
Chapter 29




Yesterday I had my mother teach me over and over again how to write my name.
I have a decent reading ability but I never had to sign anything.
And something tells me that I will have to.
Probably the super important document that might determine the fate of two species.

I have no idea how my name would be written in Formicea with all these clicks and screeches.
So I guess I fare with human language.
That was no one can take offense.
However, this is exactly the reason why I have now to speak to Liseti before we are going there.

Kyska is naturally accompanying me while I left Suki in charge of the courtyard and especially my family.
A huge token of trust.
So I move to Liseti's courtyard where already a small army assembled.
I am kinda glad that I could convince her to at least keep the main force under the earth last time.
This would have made the situation much more uncomfortable than it already was.
Or escalating everything and leading to bloodshed and death.
I vividly remember my first experience when terrified soldiers got mutilated for their response.

And now I have to talk to Liseti.
It's totally weird for me to interact with such a being who could cause this.
But there's not much of a choice, so I move in.


<Skreo, skriek, creak!/Erys!? You are early. I appreciate this.> (L)

<I had something to discuss first.> (E)

<What is it?> (L)

<Do you remember what I said yesterday about this document?> (E)

<Naturally!> (L)

<It is... When he puts his name on this paper, we are ought to do the same. If we don't do this he could say that we haven't contributed anything. Like this, it wouldn't be binding as it's lacking the other party. So we would need to sign the document as well. Ehk, I trained to write the symbols for my name in human language. But do you think you can manage?> (E)

<Write my name in human symbols? No. How would I without knowing them in the first place?> (L)

<I thought so.> (E)


I stand a little dejected, as that could turn into a problem. 
Hopefully not a big one.


<What I have is my symbol!> (L)

<Symbol?> (E)

<Oh no! Even this? Did you teach her anything at all!> (L)


She shouts quite harshly in Kyska's direction.


<I'm sorry, but my princess was constantly very invested.> (K)

<Criec!/It might be no life-threatening matter. Nonetheless, it shows negligence.> (L)

<What is wrong?> (E)

<Fine. Then I'll teach you! I, as a princess, have a symbol that represents me. In general, it is tied to my pheromones. Like this, it would be used for the transcriptions in the chamber of knowledge or, more practically, given to all the hives along with the scent to inform them about my existence.> (L)

<So it is something like a name?> (E)

<It would actually be difficult to find an exact pronunciation in human words with it. What you still don't seem to realize is that our communication isn't based on vocal transmission but instead a conveying of thoughts solidified with pheromones into a concrete impression. But in some way you are right. The symbol of a princess is unique. It must be! And so is mine to represent my very being.> (L)


While speaking she started to draw with her leg claws on the ground.
Into existence comes some kind of double-trident each up and down, crossed in the middle with a line that as a circle on each end.


<And this is me.> (L)

<And what is so bad about this that you got angry?> (E)

<What is your symbol?> (L)


I stand stunned, not able to respond.


<See? You don't even know your own representation. Your proof of existence.> (L)

<A-And now?> (E)

<Fortunately, I know it. It is common to memorize the pattern when interacting with a princess. Yet someone forgot to tell you!> (L)

<Please forgive Kyska. I was really in no state to learn something like this before.> (E)

<Then do it now.> (L)


She starts to draw and at the beginning, I would even say it roughly depicts a human in the crudest form.
The pose looks like a saint would hold her hands open.
But then she adds circles and lines which I would interpret as insect features.
First wings, then mandibles at the mouth, and at last the dreaded tail.


<This is you. Rather foreign I would say.> (L)

<Who did come up with this? I obviously had no word in the design! Why does it look like a person?> (E)

<It is based on the first impression your pheromones created. Those you unconsciously emitted when you came into existence. It's on the scholars to produce an image according to what feels right.> (L)

<I came into existence when I was born and no insects from the swarm were attending. I'm sure of this.> (E)

<In your case naturally not when you broke out of your egg but when your transformation was setting in. You started to leak pheromones back then.> (L)


My hair was totally greasy at that time.
Well, it still is, but with Kyska's and Suki's attendance got far better.

