
Chapter 22


"Good morning Ery! Now wake up sleepyhead!" (F)


You just know how much you missed something when it was away and completely unexpected is suddenly back again.
My mother's waking call is obviously one of these things.


"Ery, everything okay? You are crying!" (F)

"It's nothing. I love you mum." (E)


Like this, I have a pleasant, normal awakening for once.
And supposedly didn't even need to lay eggs during my sleep.
At least I guess mum would have pointed that out.


Also for the first time, my nurses didn't stay in the room.
Which was a nice concession of them, to grant me this private time with mum.
Yet, it doesn't take long and they show up.


<My princess, it is time for your morning cleaning!> (S)

"What did she say?" (F)

"They are going to wash me!" (E)

"Seems that now you aren't getting around washing your face anymore." (F)




"Miss Farrah, regarding your request yesterday I brought a piece of soaked fabric and water if you wish to attend yourself." (K)


This is a true concession.
They are incredibly proud of their role and to leave a part of their work to mother means a lot.
Yet Kyska knows that my mother is very important to me and that it might be nice to let this cleaning for once be done by someone I'm familiar with.
Unfortunately, the green color tells me about the fabric's origin.
However, my mother isn't letting this chance slip and takes it.


"You don't need to do this mum." (E)

"I can wash my own daughter. There is no problem with this." (F)


She soaks the fabric and the first thing I notice is that the water is gruesome cold.
I realize that the bodily warmth of my nurse's sponges was a weird but welcome asset.
However, I can accustom to this much.
I am not too dirty and the problem area of my head is fine for now.
Also, the wings got wiped just yesterday.
Still, my mother tries.

It isn't really unpleasant, but I need to say that there is a difference in comparison when a professional like Kyska does it.
At least it didn't induce me like this to purr.


"I never would have thought that one day I had to wipe the wings of my daughter." (F)

"To be fair, show me one person who could even think about such a situation." (E)

"And? What do we do today?" (F)

"No real idea. As I've said, the rest of us should come down here. I think you can convince dad and the only problem might be Toris. I couldn’t completely see through if he was too scared yesterday. For the rest, I think you should help them to buy everything you think we might need after you could witness the conditions down here." (E)

"Might be good. There are some tools I have now in mind with what I could see. Some cooking utensils would be right." (F)

"I am sure Kyska would be glad if you could show her how to process meals." (E)


I take a glance at her.
The overcomplicated wording was in fact because I wasn't sure she even knows the meaning of "cooking".


"When it contributes to the wellbeing of my princess, I am deeply indebted." (K)


I roll with my eyes at my mother, being at a loss at this level of devotion.
However, due to the black color, which was apparently just taken as a given by her, I believe it should be difficult to even notice the motion.


"Where should we go to meet them?" (F)

"We had a good exit in a back alley close to the market. You could meet up and buy everything you think is important. The transport shouldn't be an issue later on. There are more than enough claws for this. Yet, I think I need to decline. Yesterday was a special case. I might be able to wait in the alley, but in broad daylight going to the market this... Is Kyska right now trembling at this prospect?!" (E)

"No princess! You can't! Alone the encounter yesterday! This would be far too dangerous! You won't leave without an escort! And considering the threats no less than five-hundred units!" (K)

"Calm down! I said I wouldn't roam around. And alone the idea to go like this on a stroll. And... five-hundred!? Even thirty would be too much! Maybe the negotiations will turn out well. Then I would like to have less than an invasion force with me!" (E)

"What kind of encounter?" (F)

"There were... robbers, in that alley. Wanting to kill us. It was... maybe a bad idea to threaten, insult and try to kill Liseti. I really tried, but they were set to attack and the escort doesn't like this." (E)

"I know you! And you don't need to blame yourself for such a thing! You are far too nice in such cases!" (F)

"Maybe, but it wasn't pretty. They had no real chance and to seal someone’s fate like this... It feels wrong." (E)

"I need to say Ery, you probably will have more of this in your position. And if it was as you said, there was nothing wrong with this. Some people you cannot save." (F)

"Still, it just seems so harsh." (E)

"Should I really be sad now that you were protected in a dangerous situation?" (F)


Hard to retort to that.


"However! Five-hundred are far too much! I want friendly relations and no army with me!" (E)

"That's maybe a point. Kyska, you should at least ease up a little bit. My daughter needs her freedom. Otherwise, she would suffer from having it taken away from her, so you should try to compromise here!" (F)

"I cannot allow for my princess to wander to such a hostile environment without any protection!" (K)

"Then maybe only a little? Five-hundred are really too many. Maybe less, but more effective ones? Or an environment that is unlikely to be dangerous. A little bit of risk is always there, but you need to give her space to grow." (F)


Why does this sound like something that someone says to a mother and not coming from my mother?


"But I need to ensure her safety!" (K)

"Then do this within the limits. Too much can be bad in itself." (F)

"I... will think about this." (K)


Finally, this weird cleaning session comes to an end and Suki brings some mushrooms and this nectar for breakfast.
Which I suppose is an unknown to them and they just call it "wake up meal" or something.
The mushrooms weren't a problem, but the nectar?


"Mum, this drink is dangerously sweet, be careful with that." (E)


Yet exactly that seems to trigger her and she gives it a try.


"Brrr! You are right! Who can drink such a thing?" (F)

"You know..." (E)


I take a deep sip.


