Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 80

4 stories (final story)

“Donnie. Next vacation, I’m going to the village of Corbury.”

“Heh, nice.”

“I want Donnie to come with me.”

“… Yes?

My distracted voice echoed in the cafeteria where no one was.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, so please be more detailed.”

Lewis is always like this. I only speak briefly about everything. [M] I’m sure it’s because I know the answer, not just to talk about it in detail, but it’s also a bit regrettable.

It had been about a year and a half since I enrolled in the Royal School.

Today, after a joint lecture this morning, both me and Louis are waiting for a personal lesson in witchcraft. Due to free time, we’re the only two people in the cafeteria right now. The alumni went to the lecture room first.

Given that Lewis has been waiting to be alone to tell this story, it is the presence of the ‘master’ who hides out there.

“Vik wants to visit the village of Corbury. Security on the road is a fine area, and with protection, it’s not enough to move the Knights, but I just want Donnie to come because the two escorts are a lot of inconvenience.”

My point of view was clear. [M]

Lewis, baptized a year ago, seemed to have been given the magic of a special colour. Shortly thereafter, he was officially appointed as a sidekick and knight with first prince. Right now, no one in this country thinks of a deep-window courtier when he hears’ The Son of the Count Clark Family ‘.

“Why me… By and large, you can’t decide to escort His Highness, can you?

“I’m not anxious, it’s inconvenient, so I don’t have a problem with Donnie. Most importantly, Vik’s nominating Donnie. Departure is at 5: 00 in the morning the day after you enter your vacation”

Even though I refuse to do everything in my power, Lewis continues to talk like a matter of decision.

“Er. Yada. Hard. I can’t. No. Weak in the morning. I have an appointment while I’m on vacation, and ask someone else.”

“Because I’ve already spoken to Count Ward. You can write to the girls you promised. Okay, first.”

Lewis took a seat and left me lying on the cafeteria table.

Since the day I was introduced to Vike and Keith a little over a year ago, I’ve had more chances to be called to the Royal Palace for whatever reason.

At first, I wondered if Lewis had asked me out, but when it went on and on, I knew what it meant.

The place is unworthy of me because I’m tedious, unscrupulous and unprepared.

(… well, that’s not the only reason I want to shy away…)

In the meantime, I’ve managed to avoid it, so that my father doesn’t have to ask me out here to play around and show me an understandable willingness to reject it. But it didn’t seem to work very well for the type of vik that spots the essence lightly.

I’ve always been appropriately involved, but this time it’s buried from the outer moat, and I can’t get away with it.

(The village of Colberry……)

Well, I’ve been there a few times. It’s a rustic village where peppers and other spices are famous. Considering the distance traveled, I’m sure there won’t be any foot clumps there.

… ha-ha. ……

(Is it not even acceptable to take the right distance so as not to fit into the depth)

Exactly, isn’t this too heavy a punishment for immature me for thinking of her as a man? I grip the cobwebs in an unspeakable way.

In my palm, at some point, my sword became completely familiar.


The inspection dates were quite tight.

He left Woltz, the king’s capital, at 5: 00 a.m. the first morning and crossed overnight on his way to the village of Colbery at noon on the second day. Visit the field as soon as you arrive.

Then, after hearing from the merchant distributing the pepper in the presence of the village chief and the lord, he picked up a late dinner and went into the inn. Of course, there are no royal villas here, so lodging is a village inn.

“Ah, I’m tired! I want to go home soon.”

“Don’t hesitate to come before me.”

Vik is laughing with pleasure. I wanted to be considered as disrespectful as he is on top of not being able to use it, but it still doesn’t work for this prince.

We had three rooms. [M] In Veek’s room, Keith and I’s room, Lewis’s room. Every room is a simple inn with a small table and chairs on one simple bed at a time. Now, we were just gathered in Vik’s room for tomorrow’s meeting.

Lewis tells me I’m exhausted from unfamiliar tension.

“Donnie, have you sent a proper letter to the girl saying no?

“Yeah. I didn’t have time and I promised. I made them all the same wording, so if they read it over, it’d be subtle.”

When I heard my response, Veek tapped Keith with his elbow.

“Keith should teach Donnie how to handle girls. It would have taken me three days to get a letter and write back to the Viscount’s maid I met on official business.”

“… you have no choice! I’m not used to it.”

This master and his comrades are really close. A solid line is drawn from Keith and Lewis’ side, but I can still well see that a sharp exchange of views is allowed. Well, most of what you let me hear is light-hearted.