This was it?
I made something like a scent imprint for everyone to know at that time?


<I... think you are right.> (E)

<Naturally I am! And coming back to your original question, it should pose no problem to use our symbols to represent us on this document. Yet you can add your human name, then there is no chance for misinterpretation. Or fraud.> (L)


The last part makes me cringe.
The way she said it carried so much hostility.

Please, humans.
Don't let me down!


Soon we leave again for the surface.
It is the same place as yesterday since it would have been a waste to prepare a completely new meeting place.
To my surprise, they changed the chairs for such without backrest.

But being utterly scared might be more the motivation.
I see again the lord and this time try to wear a smile instead of being the nervous wreck from last time.
Doing things twice helps greatly with one's confidence.
I sit down while Liseti places herself cross-legged there.


"Good day, lord Jorad, was that right? I hope you were not too troubled. (E)

"Jorad is fine. I lined up the document and detailed the points we agreed upon. You can look into it to check if you're satisfied with the terms. Ehm, can you read it? I can read it aloud if you want then." (J)

"I can read but Liseti had naturally no real contact with any human writings until now. The acquisition of books would be one of my interests for that reason." (E)

"Then please, take a look." (J)


He hands me the fairly large piece of paper which borders on being stupidly cumbersome.
How did he even write those fine letters on it when I cannot even hold it normally.
For Liseti I read out loud.


"Both parties agree to enable access to their territory without taking offense or hinder the other while ensuring their safety to their best ability! This sounds fine right?" (E)

"IeeEt ieez a lieeettlE biEeet too undeefined foor meE!" (L)


This time lord Jorad seems to endure Liseti's voice much better.
That's quite a feat considering it is.
Hey, are those... earplugs?


"Ehm, the limitations come next." (J)

I continue.


"Yet the parties can restrict the access in regard to crucial key points, ability of surveillance, and general consideration! What does that last point mean? That could be extended to almost everything." (E)


"You see, for example, those big creatures behind you. I would need to restrict them to specifically designated places. Like only a part of the market at the beginning. To let them roam everywhere in the town would maybe cause a panic. At least I would be unable to guarantee their safety. The same for others, as I would need to prepare escorts in these cases in advance. When things settle down I can expand the area and such. But for now, I wouldn't know how to keep my part otherwise." (J)


I can understand.
People are no drones and act according to their own volition.
This problem isn't existing in the swarm.
Liseti has already seen humans acting rogue.


"Liseti, is that alright with you?" (E)

"IeeE wouuuldn't seEee whyEe not. IeEf heE promiEesEss to keEep hieez part." (L)


That was a not-too-hidden threat about what happens otherwise, but now I need to stay focused.
Even if I contemplate why I can endure that voice like this.
Just inurement or again the transformation?


"It seems we are fine with this. Then I will read further: The parties agree to allow trade within their realms free of charge!" (E)

"ChaArgE?" (L)

"That means he wouldn't charge them." (E.)

"ChaArge?" (L)


Oh damn, they don't have this concept.


"Now... in human realms, everyone who lives in them pays in money or natural products to the leaders. They shall use it to keep everything going. Like maintaining the army, the streets, buildings, buying necessities, and using a part of them for themselves. Usually, someone who wants to trade is paying money for his wares when he enters the realm in accordance to their value or gives a part of it." (E)


We had quite often to separate from a part of our harvest for that reason.


"Iee seEee!" (L)


No idea what is going on in her head but I really don't need a discussion about taxes right now.


"I guess this is good then. We would on that matter allow that people come to the hive for trading. Yet we need to say in that regard that only the leaders there, especially us, are able to buy something. There are no individual merchants." (E)

"I don't think there is a merchant who would be stopped by something like this if there is a chance for profit." (J)

"Alright, then the next one: The party of "the swarm" is transferring control of all the tunnels below the town of Osari!" (E)

"NO-eeehhk!!!" (L)

"Liseti?" (E)


This sounds really bad to me.


