightly facetious manner.

“Here’s what Claire told me earlier: they were talking about each other’s houses. In it Claire’s magic ran wild, and as a result, Dion was fascinated in response to what she was talking about,” he said.


When Dion hammers Lewie’s explanation, Vike asks without getting his hair in between.

“What was I talking about, about the house”

“It’s a very bad thing, as His Highness imagines. I want the throne back in my family, that sort of thing.”

As declared, Dion doesn’t seem willing to hide at all the black part that the Count Meade family holds. Plus he goes on.

“We’re not talking about a level of hopeless ambition or anything like that, but our principals and former principals are still actually moving. This time, I moved to the Royal School because I received the life of my former Lord so that I could understand what was going on in the Wang capital, Ultz. But by chance, Miss Claire has learned about it. So while we were talking about the house situation and everything… I was accidentally fascinated.”


There is a subtle air flowing through the reception room in so much of a gap between what we are talking about and the lightness of Dion’s narrative. And Dion says with a sparkling smile of charm.

“Miss Claire is really cool, Your Highness”

“Ah…… oh”

Keith, who boiled his business for not even Veek being able to return to the tingly air, tells Dion in a blameworthy tone.

“So as to get an idea of what’s going on in Wong Du Ultz, that would mean exploring His Highness’s surroundings and anticipating when to move on to action. … even if it’s an attempt, the plan alone is a felony enough”

“You’re right, Master Keith. So I will help the royal family with anything but execution. Just the execution…. I want to live as free as Miss Claire.”

Dion, who kept fluffing words and deeds, but only in this word, was he powerful.

“When will the plan be transferred to execution”

“It was due within a year. But if my mission was a complete failure, it could move quickly.”

“I know what happened.”

Veek, who was listening to Keith and Dion interact while tonning his index finger on his lap, says without changing his voice color.

“Lewis. How strong is the charm placed on him?”

“It’s pretty strong because it’s something that has responded to the person’s deep psyche. I mean, I think it’s okay to say that the will has almost been repainted. If you’re worried, you can let the Virgin see it, but I’m guessing it won’t change your mind.”

“… considering this story leaks outside, that’s not a good idea”

In Veek’s words, Keith has a look of impatience.

“… then, Your Highness. The report to His Majesty the King.”

“You don’t have to now. Look at the situation and make sure it comes from me soon…. Nice, Keith”

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Keith broke in the grim eye of Vike, who wouldn’t let him say yes or no.


Now it was Claire’s turn.

“How did you get back from Royal School? It seemed like a long time ago.”

“… I used metastatic magic. I was in such a hurry.”


Vike seemed to anticipate the answer, and he doesn’t look particularly surprised.

“I guess Claire hasn’t been baptized for a year yet. He said he had a brilliant teacher, but how much can he protect himself?”

“I can apply protection, and I can use a long distance transfer magic. So it’s okay.”

Claire had confirmed that all the magic she had learned in the world ahead could be used the same way in her second life. That said, it is extremely unusual that a girl who at her age looks baptized and has just finished her covenant with the Spirit can use the high-altitude magic of metastasis magic. But on the heads of the Vikes was the fact that Claire was from the prestigious Martino family in the Noston Nation.

“… I see. Still, my sister is better.”

“… Yep”

There were no lies in his own words, but Claire couldn’t look directly into Veek’s eyes because of the hindsight of using the knowledge he was supposed to learn in the future.

“It’s not hard to imagine what led to actions like this one because you can protect yourself. I don’t blame it on itself. … but don’t be impotent”

It was the same gentle voice as usual, but besides the sentiment of purely worrying about Claire in its words, it also seeped out its position as the first prince of the Paft country that it would not risk exposing the international students entrusted to it by the Noston country.

(What have I done?)

“My apologies, Your Highness”

Claire reflected on her reckless behavior and bowed her head.

“… no, from the results, it’s handy.”

To Claire, who looks like she sank, Vike smiles bitterly and follows.

“So, what do I do?”

Says Dion as he looks around with Nico.

“Watching for a while without imprisoning me, that means I have some work to do too, doesn’t it, Your Highness?

The sharpness returns to Veek’s eyes, which had a soft gaze on Claire, and suddenly tightens.

“Oh. Of course.”

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