"This is maybe part of this whole thing and I wouldn't want to think too deeply about this, but I can for some reason now drink quite a lot of this stuff without being grossed out." (E)

<This is just natural, my princess.> (S)


Didn't I say I don't want to know more?

Sigh! Whatever.


"Fine, what is it?" (E)

<The nectar contains a great concentration of nutrients. The sweet flavor shows that it's full of energy and you need it, as your production requires sustenance. The eggs need energy!> (S)

Okay, now I am grossed out!


"Ery, what was it?" (F)

"Things I didn't want to know. The keywords are "sweet, energy, and egg-production. I really would love to ingest things without thinking about this." (E)

<But isn't it fine my princess? That you have that appetite shows that you are healthy. It wouldn't work to force it down your throat, your production is linked to your wellbeing and like this, it is increasing when you're fine, which leads to your increased need for energy. This means that hunger shows that your production is very good!> (S)

"Please Suki, stop now!" (E)


She does and I, feeling a little downed, try not to pursue this any longer.
Well, at least I won't ever get fat.


"It's hard on you, huh?" (F)

"Quite so! There are things I really don't want to be confronted with. And I was so constantly the whole time." (E)

"Don't forget that I'm here for you. You can rely on me when it gets too much." (F)


Feeling a little bit lighter I end my meal and after this, we are heading out.
My mother has much to do, so we are going to let her meet up with the rest of my family.
Fortunately, Kyska memorized the way in that complicated system.
I send mum off at the exit I initially used.

Having nothing else to do I decide to wait here a bit, as I've told my mother in the case that something comes up.
The sunlight is nice and I missed the blue sky.
Kyska is a little unsettled, but I can convince her that this close to the entrance with all the workers and nowadays even some guardians nothing can happen to me.
In addition, the wings are covered with a sheet.

However, after a while, something unordinary happens.
My whole family comes in the alley!


"What are you doing here?" (E)


I am rather startled, haven't the slightest bit expected them.


"Toris wanted badly to see you again. He missed his sister." (R)

"Ieehk?" (E)

"And as we have to run some errands and you apparently have nothing to do, you could at least do some parenting for us." (F)

"Iiiiieeeehhhk?" (E)


My brother comes running at me and hugs all he can get a grip of, with his small frame.
My parents don't add much more and I'm at a loss about what to do now.
So they leave and I remain with my brother here.


"Ehk, hello Toris!" (E)

"Sister!!!" (T)


Still at a loss.
It is nice that he apparently has no reservations against me.
So I play a little with him, as limited as my possibilities are in that alley.
It's fun and I feel like I've got something back I had lost.
Yet, a short time later Skiras, the messenger I've got from Liseti, approaches me.


"Princess Liseti asks for you, my princess!" (Sk)


It seems I've got summoned.
This puts me in a difficult situation.

I certainly cannot just ignore her.
She is my ally and incredibly powerful.
It would be plain stupid to anger her like this.
However on the other hand my brother is here and I cannot leave him in this back alley.
The only way I see is to take him with me.
But will he be able to endure this?

"Toris. I need to go back in. Can you accompany me? Are you brave enough?" (E)


This approach was maybe a bit unfair, as it, in general, brings a child to do as you said, by targeting his pride.
Nonetheless, I really don't want to leave him alone.
He nods and I can go with him to the hole below.

For reasons of concealment it was covered with earth, but in a moment opens up by an emerging worker.
To my relief, Toris is not panicking.
He has seen one yesterday.
Also, I have the odd feeling that he is fascinated by them.
He was one of those kids who would play with insects and gather them around the house.
Much to the disdain of my mother, and mine.
I always stay close to him, to make sure he isn't going to feel lost with these monsters.


"Toris? Is it alright? They aren't dangerous, but I understand if you are scared." (E)


At least I should be alert of this.


"No! Don't think so! They are friendly, or?" (T)

"You could say that. To me at least. And to you like this too. I promise that nothing can happen to you." (E)


Following an idea I turn to the next workers I find following around.


<Scric, screeak!/Got it? He must stay safe!> (E)


This is something I can do.
I wouldn't know of any danger he might face here, but if I'm in the position to let him be protected, then why not?
They immediately shift somehow in their behavior.
It's hard to notice, but their focus is now fixed around Toris.
I am rather sure they would now throw their bodies between him and absolutely everything that might come.


"What was that?" (T)


Well, I forgot how I sound while doing this.


"Ehk, I've just told them to protect you." (E)

"This sounds strange." (T)

"Can't do much about this! That is just how they talk. They wouldn't understand otherwise." (E)

"Thiiees was youur fiiirsst oordeer eeveeer, riieeeght?" (S)

"W-well, it was important to me. Is that okay?" (E)

"Naturally, my princess! You can decide how those you are in charge of will be used. Yet this was a rather primary order. You shouldn't forget to assign them new when you think they are done or they won't perform the necessary actions to sustain themselves!" (K)


Urrgh, that it has to directly end up like this.
I absolutely need to remember.
Or better...


"<Screee, crek!/This order stands until he is safely back with my parents.> (E)


With this condition set, I think I don't need to pay too close attention.


"You sound really strange." (T)

"As I said, there is nothing to do about this! And Suki, can you stay here if my parents come back? I wouldn't want to scare them more than I already do." (E)

"Suure myee PriEencEss!" (S)


Having not much more to say I let Skiras guide me to our destination.


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