Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 76

75. Final story

Claire blew her magic into the ‘door’ and sent six men to Noston State before returning to her sight.

The lights had been turned off between the sights, but there was the appearance of the Vikes.

“Oh, Claire’s back! Welcome back!”

Doni’s bright voice echoes within the royal palace on a shimmering night.

“Did you talk properly?”

“… Yep”

As usual, Claire gets just a little stuffed by Vik’s gentle inquiry. Nothing, it’s not like there’s some kind of hindsight. It was just horrible, tears overflowing.

“I’m sorry… hey, ho…”

Claire, who was supposed to be enjoying herself until just now but was returned to a place of relief, seems to have plumped off the thread of tension. Tears pour and I can’t stop.

Veek says, squeezing and gently embracing Claire.

“It’s been a really furious day. You’ve endured so much so well.”

Claire shakes her neck vertically, desperately creeping in Veek’s arms.

Even after the lights went out between the sights, I thought I had to tell them something for them who waited here for a long time, but they just whimpered and were speechless.

Today was, indeed, the day Claire’s wishes came true.

Charlotte, who was most worried, was to go to the monastery, but the relationship between the Puffett and Noston countries was unbroken, and I even had a feeling that the ties could be further strengthened.

I can’t say until I reconcile with my father, but I could speak for real, not as a well-informed eldest daughter, and I got words of forgiveness from my brother, who had dark feelings behind me.

It was my dear friend in front of me who made that possible.

(Though I wanted to protect the happy landscape of the Paft country… I knew I was the one saved)

“It’s been so fresh to have such a hard working girl since Claire showed up,”

Before Claire, who cried, it was Donnie who cut the tantrum.

“You know, infiltrating the Mead family to protect whoever you like, already… Well, sister, you were pretty funny in a different way, too! But I’ve been finding out lately that the person I like includes us… and I’m pretty happy with that. Right, Keith?”

“Right. I was going to serve, no matter who my master chose. It’s since Veek was born, isn’t it? But… I’m really glad it’s someone who wants to break their knees from me”

“Claire, forget that one”

A grinning laugh spills from Claire, who should have been crying, at Veek’s dissatisfied words. Dion goes on too.

“I resented somewhere in my mind that I was born as the eldest son of the Count Meade family. But I was glad I had this power for the first time today. If you care at all, it’s Claire’s mistake!

Lewis spins words too.

“I always look really fun and happy when Claire tells me about her first life. Claire wasn’t the only one who wanted to share that experience this time. Same goes for us. Now, though I may be anxious to lose my signposts.”

“Well, I mean”

Vik sums up the words of the neighbors.

“What we’re trying to say is that you’ve worked really hard.”

For Claire, who tried to recreate a happy future for those she loved, there were no more compliments.

“Thank you so much, guys. I’m glad it conveys my feelings.”

Claire showed her squeaky face in tears and laughed.


Then, two months and a little later.

Claire drinks tea when she wakes up as usual, washes her face and changes into her uniform.

At the Royal School, Claire was in her second third grade.

“Lady Claire, Miss Charlotte was writing to you during the night.”

Claire laughs at the adorable envelope Sophie hands me with breakfast.

Since I went to the monastery, Charlotte had sent me letters regularly. According to Ann, this letter seems to be like an assignment being imposed in the monastery for the purpose of rehabilitating Charlotte.

The content was always hard to believe I was leaning on the monastery, such as’ Send me a new dress’, ‘I want alcohol other than wine’ and ‘I want a prince anyway’, but Claire was still eager to hear from her sister.

Charlotte doesn’t fix it anymore, either, and it’s just as clear that she’s exposing her poor bottom line. Given her nature, I guess Charlotte never leaves the convent again, but Claire wished she’d had such a relationship from an early age.

When I pull out a letter from my sister, I see an envelope from Asberto. This was an invitation to an engagement ceremony to be held next month.

(Thanks to “The Door,” you invited me, too. So excited!)

At the Royal College of Aristocracy in the State of Noston, after Asberto graduated, Nicolas was the first person in history to take the seat of student chairman as a native of another country. Nicola accepts a proposal from Asberto and a formal engagement is to be taken next time.


I get to my seat in a happy mood and my discomfort runs on Claire trying to cheek my usual raspberry bread. Not exactly where it hurts, but this unpleasant feeling. Claire knew who this feeling was.

(Finally, this day…)

When Claire stands up, she opens the lace curtain and looks up into the sky. More and more I still don’t see anything in the cloudy sky, but after a few hours a big, fading black vortex should have appeared.

“Sophie, we’re not going to Royal School today because we have an emergency.”

When told that, Claire accompanies Dion to Veek’s office. Usually, if there was an emergency, I would use metastatic magic, but I couldn’t use it today. To leave a little more magic behind.

In the office, Keith, Lewis and Donnie were already at work.


As Claire enters the office, Lewis, staring out the window, turns around.

“Morning, Claire…. this discomfort.”

“I think it’s a sign of a magic tornado. Perfect timing. Where’s Veek?

“It’s time for Veek to still be in the royal palace. I’ll go. Lewis, go to the magician’s room first and check the situation. Donnie asks His Majesty the King to report.”