Suddenly, the air of Keith and Lewis, who were relaxed and relaxed, tingled.

Vik, who sensed it, silently sends his gaze to Lewis. She nodded and whispered something. Let’s further strengthen the ties that were originally stretched.

In the meantime, just a few seconds. But I also found out about the anomaly. Someone is listening to the conversation in this room across the door that leads to the hallway.

“I’m leaving.”

Keith gets up and heads to the door.

Soon, Lewis stood in front of Veek with his hands on his sword. Vik at the time should know the situation but can afford to remain seated.

In the meantime, I’ll get up, too. I don’t know if I can help, but I have the protection that Lewis put on me and I’m sure he’ll be fine.

Keith opened the door with momentum.


“Ah… su, sorry!

There he was, the person he had just interviewed, a merchant handling crops picked in the village of Colbery.

“What are you doing here?”

To Keith’s pursuit, the merchant answers in dislocation.

“Shh, excuse me. I had the village chief’s eye earlier and I couldn’t tell you… I wanted to report something to you.”

Keith looked up to Vik with instructions as he listened, and the prince nodded like that. Confirmed that, says Keith.

“I’ll be downstairs in the lobby listening. Lewis and Donnie, stay with Vique.”

Copy that.

After Keith leaves, Veek slowly opens his mouth.

Speaking of which, you haven’t told Donnie the purpose of this inspection yet.

“Right. But now it’s all connected somehow.”


Vike opens his eyes just a little surprised and then sits back with a grin.

“Well, when Keith gets back, we’ll answer each other.”

In about half an hour, Keith came back to his room. My guess was more or less true.

Vique chose the village of Colberry for this vacation visit to explore the causes of the spice surge that lasted several years.

Once upon a time, spices, including peppers, that could be picked in the village of Corbury, were high-end items of high value. But now a stable cultivation method is in place, something that anyone can easily get.

but suddenly spices stopped appearing on the market for several years, and as a result, prices began to soar. This trip was meant to explore why.

With his arms on, Veek talks.

“In the first place, when it comes to the cultivation of cereals and spices used in cooking of wheat or something, the state moves a large budget to protect it and also determines the amount of production. It doesn’t matter what you think about the constant inactivity even though the weather hasn’t changed dramatically. We should suspect injustice.”

Keith agrees he just got back.

“I was certainly right about Vik. According to an earlier merchant accusation, village chiefs and lords have consigned to declare yields to be understated and to soar market prices. The rest of the spices are still flowing to valuable countries, making a whole lot of profit.”

“When it comes to the testimony of a merchant, you have proof.”

To what Lewis said, Keith continues.

“Oh. In a tavern off the village, they secretly call merchants from other countries to sell the excess amount of pepper high. Perhaps even today. You want to go?

“There’s nothing we can do where we went from the front. If you can spare me, it’s over.”

Vik has a sinister look. The operation meeting seemed to have gotten stuck fast…. but I harden on Lewis’ remarks that follow.

“So shall I pretend to be a merchant and infiltrate the tavern? A woman would certainly not be alert. If you sign a sales agreement at the other end of the line, it will be good evidence.”


What Lewis has been suggesting was undercover.

“What are you talking about!? It’s too dangerous.”

Look at me panicking, Vik and Keith seem strange.

“Donnie, you know how strong Lewis is. And there’s protection.”

“Lewis can come out with metastatic magic no matter what, so don’t worry, okay?

I’m not.

Living in an elegant world of superior clarity, they are sure not to know the atmosphere of a liquor store as they are now told. I can see how much metastatic magic Lewis feels bad before he finishes the negotiations. Are you insane to let her go to such a place?

But Lewis does when he says he will. Probably without changing one complexion.

“… I’m coming.”

When I realized I was willing to go undercover. [M]

“” “Huh?

Everyone seems to wonder at my words, which should have been zero motivation until just now.

“I would do well…. Well, if you’re worried, you can dress as a woman.”


I’m not very tall for a man, and I’m not as muscular as Keith. Usually that’s the complex, but today that helped.

“Wow! You look great, Donnie!

I’m in a very complicated mood with compliments from an excited Keith.

In order to increase the success rate of the operation, I was to dress up as a woman with a pair of cuttlefish and women’s clothes I borrowed from the master of the innkeeper.

I thought it was about borrowing Louis’ clothes at best, so why is there even a rash in this inn?

Vike nods and Lewis laughs too.


“Yeah, that’s not bad.”