"I'm sorry, but I need to secure these places. Alone how the people would react if they knew that you can enter any place at any time. Didn't you say we could have controls at the key points?" (J)

"ThEEee keEEypoieentz! DirEectlyEee beElow theE town! Not moore! TheEe tunnEels are too vaAst. Aeeend thieez ieez our rEeAlm. Ouuur TErrieettoryEee!" (L)


He looks dejected and maybe a bit scared.
I would want to deescalate the situation.


"Liseti. Can't we give him something? To make it easier to get along?" (E)

"Shaeereed controol of thEe keypoints. For thieez weee aellow exploraetion aend liemiEted aeccEss to structurEs!" (L)


So for the possibility to control who comes and goes on our side, she allows them to see what is beneath their border.
I am not too sure if this knowledge would really ease them.
Especially concerning a certain military base.


"Is this alright?" (E)

"It must suffice I guess. Let me just change the passage." (J)


He cancels this part and writes it again in accordance with Liseti's demands.


"It's fine now, Liseti." (E)

"Goood!" (L)

"If it's like this it might be good to establish a shared office in the underground to survey the traffic. It would help to build trust." (J)

"AgrEeed!" (L)

"Then now the last part! Princess Erys agrees... to come for a... public attendance... into the town of Osari! And will in the future act as an ambassador on behalf of the swarm for any human diplomatic events!!! The heck!!?" (E)

"We have our reasons for this." (J)

"This won't be possible. My princess has to fulfill her role in the swarm and it is not to be allowed having her close to any even just potential threats." (K)

"Kyska is very protective in this regard, but I don't understand myself. Why me?" (E)

"Because we need a face for this agreement that isn't inspiring nightmares. No offense. But if I can tell my people that the monsters, pardon, work for a nice and innocent looking girl this will make many things easier on my side." (J)


I understand.
And maybe that would actually save lives, but how to make it happen?


"It's impossible that I go anywhere without an insect escort. They are very strict about this." (E)

"I can grant this, as long people see your face and feel soothed." (J)

"But this permanent ambassador thing is not possible. I need to be often and regularly in their territory." (E)

"We are only talking about singular events, where you only need to be for a few hours and it is up to you to decide where to attend in the specific!" (J)

"I don't know." (E)

"Princess! You can't seriously consider this. This is by far too dangerous. Only thinking of you surrounded by humans!!!" (K)


Kyska is apparently getting a panic attack.


<Creeak!/Enough, drone! You're overstepping your boundaries!> (L)


At this, she promptly becomes intimidated.
I would at least want to soothe her somehow.


"I am taking an escort with me. Isn't that fine? Just less than a thousand, alright?" (E)

"This isn't nearly enough." (K)

"Liseti, do you think I would be safe with an escort prepared by you? You know more about their abilities." (E)

"Iee wouuld bEelieEve your inteeercEptorz aree eEnough to sEecuureE an eEscaepEe. Ieef guardieEAnz are preesEnt as wEll thieez mieeght suffieze!" (L)

"I would then." (E)

"Princess!" (K)

"Kyska, this is really important for me! So please allow this. Then we can think about the best way!" (E)

"... Fine. I cannot go against your wishes, my princess!" (K)

"Good. I will agree then. We subscribe." (E)


Jorad is the first to put his signature on this document.
Liseti looks for a moment on the feather and ink but then instead raises her claw.
She slices a wound in one of the claw's fingers by using another without even twitching and pictures her symbol on the paper.
Jorad is a bit taken aback but manages to maintain a composed expression.
That does not apply to his men who are in the dozens averting their eyes.

Now it's my turn and as I have no intention to bleed green I grab the feather.
My writing signature, I've trained so hard, is due to my nervously shaking hand rather bad.
When I'm done I make next to it this symbol I just learned about and tried my hardest to memorize.
This must suffice, as I'm simply not able to do any more than this.


"So we are done then?" (E)

"I would like to schedule our next meeting tomorrow in front of the west gate and furthermore would after this wish to get informed about the tunnels under my town." (J)


At the last part, he is understandably a little bitter, since...
Well, we built there some kind of invasion gateways.

That might upset some people.


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