At Keith’s direction, Lewis and Donnie leave the office in a hurry. Dion and Claire were both left in the room.

“Claire, are you okay?

There is always a rare expression on Dion’s face that is refreshing.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it.”

“When I use purification, my magic flushes.”

Magic power can be accommodated regardless of color if it is in small quantities. They think that Claire’s use of magic was the only factor that went backwards to the world a year and a half ago.

There are slight differences in perception, but I was really grateful that my friends understood Claire’s placed situation and managed to prevent her from blacking out.

“Thank you, Dion. I’ll ask you when I have to. But I feel okay.”

It wasn’t a strength. Claire had used up her magic the past two times, but felt that she was now moving the Spirit with a small amount of magic that was incomparable with that time.

(Maybe… I feel like it would work if I could just focus on the air)

“Claire, to the balcony”

Veek, who arrived in the office, says. At the same time, Lui and Doni are back.

“The magicians’ views were the same. The biggest magic tornado in history.”

“I’ve also reported it to His Majesty the King. I told Vik he had a plan, but he said he’d move on to plan B.”

“… the stage is ready”

“I see.”

Claire smiles back at Vik, who laughs invincibly. Claire well understood that he wanted to introduce Claire to His Majesty the King in perfect form.

Claire, drawn to the balcony by Veek, looks up at the sky. I can see a distortion of magic happening and intertwined here and there, but I don’t feel strange and scared.

“This is… I’ve read it many times in the book, but you’ve never seen it before”

“If it’s because of you, you’ve seen it wrapped around!


Claire’s nervousness is only slightly relieved by Lewis and Donnie’s conversation, which can be heard from behind her back. Behind me, it turns out, four other people than Veek are holding back.

I’m sure Claire’s trying to accommodate the magic a little bit when she’s about to pass out.

(Imagine behind you, you’re just gonna laugh a little bit)

Claire is relaxed. I must have felt that I could successfully use the help of the Spirit.

“I’ll try.”

Watch over Vik standing next to him, and then Claire fills her magic to the point of her body’s soot.

Not to be empty at once, little by little. Sometimes it usually leaks out of the palm of my hand, but I treat it especially important today. so that the Spirit can receive the sharpened, fine magic.

“Spirit, purify this air in exchange for my magic.”

Moments, the world was engulfed in dazzling light.


“You’re finally here.”

Between the glances, King Pfeet, sitting on the throne, laughs contentedly.

Claire didn’t know what it meant and glanced at Veek with the best smile on her face.

“Your Majesty, it is”

He looks uncomfortable. The face of “Son of the King,” not “First Prince,” was fresh for Claire, who was used to seeing a confident vike.

“You’re Miss Claire Martino. I’m listening to you. Sister, you didn’t even move timidly during your scandal. [M] The truth is, I told you to bring him in early after the Second Prince thing… he’s got pride… do it or something”

King Puffett smiles when he sends a meaningful gaze to Vik.

That was a mistake, to be precise. Indeed, Claire does not know that His Majesty the King has been calling for a long time.

But it was none other than myself who stopped Vike from trying ‘to do everything possible until he achieved such remarkable merit that he could be recognized’ in an attempt to prepare a formal place of sight.

King Puffett expresses his gratitude when Claire is lost as to whether this place should excuse herself for Vik.

“Again, I would like to commend you for your wonderful work. I perceived the signs of a magic tornado and purified it, saving the national disaster. As king of this country, I convey my gratitude.”

“Excess words. I’m terrified.”

Claire bowed deeply.

“Miss Claire, you and your son seem like very similar types.”

“With His Royal Highness Vik. It’s… in awe.”

“There is no humility. The story is out of Keith there.”

(That’s… the hell, how far…)

Claire found a cold sweat on her back. I’d like to see Keith’s face to confirm it, but unfortunately the neighbors were holding back and it wasn’t even possible to confirm his appearance.

Well, Claire thinks.

The presence of the vicinity of Vique was not allowed in the last glimpse after purifying the Magic Tornado.

But now, besides the king’s sidekicks, Keith, Lewis, Donnie, and Dion are all quite busy.

When Claire wondered what was wrong with this difference, she opened her mouth the way Vique had decided.

“Your Majesty. Will you be a witness?”

“Oh. That’s good.”

The king answers lightly as if he had foreseen everything.

At that moment, Vik turns to Claire, who stands next to him. The soft emerald green eyes staring straight at Claire also included a little sharpness.

(Speaking of which… Veek is supposed to be an escort, but for some reason he’s dressed up…)

As Claire pondered that as she blurred, Vike knelt with his sword on the marble floor.


Vike tells Claire that he finally understands what’s going to happen.

“Miss Claire Martino. Now finally, you can say it. … could you be my queen?”

“… Yes. His Royal Highness Vik.”

Claire nodded watched by her dear friends.

◇ ◇ ◇

This world where Claire lives is certainly like the world of maiden games.

In several dreams, Riko said, ‘Claire had reigned as the perfect Virgin on other routes’.

If you believe that, maybe that dream that made miracles possible was like the same shrine Claire’s grandmother was seeing.

The happy history of the Paft and Noston nations, which will last forever, continues from one former, the Duchess of Falling.

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