… I should have told you I could dress as a woman. I can’t believe this happened with a word I added to make sure I took it on. Vik confirms to me that he regrets it.

“The operation is easy. We infiltrate, find the traffickers, and sign a contract of sale. As soon as you complete your mission, move magically outside the store.”

“Ok, I can do it if I want to leave the store.”

Lui nods and says.

“When Doni leaves the store, I’ll tie the boundaries to the store. So, when the officials we’re arranging arrive, we’ll hand them over.”

“Right. No problem, Donnie.”

Keith’s words made me ready.

“Yeah. I’m coming”

Corbury is a quiet village, but on the outskirts of the village there was certainly a lively area where the liquor stores gathered. Village-like people can be seen enjoying their meals and drinks in shops along the street.

But the entrance to the store designated today is on the back, obviously not a normal atmosphere.


When I pushed open the heavy door and went into the store by myself, the gaze of the loosers who were inside turned towards me simultaneously. Everyone looks at me. [M] That’s right, it floats.

“Hey, I guess I’m alone. This isn’t a shop for kids like you.”

Gatai is good, and a man with a scratch on his cheek talks to him like a cunt. There’s some jarring keys hanging on my hips. The rust on the lock is the same as the one on this store door.

I answer in exotic terms.

“I heard you could make an example deal.”

The Paft country and neighbouring Noston country share a common language, but the language of the country across the sea is different. Given the various circumstances, it is probably those countries that are being bought hidden peppers at high prices.

At that moment, I felt the gaze of the men who were in the store pointed towards the back. Does knowing the language mean that most of them are business associates? But I knew there was no way I’d be able to show you around at first sight like me.

“Over there?”

I ask a man with a scratch on his cheek as he shows the back door with his chin.

I don’t know.

With the flow, I take the hand that a man is about to turn on my buttocks. When I tangled my fingers, they seemed to find out it was a man, so I stopped doing that and tried to stick it on my shoulder.

“Well no. Drink some more, why don’t we talk?

30 minutes later. I succeeded in intoxicating him. I didn’t do anything special. Preliminary magic just evaporated moisture from his alcohol to increase alcohol levels and poured more and more into it for what it was worth.

I’m losing my sanity. My hands are tightly heavy as he spins on my shoulder. And the liquor-smelling breath on his face from close range was uncomfortable. I can’t believe this hand could have been turned by Lewis, it makes me throw up.

“Is this key the key to the back room?

I stroke my fingertips around the key hanging on his hips, staring into the eyes of a man who was completely drunk.

“Yeah?…… oh…… That’s right…”


“Oh well. I’d like to re-drink it when the deal is over. Alone. So, it’s time for you to take me to the back room?

“Oh… that’s good”

I headed with the man to the back door.

When the man inserted the key into the keyhole, the door opened very well. There’s a wide hallway, not the small room I expected.

Given the difference between the store and the store, it looks like this store is really just for the back deal. The liquor store on the table is a complete camouflage.

There are several of these stores in Wongdu Ultz as well. I try to stay away from it because it’s dangerous, but I used to step in for ‘study’.

In the hallway, there were several doors. The man points to one of them and says:

“… today’s deal is… just this room…”

“What do you mean, all the rooms are usually used?

“… oh… no…”

Looks like I got him a little too drunk. This makes it difficult to get the information you need. I gave up the information, and I put him in a flurry, and I pushed open the door pointed at him.

“… a woman. That’s rare.”

There he was, the village chief who had just met him in the evening. I’m so glad you’re dressed in flashy women’s clothing and wearing a rash. You can even notice you’re disguised, but you don’t have any such bare hands.

I mean, there’s something wrong with me not being able to find out about my messy dress.

“Oh. I’d like you to continue and accommodate a certain amount of pepper,”

“I can’t do that for the first time. More…”

This village chief, when we met earlier, people seemed to have a good vibe, but this transformation. A human being with personal desire is frightening.


I smashed a cloth bag full of money on the table. [M] I feel like I have more than three times the estimated price. Altogether, there is also a contract with the contents of having the pepper accommodated on a regular basis.

Pretending to slap me on the cheek with a bunch of bills and fall for it probably goes against the policies of the Vikes.

But given how the merchants stepped through the disrespectful behavior of storming the First Prince’s Inn, it was clear that the decent distributors were playing hard acid. This village chief would have liked to have been in the opposite position once in a while.

“… this is…!

The look on the face of the village chief who was showing a sinister face until just now changes.

“You’ll write, won’t you, this contract”

I laugh nicely at imitating the girls I meet in the city at night.

The village chief only sees money. The contract is in place.

Back home, there was no need for metastatic magic.

The only man with a scratch on his cheek who seemed troublesome was sleeping drunk when the deal ended and he returned to the tavern. I put a private room key next to him and leave the store just like I did when I arrived.

The Vikes were surprised that I normally came out of the store, but Lewis didn’t even care about it.

This juncture. It’s high-ranking magic, but I wonder if I can handle it, too, if that bothers me. With that in mind, the prince slapped me on the shoulder.

“Don’t do it”

Lewis offers me his palm over here, only a little lit up with praise.

“Good day, Doni”


Together, we rejoiced in the success of the operation.

Thus, my first mission, which I visited unexpectedly, was accomplished. Well, anyway. Today, I’m really tired.


The day after I returned from the village of Colberry.

As I studied in my room for the vacation exam, Lee, the butler, came into my room in a terrible panic.

“D, Master Doni! Oh, it’s a customer. May I escort you to this room!

“I’m concentrating right now, so I need you to wait in the reception room.”

I answer without taking my gaze off my desk.

“No, I can’t keep you waiting.”

Who’s the one you can’t keep me waiting for? I can’t believe I’m royal.

“I’ll get in your way.”

I froze to the voice of Vik, who heard me there.

“Sorry you’re studying. I really need to talk to you about something.”

“Vik, I’m sorry. I’ll show you to the reception room.”

I get up in a hurry.

“No, it’s fine here. Keith and Lewis are waiting at the reception.”

“… a secret story? I can’t believe you saw the perfect prince as a teenager.”

I would tear up and answer, but I had a faint idea of what Vik was here to talk about. Vik gets to the point quickly so he doesn’t get caught up in my pace.

“I say straight to the point. I want you to serve as my sidekick.”

“… are you serious? This is me, right?

I try to flirt with an emotionless smile, but it’s probably pointless.

“I mean it…. it doesn’t have to be for me.”

I’m surprised there’s been an unexpected word.

“I wonder what that means”

“… it is true that I value Doni highly myself. I buy that speed of rotation of my head and the fact that I’m good at communicating. But what I value more than I do is Lewis.”

“Lewis? That’s not true!

Hard to believe in Russia. I used to be praised, but I’m only talking about my childhood.

“I grew up like Lewis and my sister and brother. Lewis is highly magical and capable. I think it will go a different way than any previous noble lady in the Paft country. … it is my duty to put her reassuring presence aside in order to reward her at all”

The moment I heard that. I don’t know, but I found myself spilling a natural grin. [M]

(… is this, like, 13 years old)

On the day I was first introduced to His Highness, Lewis said, ‘I will live in this kind of world’. I understood that as “just living as a sidekick,” and my heart became heavier when it seemed clear that I was always left with an escape route.

But it actually seemed different.

I guess Lewis is prepared to dedicate his life to this future king.

I’m sure he’s the only one in front of me who realizes he’s ready to get that far. I’m so glad Lewis’ master was him.

As soon as possible, her appearance, which she does not hate for any effort or sacrifice for her beliefs, seems dangerous…. My answer may have been decided a long time ago.

I stared straight into Veek’s emerald green eyes and took a breath.

“… there’s only one condition.”


“… I hope you never tell her the real reason I serve Vik”

“Naturally…. Keith is blunt, so don’t worry.”

Vik replied confidently as a prince.

Thus I was welcomed as the third side of Veek. [M]



I’m just finishing up with the materials for the day, and the door to the room is knocked. This beating, Lewis.


“Good morning. I’ll be picking up Claire from now on to the outhouse, so I’ll ask for Vik”

“Ok. You two have a date in the morning? Nice.”

“We’ll be canned in the office until noon.”

“… yeah…”

Lewis doesn’t doubt that somehow I can do the same thing as I normally do.

But my Royal School grades have always been at the top, and my sword skills have suddenly improved, because I didn’t like to show her the cheating self to be satisfied at the halfway point, and I worked desperately hard.

“I live in a world like this…. What about Doni?

She called me into the world she lived in, that word. It has now twitched like a body blow.

In retrospect of a mundane moment, so much so that I feel like I can live with that alone in so much sweetness. At the time, it is only truly regrettable that I did not realize what it really meant at all.

Standing next to you will surely not come true. But at least as a colleague, I want to be the one who supports her the most.

Today, too, begins a day of overcrowding that I’m sick of.

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